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Study Skills and Test Taking Strategies Ms. Susens CP BIO 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Study Skills and Test Taking Strategies Ms. Susens CP BIO 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Study Skills and Test Taking Strategies Ms. Susens CP BIO 2010

2 What are some ways you have studied for tests??

3 Before the test… DON’T PROCRASTINATE! Begin studying early! 5-10 minutes a night (instead of hours the night before) DO MORE THAN JUST READING OVER NOTES! Ask questions in class to clarify TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOURSELF!

4 Specific Techniques… Talk out loud to yourself or to a friend… Teach the concepts to a friend or family Create a set of test questions Study in different locations

5 Studying Strategies Make Notecards Re-write your notes, make a study sheet of the most important items, annotate Make concept maps Use mnemonics

6 Notecards Write important term or concept on one side, explanation or answer on the back Make these as you are reading or doing notes Shuffle the deck, look at the top card Can you answer or explain?

7 Concept Mapping SCIENCE Hypothesis Based Discovery Based Inquiry and observation Uses SM Data Support or Reject Hypothesis

8 THE DAY OF THE TEST… Get enough sleep! Have breakfast/lunch! DON’T CRAM! This doesn’t put ideas into long term memory… RELAX! If you have adequately prepared yourself, you shouldn’t have to get too freaked out!

9 During the test: Read instructions carefully Write your name and test version on sheet Scan through the test… see what type of questions are being asked Begin with the easiest questions first to help boost your self esteem!

10 Multiple choice tests You WILL have to do more than just recognize text material! I expect you to be able to recognise, analyse, synthesise and/or apply the material that has been presented to you!

11 Multiple choice strategies Use process of elimination Read all of the stem and every alternative "all of the above" and "none of the above.“ Note negatives, superlatives and qualifiers

12 Which of the following is NOT a goal of science? a. to investigate and understand the natural world b. to explain events in the natural world c. to establish a collection of unchanging truths d. to use derived explanations to make useful predictions

13 Your Quiz on Tuesday 16 Multiple Choice 10 True/False 3 Short Answer 38 TOTAL POINTS

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