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*With some FY2008 Comparisons 1.  FY09 data comes from October 1, 2008 to September 30, 2009.  FY08 data comes from October 1, 2007 to September 30,

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Presentation on theme: "*With some FY2008 Comparisons 1.  FY09 data comes from October 1, 2008 to September 30, 2009.  FY08 data comes from October 1, 2007 to September 30,"— Presentation transcript:

1 *With some FY2008 Comparisons 1

2  FY09 data comes from October 1, 2008 to September 30, 2009.  FY08 data comes from October 1, 2007 to September 30, 2008.  Source is Annual Progress Reports.  The data reported is only as accurate as the data provided. 2

3 Federal Accountability Report to Congress Guide Policy Decisions Develop and Implement Program Improvement Initiatives 3

4 FY 2008 ◦ State AT Program data ◦ 56 grantees reporting  50 states, DC & PR, 4 territories (1 st year of data) FY 2009 ◦ State AT Program data  56 State AT Programs (2 nd year of data) ◦ AFP data  33 AFPs (1 st year of data)  Relationship to State Financing in State AT  24 overlap, 9 AFP only  Some data elements same, some different 4

5  37 States reported SFA (some have more than one) ◦ 31 reported financial loan programs  24 supported with Section 4 and initial AFP grant  7 supported only with Section 4 dollars ◦ 20 reported other SFA that provide AT acquisition ◦ 6 reported other SFA that provide cost savings for AT  10 claimed comparability  9 claimed flexibility 5

6 850 financial loans were made for $8,733,346. 861 devices were purchased. Mean Income Approved Applicants - $42,260 *(39,183) 41% to applicants with incomes of $35,001 or greater 28% to applicants with incomes of $35,000 to $15,001 31% loans made to applicants with incomes of $15,000 or less Mean Interest Rate of Loans Made – 3.99% *(4.99%) Range of 0% to 9.49% 3.67% of active loans (88) went into default Net dollar loss – 2.97% ($625,000) 6

7 Major Types of AT Purchased Vehicle modification & transportation 79% of all loan dollars, 45% devices average loan amount - $17, 527 Hearing devices (hearing aids) 10% of all loan dollars, 30% of devices average loan amount - $3,269 Total mean loan amount per device - $10,143 7

8 1468 financial loans were made for $15,673,953. 1500 devices were purchased. Interest Rates Highest – 9.94% (range 9.94% to 1.25%, mean 5.28%) Lowest – 0% (range 0% to 6.5%, mean 3.48%) Loan Size 12% - $1000 or less16% - $5001 thru $10,000 36% - $1001 thru$5,00036% - $10,001 or more 4.13% of active loans went into default (154) Net dollar loss – 2.87% ($827,490) 8

9 Major Types of AT Purchased Vehicle modification & transportation 80% of all loan dollars, 51% devices average loan amount - $16,405 Hearing devices (hearing aids) 7% of all loan dollars, 23% of devices average loan amount - $3,362 Total mean loan amount per device - $10,449 9

10 Gender: 54% Male 45% Female Age: 13% - Birth through 29 43% - 30 through 59 (even distribution) 44% - 60 & over (24% for 60-69 cohort) Most Common Disability: (report all that apply): Mobility – 41% (52% using unduplicated N) Hearing – 29% (38% using unduplicated N) Aligns with type of AT data 10

11 FY2009 *(AFP) Revolving 27% of Loans *(31%) 12% of Dollars *(14%) Partnership 73% of Loans *(69%) 88% of Dollars *(86%) 32% Low interest *(21%) 41% Preferred interest *(48%) 48% Guarantee only *(35%) 15% Interest buy-down only *(17%) 8% Both *(15%) 2% Neither *(2%) FY2008 Revolving 21% of Loans 8% of Dollars Partnership 79% of Loans 92% of Dollars 62% Low interest 17% Preferred interest 46% Guarantee only 15% Interest buy-down only 16% Both 3% Neither 11

12  Direct Acquisition of AT ◦ 25 programs (20 states) ◦ 2086 recipients acquired AT ◦ 2838 devices acquired with $2,783,805 value ◦ $981 value average per device  Reduced Cost AT Acquisition ◦ 7 programs (6 states) ◦ 933 recipients benefited from reduced cost ◦ 5273 devices acquired for $270,943 cost savings ◦ $51 savings average per device 12

13  All 56 states reported reutilization data ◦ 36 states reported exchange data *(43) ◦ 44 states reported recycle/repair/refurbish data *(40) ◦ 31 states reported open-ended loan data *(28)  27,004 recipients acquired 34,702 devices  $17,229,179 in savings realized  Distribution among program types ◦ Exchange – 5% recipients, 4% devices, 21% savings ◦ R/R/R – 83% recipients, 78% devices, 71% savings ◦ Open Loan – 12% recipients, 18% devices, 8% savings 13

14  1271 device recipients  1450 devices acquired  $3,559,476 in cost saving realized  Majority of devices/savings ◦ 43% mobility devices – 31% savings ◦ 21% daily living devices – 6% savings ◦ 8% vehicle devices – 53% savings 14

15  22,500 device recipients  26,936 devices acquired  $12,236,872 in cost saving realized  Majority of devices/savings ◦ 55% mobility devices – 73% savings ◦ 29% daily living devices – 15% savings 15

16  3233 device recipients  6,316 devices acquired  $1,432,831 in cost saving realized  Majority of devices/savings ◦ 76% mobility devices – 62% savings ◦ 4% speech devices – 15% savings ◦ 9% daily living devices – 5% savings 16

17 17  Percentage of states meeting their performance measure targets in the domains of: ◦ Education: 75% *(68%) ◦ Employment: 61% *(66%) ◦ Community living: 73% *(89%)

18  54 States reporting device loan data  37,833 device loans  Majority to ◦ 38% Individuals with disabilities ◦ 17% Family members ◦ 22% Education representatives ◦ 15% Health, allied health, rehab reps  Majority for the purpose of ◦ 66% decision-making ◦ 24% short-term accommodation 18

19  51,415 devices loaned  Majority of device types loaned: ◦ 24% learning and cognition ◦ 20% speech communication ◦ 11% computers/related ◦ 9% to 6% - vision, hearing, mobility, daily living, environmental, recreation  Loan days: 35 mean *(42), 30 median/mode 19

20  55 States reported demonstration data  32,868 demonstrations conducted ◦ 18% Hearing ◦ 17% Computers/related ◦ 14% Speech ◦ 13% each Vision & Daily Living ◦ 10% Learning ◦ 8% Mobility ◦ 3% to 1% Recreation, Environmental & Vehicle 20

21  46,420 demonstration participants ◦ 42% Individuals with disabilities ◦ 23% Family members ◦ 12% Education representatives ◦ 10% Health, allied, rehab reps ◦ 7% Community Living  1.41 participants per demo aggregate ◦ State High – Mean of 5.52 (over 5 person per demo) ◦ State Low – Mean of 1.0 (one person per demo) 21

22  22,919 referrals were provided ◦ 41% to a vendor ◦ 34% to a funding source ◦ 22% to a service provider  70% referral/demonstration ratio ◦ State High - 320% (over 3 referrals per demo) ◦ State Low - 0% (no referrals) ◦ State Average – 89% (a little less than 1 referral per demo) 22

23  Percentage of states meeting their performance measure targets in the domains of: ◦ Education: 73% *(84%) ◦ Employment: 71% *(80%) ◦ Community living: 71% *(86%) ◦ IT/Telecomm: 68% *(70%) 23

24 State Financing Activities (71% response rate) 77% - Highly Satisfied; 20% - Satisfied; 2% - Satisfied Somewhat; 1% - Not at all Satisfied Reutilization Activities (80% response rate) 85% - Highly Satisfied; 14% - Satisfied; 1% - Satisfied Somewhat Device Loan (70% response rate) 81% - Highly Satisfied; 15% - Satisfied; 3% - Satisfied Somewhat; 1% - Not at all Satisfied Device Demonstration (64% response rate) 75% - Highly Satisfied; 23% - Satisfied; 2% - Satisfied Somewhat 24

25 Training Participants – 62,344 33% - Representatives of Education 22% - Individuals with Disabilities 11% - Rep of Health, Allied Health, Rehab – 10% - Representatives of Community Living – 8% - Family Members 6% - Representatives of Employment Geographic Distribution 68% - Metropolitan 23% - Non-Metropolitan 9% - Unknown 25

26 Participants by Training Topic 47% - AT Products/Services 7% - AT Funding/Policy 7% - IT/Telecommunications Access 13% - Transition and AT 25% - Combination Policy TA Topics (46 State - 104 activities) Most common (19% or more) --- ADA/504; IDEA; WIA/Rehab Act/VR; Section 508 and 255; Medicaid Program TA Topics (53 State – 131 activities) Most common (30% or more) --- AT purchasing; personnel development; service delivery options; Specific device TA 26

27 Person Hours 98 Hours per Activity - Mean 49 Hours per Activity – Median Range – 2 to 1430 Hours (eliminated 9,000 outlier) Agency Distribution 32% - Education (101 mean person hours) 25% - Community Living ( 100 mean person hours) 19% - Health, Allied Health, Rehab (79 hours) 14% - Employment (74 mean person hours) 11% - IT/Telecom/AT (148 mean person hours) 27

28 218,955 individuals received I&A *(252,647) 35% Individuals with disabilities 20% Family members 13% Representatives of education 13% Representatives of community living 11% Rep of health, allied health and rehabilitation 4% Representatives of employment 65% received I&A on AT devices or services 20% received I&A on AT funding 15% received I&A on related disability topics *(24%) 28

29 18,202,731 individuals (estimated) reached 63% public service announcements (radio/TV) 19% internet based information 9% general print materials 3% newsletters 2% listservs 2% exhibits and similar 2% other 29

30 36 States reported $10,666,854 for data reported Device Loan - 24%Training – 11% State Financing – 21%Device Demo – 9% Reutilization – 16%Technical Assistance – 8% Public Awareness, I&A – 11% State Average - $296,302 (Range $1,288,039 - $2,180) Source of leveraged funding 45% State/Public Funding (Special Ed, VR, Health) 37% State Appropriations (direct to State AT Program) 13% Federal Grants (direct to State AT Program) 5% Private 30

31 2008 Fast Facts (State AT Data) 2009 Fast Facts (State AT Data) 2008/2009 Comparison Fast Facts (State AT Data) 2009 Alternative Financing Program Fast Facts Template Documents State AT Program - State/National Comparison AFP – State/National Comparison 31

32 Diane Cordry Golden, Ph.D. Project Consultant National Information System for Assistive Technology 816.616.7668 NISAT is a project of the Association of Assistive Technology Act Programs (ATAP) NISAT is a project of the Association of Assistive Technology Act Programs (ATAP) 32

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