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Outline Screening basics Evaluation of screening programs
Where are we going today?
Definition of screening? Whether it is always beneficial? Types of bias in screening? Principles for the development of screening. The test: Validity, LR, Multiple testing, ROC curve, Kappa The disease; Evaluation of a screening program
Where are we? Definition of screening?
Whether it is always beneficial? Types of bias in screening? Principles for the development of screening. The test: Validity, LR, Multiple testing, ROC curve, Kappa The disease; Evaluation of a screening program
Screening Basics What does “screening” mean?
What do we screen for (objective)? What makes a disease an appropriate target for screening? What makes a test a good screening test?
Levels of Prevention (Mausner and Kramer 1985)
Primary Prevention - Prevention of the occurrence of disease (reduce incidence of disease) Secondary Prevention - Early detection and prompt treatment of disease for cure, to slow progression, to prevent complications, or to limit disability (reduce prevalence of disease) Tertiary Prevention - Limitation of disability and rehabilitation where disease has already occurred and left residual damage
Natural History of Disease
Pre-clinical Phase The Pre-Clinical Phase (PCP) is
the period between when early detection by screening is possible and when the clinical diagnosis would usually be made. Pathology begins Disease detectable Normal Clinical Presentation Pre-Clinical Phase
Objective and Definition
Objective: to reduce mortality and/or morbidity by early detection and treatment. Definition: Asymptomatic individuals are classified as either unlikely or possibly having disease.
Trisha Greenhalgh, BMJ 1997;315:540-543 (30 August)
Where are we? Definition of screening?
Whether it is always beneficial? Types of bias in screening? Principles for the development of screening. The test: Validity, LR, Multiple testing, ROC curve, Kappa The disease; Evaluation of a screening program
Principles for the development of screening;
The condition screened for is an important cause of morbidity, disability, or mortality. The natural history of the disease is sufficiently well known. The test must have high levels performance. The test must be acceptable to the target population and their health care providers, and appropriate follow-up of positive findings must be ensured. Sam Shapiro in Epidemiology and Health Services
Consequence of a screening test:
Beneficence Non-beneficence Do harm; Clofibrate in US Labeling effect; Social psychology
Biases in assessing efficacy of screening
Two major biases affect these data: lead time bias length bias
Where are we? Definition of screening?
Whether it is always beneficial? Types of bias in screening? Principles for the development of screening. The test: Validity, LR, Multiple testing, ROC curve, Kappa The disease; Evaluation of a screening program
Lead Time Lead time = amount of time by which diagnosis is advanced
or made earlier Pathology begins Disease detectable Normal Clinical Presentation Lead Time Screen
Lead time bias We think early detection has increased survival
in fact all it has done is increase the time the patient is aware of his disease! treatment could even hasten death and it might appear survival is longer post diagnosis!! Cannot just look at survival time post diagnosis.
Lead-time Bias
Length bias Survival due to screening and treatment may be over rated because screening will tend to discover more slow-growing disease.
Length-time Bias
Suppose there are two subtypes of the disease:
Type 1: fast progression Biologic onset Usual time of diagno-sis Severe clinical illness (eg metasta-ses) Death from the disease First detect-able by screen-ing test Type 2: slow progression Biologic onset Usual time of diagnosis Severe clinical illness (eg metastases) Death from the disease First detectable by screening test
Length of time in pre-clinical phase longer in Type 2 than in Type 1
Biologic onset Usual time of diagno-sis Severe clinical illness (eg metasta-ses) Death from the disease First detect-able by screen-ing test Type 2 Biologic onset Usual time of diagnosis Severe clinical illness (eg metastases) Death from the disease First detectable by screening test
Periodic screening will tend to detect more of Type 2, as these have longer “exposure” in the critical interval for screening. Type 1 Biologic onset Usual time of diagno-sis Severe clinical illness (eg metasta-ses) Death from the disease First detect-able by screen-ing test Type 2 Biologic onset Usual time of diagnosis Severe clinical illness (eg metastases) Death from the disease First detectable by screening test
But look!! Type 2 individuals have a longer survival time from time of diagnosis than do Type 1.
Biologic onset Usual time of diagno-sis Severe clinical illness (eg metasta-ses) Death from the disease First detect-able by screen-ing test Type 2 Biologic onset Usual time of diagnosis Severe clinical illness (eg metastases) Death from the disease First detectable by screening test
Length bias Without screening, suppose type 1 and type 2 were equal fractions of the population average survival time is 50:50 mixture of the short and long survival times. With screening, the screen-detected population has a higher fraction of type 2 (slow) individuals mix will be proportional to ratio of the two intervals suppose it is 70:30 in favor of long interval average survival time will be longer in screen detected individuals!
Length bias Even if the treatment tended to be harmful and shorten life, because more longer interval individuals tend to be detected by screening, the screening program will appear to be effective!!
Where are we? Definition of screening?
Whether it is always beneficial? Types of bias in screening? Principles for the development of screening. The test: Validity, LR, Multiple testing, ROC curve, Kappa The disease; Evaluation of a screening program
Principles for the development of screening;
The test must have high levels performance. The condition screened for is an important cause of morbidity, disability, or mortality. The natural history of the disease is sufficiently well known. The test must be acceptable to the target population and their health care providers, and appropriate follow-up of positive findings must be ensured. Sam Shapiro in Epidemiology and Health Services
Characteristics of Test
Safety Cost Acceptability Validity Reliability
Characteristics of Test
Validity of test is shown by how well the test actually measures what it is supposed to measure. Validity is determined by the sensitivity and specificity of the test. Reliability is based on how well the test does in use over time - in its repeatability.
Characteristics of Test: Validity
Sensitivity is the ability of a screening procedure to correctly identify those who have the disease-- the proportion of persons with the disease who have a positive test result Specificity is the ability of a screening procedure to correctly identify the percentage of those who do not have the disease--the proportion of persons without the disease who have a negative test result
Sensitivity and Specificity
Disease Present Absent True positive A False positive B False negative C True negative D Positive Test Result Negative Sensitivity = A / (A+C) Specificity = D / (B+D)
Sensitivity and Specificity of Breast Cancer Screening Examination
Present Absent True positive A = 132 False positive B = 983 False negative C = 45 True negative D = 63650 Positive Screening Test Negative Sensitivity=132/(132+45)=74.6% Specificity=63650/( )=98.5%
Predictive Values Predictive Value Positive – Probability that a person actually has the disease given a positive screening test Predictive Value Negative – Probability that a person is actually disease-free given a negative screening test
Predictive Values Disease Test Result Present Absent True positive A
False positive B False negative C True negative D Positive Test Result Negative Sensitivity = A / (A+C) Specificity = D / (B+D) PPV = A / (A+B) NPV = D / (C+D)
Predictive Values of Breast Cancer Screening Examination
Present Absent True positive A = 132 False positive B = 983 False negative C = 45 True negative D = 63650 Positive Screening Test Negative Sensitivity=132/(132+45)=74.6% Specificity=63650/( )=98.5% PPV=132/( )=11.8% NPV=63650/( )=99.9%
Prevalence PV+ (%) Sensitivity Specificity
Effect of Prevalence on Predictive Value Positive with Constant Sensitivity and Specificity Prevalence PV+ (%) Sensitivity Specificity (%) (%) (%)
Test-treatment threshold
Do not test Get on the treatment Test and treat, based on the basis of the result Do not test Do not treat Pretest Probability of disease
Bayesian Approach (probabilities)
Prior idea of effect Study Results: effect size Final Conclusion: Study + prior effect Pretest Probability of disease Test Result Posttest Probability of disease
Clinical Reasoning (probabilities)
Sensitive test Specific test Before mammogram After mammogram After FNA 0.3 13 64 Probability of Breast Ca (%)
Likelihood ratio of a positive test
How much more likely is a positive test to be found in a person with the condition than in a person without it? sensitivity/ (l-specificity)
Likelihood Ratios Se= a a + c Sp= d b + d LR+=1 = no value
Disease Present Absent Test Positive a b Negative c d Se= a a + c Sp= d b + d LR+=1 = no value LR+ = [a/a+c] [b/b+d] probability of + test in non-diseased = probability of + test in diseased
Likelihood Ratios Se= a a + c Sp= d b + d LR+>1 = valuable
Disease Present Absent Test Positive a b Negative c d Se= a a + c Sp= d b + d LR+>1 = valuable LR+=1 = no value LR+ = [a/a+c] [b/b+d] probability of + test in non-diseased = probability of + test in diseased
Bayesian Approach Prior idea of effect Study Results: effect size
Final Conclusion: Study + prior effect Pretest Probability of disease Test Result Posttest Probability of disease Pretest Prob. of disease Posttest Prob. of disease X LR+ =
Where are we? Definition of screening?
Whether it is always beneficial? Types of bias in screening? Principles for the development of screening. The test: Validity, LR, Multiple testing, ROC curve, Kappa The disease; Evaluation of a screening program
Influence of prevalence on predictive values
Multiple testing Serial (Sequential) Simultaneous (Parallel)
Multiple Tests Sequential
First perform diagnostic screen with less expensive/intrusive test If positive, use more accurate test First test should be sensitive, but specificity less important – why? Procedure makes false positives less problematic – more specific – why?
Sequential Screening Example
Text example - Diabetes 1st stage screening, blood sugar Easy, quick, inexpensive, non-intrusive 2nd stage screening, glucose tolerance Greater time investment, more expensive Disease prevalence = 5% Sample size = 10,000
1st Stage Screening Present Absent Positive True (+) 350 False (+)
Diabetes Present Absent Blood Sugar Positive True (+) 350 False (+) 1900 Negative False (-) 150 True (-) 7600
Results Sensitivity = True positives/all with disease = 350/(350+150)
=70.0% Specificity = True negatives/all without disease =7600/( ) =80.0%
Next Step Total with diabetes = 500 Total without diabetes = 9500
All those with positive tests are brought back for second stage screening i.e., true positives plus false positives = 2250 people brought back for second stage screening
Again, 1st Stage Screening
Diabetes Present N=500 Absent N=9500 Blood Sugar Positive N=2250 True (+) 350 False (+) 1900 Negative N=7750 False (-) 150 True (-) 7600
2nd Stage Screening Present N=350 Absent N=1900 Positive N=505
Diabetes Present N=350 Absent N=1900 Glucose Tolerance Positive N=505 True (+) 315 False (+) 190 Negative N=1745 False (-) 35 True (-) 1710
Results Net Sensitivity = Number correctly identified as diabetic (2nd screening)/total with diabetes = 315/500 =63% *Note decrease in sensitivity Net Specificity = Number correctly identified as not diabetic (1st screening + 2nd screening)/all without diabetes =( )/9500 =98% *Note increase in specificity
Simultaneous Testing Multiple tests for one disease administered at same time “positive” test result – positive result any of the tests “negative” test result – negative results on all tests Sensitivity? Specificity?
ROC Curves (PD- x CFP) / PD- x CFN)
Posterior probability
Comparing two tests Posterior probability Prior probability
Spectrum of severity
Where are we? Definition of screening?
Whether it is always beneficial? Types of bias in screening? Principles for the development of screening. The test: Validity, LR, Multiple testing, ROC curve, Kappa The disease; Evaluation of a screening program
Percent agreement
Cohen’s Kappa Reported in 1960
Kappa corrects for the chance agreement that would be expected to occur if the 2 classifications were completely unrelated
K = N° - Ne 1 - Ne Kappa N° = Observed number of agreement
Ne= Number of agreement expected to occur by chance alone Varies from -1 to 1
Population One (Prevalence = 0.05) Table for true positives
Observer B From Szklo and Nieto, 2000
Interpretation of Kappa
Interpretation of Kappa
Below Poor Slight Fair Moderate Substantial Almost Perfect Landis & Koch (1977a)
Where are we?
Principles for the development of screening;
The test must have high levels performance. The condition screened for is an important cause of morbidity, disability, or mortality. The natural history of the disease is sufficiently well known. The test must be acceptable to the target population and their health care providers, and appropriate follow-up of positive findings must be ensured. Sam Shapiro in Epidemiology and Health Services
Where are we? Definition of screening?
Whether it is always beneficial? Types of bias in screening? Principles for the development of screening. The test: Validity, LR, Multiple testing, ROC curve, Kappa The disease; Evaluation of a screening program
Characteristics of Disease
Serious Treatable Pre-clinical detectable period Early treatment is better than late Prevalent
Characteristics of Disease
Why do we screen for serious disease? why we screen for Phenyl ketonuria? Why do we screen for treatable disease? why don’t we screen for pancreatic cancer?
Characteristics of Disease
Why do we screen for diseases with a pre-clinical detectable period? Ex: HIV vs. Legionella Why do we screen for diseases where early treatment is better than late? Ex: breast cancer
Characteristics of Disease
Why do we screen for prevalent disease? Prevalence affects predictive value Tayssachs Breast cancer
Characteristics of Disease
The more prevalent a condition, the fewer false positive tests there will be The less prevalent a condition, the fewer false negative tests there will be No matter how good the test is!
Why do we test for prevalent diseases?
Although the combination ELISA/Western Blot test for HIV has extremely high sensitivity and specificity, predictive value is dependent on prevalence. High risk population: prevalence = 40% PPV = NPV = 0.993 Low risk population: prevalence = 0.01% PPV = NPV = 0.999
Principles for the development of screening;
The test must have high levels performance. The condition screened for is an important cause of morbidity, disability, or mortality. The natural history of the disease is sufficiently well known. The test must be acceptable to the target population and their health care providers, and appropriate follow-up of positive findings must be ensured. Sam Shapiro in Epidemiology and Health Services
Where are we? Definition of screening?
Whether it is always beneficial? Types of bias in screening? Principles for the development of screening. The test: Validity, LR, Multiple testing, ROC curve, Kappa The disease; Evaluation of a screening program
Evaluation of Screening
What are the costs of treatment for the disease? stage by stage a false negative? how are cases usually found? Does missing the case on screen mean it is missed forever? false positive? risks of confirmatory test psychological risks / harms: worry, etc. labeling
Characteristics of Test
Safety Cost Acceptability Validity Reliability
Evaluation of Screening Outcomes
Study Designs RCT Compare disease-specific cumulative mortality rate between those randomized (or not) to screening Eliminates confounding and lead time bias But, problems of: Expense, time consuming, logistically difficult, ethical concerns, changing technology.
Evaluation of Screening Outcomes
Study Designs Observational Studies Cohort: Compare disease-specific cumulative mortality rate between those who choose (or not) to be screened Case-control: Compare screening history between those with advanced disease (or death) and healthy. Ecological: Compare screening patterns and disease experience (both incidence and mortality) between populations
Problems with Observational Studies
Confounding due to health awareness - screenees are more healthy (selection bias) More susceptible to effects of lead-time bias and length-biased sampling Poor quality, often retrospective data
Evaluation of Screening Outcomes
b) Measures of Effect of Screening Disease-specific Mortality Rate (MR) the number of deaths due to disease Total person-years experience The only gold-standard outcome measure for screening NOT affected by lead time, A comparison of the disease-specific MR between screened and unscreened populations in a RCT is the best and really only valid measure of the true efficacy of screening. The disease-specific MR will not be changed by early diagnosis (i.e., lead time), or other common biases (selection, length-biased sampling) However, as a direct result of the screening program, the time and manner of diagnosis may affect the cause-of-death attribution as recorded on death certificate (concept of labeling). Important: The MT also does not incorporate adverse effects of screening.
NBSS1 (National Breast Screening Study), Canada 1980
Age at entry: 40 to 49. Randomization: Individual volunteers, with names entered successively on allocation lists. Although criticisms of the randomization procedure have been made, a thorough independent review found no evidence of subversion and that subversion on a scale large enough to affect the results was unlikely. Sample size: 25,214 study) and 25,216 control. Cause of death attribution: Death certificates, with review of questionable cases by a blinded review panel. Also linked with the Canadian Mortality Data Base, Statistics Canada. Follow-up duration: 13 years. Relative risk of breast cancer death, screening versus control (95% CI): 0.97 ( ).
Where are we? Definition of screening?
Whether it is always beneficial? Types of bias in screening? Principles for the development of screening. The test: Validity, LR, Multiple testing, ROC curve, Kappa The disease; Evaluation of a screening program
Session objectives Screening basics Evaluation of screening programs
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