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Classroom learning skills Professor Eiad Al-faris.

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Presentation on theme: "Classroom learning skills Professor Eiad Al-faris."— Presentation transcript:

1 Classroom learning skills Professor Eiad Al-faris

2 Overview  Revision of reading skills  Goals and benefits of learning in large groups  Goals and benefits of learning in small groups  Important classroom learning skills  Conclusions

3 Revision of reading skills

4 Question Yes No Is the need to pass exams, and to complete assignments your main reason for studying? Why?

5 Introduction

6 Reading for understanding  Q1. Compare traditional with SQW3R.  True or False The SQW3R takes longer time than traditional reading. The SQW3R is associated with better understanding. The SQW3R is surface reading and the traditional reading is deal.

7 Learning in large groups  Gathering information and ideas about the relevant topics.  Providing a common ground for further discussion in other learning situations (like tutorials).  Giving you a starting point for private study.  Providing a consolidation of the main ideas from recent research.  Giving you practical examples and applications related to theories you are learning.  Giving you a model of how an expert approaches a particular topic.  Hearing about advances in research which have not yet been published.  Hearing important announcements about the unit.  Motivating you and encouraging you on how best to learn and complete assessments.  Giving you an opportunity to hear an interpretation of a topic that you have been reading about or discussing.

8 Learning in large groups  Discussion of issues arising from the lectures and

9 Learning in tutorials  Discussion of issues arising from the lectures and associated readings.  Enabling a topic to be understood more deeply and with greater clarity.  Providing an opportunity for students to test their ideas and hear and comment on those of others.  Encouraging intellectual relationships to develop between students and between students and staff.

10 Tutorials can be less beneficial if students:  Do not prepare for the tutorial.  Continually move away from the topic of the tutorial.  Refuse to volunteer good ideas and contribute to the discussion, and simply sit in silence.  Try to dominate the discussion and don’t allow others to express their point or view.  Draw attention to themselves by making smart remarks.

11 Important classroom learning skills  Organizational skills home work preparation focus in discussion Materials, binder Pneumonics A study plan  Listening skills Difference from hearing

12 Important classroom learning skills  Communication skills Sensitivity to other feelings No interruption Patience Politeness Courage Questioning and expression skills

13 The deep learning approach?  Reflection, connection and summarizing in your own words.  Relate new knowledge to existing knowledge.  Try to enjoy learning for its own sake. Don’t learn simply to pass exams.  Make good use of feedback i.e., Markers comments

14 Important classroom learning skills  Social intelligence skills  Note taking skills  Presentation skills  Higher cognitive skills  Growth Insight into your weak points Knowledge is not fixed Ask for feedback

15 Study plan  Establish priorities through Importance Difficulty Timeliness

16 Improving Your Learning Strategies  Concentrate on understanding key concepts and principles.  Link individual facts and examples to a conceptual framework.  Obtain an overview of a subject or argument before focusing on the details.

17 Improving Your Learning Strategies  Relate new knowledge to existing knowledge.  Try to enjoy learning for its own sake. Don’t learn simply to pass exams.  Make good use of feedback i.e., Markers comments

18  Plan your study.  Learn to prioritize.  Be an active rather than a passive learner. (newspaper or a novel).


20 Try using the following techniques:  Underline key points.  Draw diagrams or concept maps to help you to make sense of information.  Summarize lecture notes and course readings (this will help recall).

21 Relate ideas to other similar ideas. Picture things in your mind as you read.

22 Summary  Students study to satisfy immediate concerns of assessment.  Solutions Self directed learning Reflection Search, storing and retrieval of…. Integration of new with the old The use of feedback. Which type of assessment?

23 Summary  Weekly plan based on priorities Imp Difficulty Timeliness  Exposure to a variety of sources  Opportunities for practice

24 Summary  Review emphasizes links  Formative assessment should focus on feedback  Testing higher cognitive skills

25 References  University of Otago website

26 Thank you

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