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Getting Organized / Presented by / Lauren Borelli, LCSW / School Counselor/Social Worker / Sheila McLean, MS / School Counselor/Social / Presented by /

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Presentation on theme: "Getting Organized / Presented by / Lauren Borelli, LCSW / School Counselor/Social Worker / Sheila McLean, MS / School Counselor/Social / Presented by /"— Presentation transcript:

1 Getting Organized / Presented by / Lauren Borelli, LCSW / School Counselor/Social Worker / Sheila McLean, MS / School Counselor/Social / Presented by / Lauren Borelli, LCSW / School Counselor/Social Worker / Sheila McLean, MS / School Counselor/Social

2 Goals for Workshop / Recognized signs of organized and disorganized student / Organization at home and school / Time management / Using a planner at home and school / Recognized signs of organized and disorganized student / Organization at home and school / Time management / Using a planner at home and school

3 The Organized Student / Doesn’t carry everything he owns in his backpack. / Can bring home materials needed to complete homework. / Can locate finished homework and hand it in on time. / Can study efficiently because she has planned ahead and has review materials. / Doesn’t carry everything he owns in his backpack. / Can bring home materials needed to complete homework. / Can locate finished homework and hand it in on time. / Can study efficiently because she has planned ahead and has review materials.

4 The Disorganized Student / Frequently looses papers / Can’t break long-term projects into smaller ones / Misses deadlines / Leaves everything for the last minute / Disrupts home life / Frequently looses papers / Can’t break long-term projects into smaller ones / Misses deadlines / Leaves everything for the last minute / Disrupts home life

5 Signs an ‘organized’ elementary student may become a ‘disorganized’ middle school student. / Books, reports, and research / Don’t infer the true purpose of the report / Breaking large projects into smaller ones / Books, reports, and research / Don’t infer the true purpose of the report / Breaking large projects into smaller ones

6 Executive Functioning The brain ’ s ability to perform several different tasks in order to complete a goal.

7 / Understand cause and effect / Sequence, categorize, and prioritize / Stay focused / Transitions / Manipulate information / Generalize lessons / Working memory / Understand cause and effect / Sequence, categorize, and prioritize / Stay focused / Transitions / Manipulate information / Generalize lessons / Working memory

8 Organization at School & Home

9 The Black Hole: The Backpack / Assessment: / Privacy issues / Function of backpack / Weight/size of backpack / Assessment: / Privacy issues / Function of backpack / Weight/size of backpack

10 PACK / Purge / Accessorize / Categorize / Keep It Up! / Purge / Accessorize / Categorize / Keep It Up!

11 The Locker (The Other Black Hole) Assessment: / What does your child keep in her locker? / Condition of locker? Location? / Storage & accessories included? / Additional accessories desired? / Access to locker throughout day? / Type of lock? Assessment: / What does your child keep in her locker? / Condition of locker? Location? / Storage & accessories included? / Additional accessories desired? / Access to locker throughout day? / Type of lock?

12 PACK / Purge: / Can be done at school or home. / Throw out anything not needed (with permission). / Repeat periodically. / Purge: / Can be done at school or home. / Throw out anything not needed (with permission). / Repeat periodically.

13 PACK / Accessorize: / What does your child need access to? / Add hooks, shelf, mirror, $… / Post map of locker contents. / Follow up periodically to maintain. /A/Accessorize: /W/What does your child need access to? /A/Add hooks, shelf, mirror, $… /P/Post map of locker contents. /F/Follow up periodically to maintain.

14 PACK / Categorize: / Separate contents into categories. / Have child sort through loose papers. / File papers in backpack or home files. / Subdivide texts/notebooks by subject or schedule. / Pack in separate bags to transfer back to school. /C/Categorize: /S/Separate contents into categories. /H/Have child sort through loose papers. /F/File papers in backpack or home files. /S/Subdivide texts/notebooks by subject or schedule. /P/Pack in separate bags to transfer back to school.

15 PACK / Keep It Up! / Model maintenance of efforts (mail, grocery, laundry…) / Establish habit of putting things back where they belong. / Keep It Up! / Model maintenance of efforts (mail, grocery, laundry…) / Establish habit of putting things back where they belong.

16 Binder or Accordion File Common to both: Tabs Color-coded Alphabetized Schedule based Work: To Do Completed Common to both: Tabs Color-coded Alphabetized Schedule based Work: To Do Completed

17 Binders / Plastic pocket folders / Pencil/pen organizer / Ruler / Paper / notebooks / Plastic pocket folders / Pencil/pen organizer / Ruler / Paper / notebooks

18 Accordion File / Loose leaf papers / Handouts / Loose leaf papers / Handouts

19 Homework / Atmosphere / Supplies / Files / Papers /A/Atmosphere /S/Supplies /F/Files /P/Papers

20 Time Management / Most adults have skills of average third grader! / Need concept of time or will have trouble sequencing daily tasks. / Impact of digital clock. / Most adults have skills of average third grader! / Need concept of time or will have trouble sequencing daily tasks. / Impact of digital clock.

21 The Planner / Immediate and long-term assignments / Academics / Extracurricular activities / Study time / Electronic vs Book planner / Home Planner / Immediate and long-term assignments / Academics / Extracurricular activities / Study time / Electronic vs Book planner / Home Planner

22 Teaching Time / Telling Time: / Get analog clock & watch / Practice estimating time elapsed. / Keep it real! / Telling Time: / Get analog clock & watch / Practice estimating time elapsed. / Keep it real!

23 Calendar Time vs. Study Time / Elementary school more structured. / Predict how long tasks will take and budget accordingly. / Need sense of “Big Picture”. / Let students find own solutions. / Elementary school more structured. / Predict how long tasks will take and budget accordingly. / Need sense of “Big Picture”. / Let students find own solutions.

24 Instilling Responsibility / Trips to school / Lunch / Tennis shoes / Instruments / Homework /T/Trips to school /L/Lunch /T/Tennis shoes /I/Instruments /H/Homework

25 Conclusion / Questions / Comments / Evaluation / Questions / Comments / Evaluation

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