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Presentation on theme: "OKLAHOMA QUALITY IMPROVEMENT COLLABORATIVE INTERIM TRAINING Marlene Mason MCPP Healthcare Consulting, Inc. October 28, 2010."— Presentation transcript:


2 2 Training Agenda – October 28, 2010 MCPP Healthcare Consulting 2  Review team progress and data collection on short term measures  Using Logic Models to Link Outcome Measures  Tools and Strategies for Effective Community Engagement  Develop Implementation Plan  Tying it all Together

3 3 Teams Report AIM and Progress  Review current AIM statement and any baseline data or results of data collection (15 minutes each)  Cleveland County  Comanche County  Logan County  Okfuskee County  Washington County

4 Using Logic Models to Link to Outcome Measures

5 The Logic of Public Health There are fewer incidents of foodborne illness Conditions in the restaurant don’t create unsafe food Public is sold food that is safe to eat We inspect restaurants # of inspections % of critical violations corrected within 24 hours Rate of food borne illness # of critical violations So that MCPP Healthcare Consulting 5

6 6 Why Logic Models? MCPP Healthcare Consulting  Show how a program’s activities relate to the intended outcomes  Link our process outputs to our outcomes  Connect what we do every day to why we do it  Help you plan, evaluate, describe and market your program  Show your funder how you do what they fund you to do

7 7 Logic Models Come in all Shapes and Sizes MCPP Healthcare Consulting  As long as the format is legible, logical, and it works for you, it’s probably fine  Boxes and arrows are not required  New computer software is not required

8 8 Logic Model: Any Public Health Program MCPP Healthcare Consulting InputsOutputsShort Term Outcomes Intermediate Outcomes Long Term Outcomes ResourcesActivities Staff Money Improved knowledge, beliefs, attitudes Improved Behaviors Program Development Program Planning Materials Development, Distribution Informed, Targeted Program Appropriate, Targeted Materials Reduced Mortality Reduced Morbidity Improved Quality of Life

9 9 MCPP Healthcare Consulting

10 10 Components of a Logic Model MCPP Healthcare Consulting InputsOutputsShort Term Outcomes Intermediate Outcomes Long Term Outcomes ResourcesActivities Inputs: Resources or the things you start with such as funding, staff, materials, etc. Activities or the things you do every day such as conduct educational meetings, investigate complaints or reports of illness, see clients, distribute materials, etc.

11 11 Components of a Logic Model MCPP Healthcare Consulting InputsOutputsShort Term Outcomes Intermediate Outcomes Long Term Outcomes ResourcesActivities Outputs: What you get as a result of the resources and activities you put “in”; Not an end in itself Examples: Number of clients seen, attendees in classes or restaurants inspected

12 12 Components of a Logic Model MCPP Healthcare Consulting InputsOutputsShort Term Outcomes Intermediate Outcomes Long Term Outcomes ResourcesActivities Outcomes: The results we expect from our resources and activities as stated quantifiable, time-framed performance measures Examples: results from the process such as the percent of planned activities that were achieved or results related to clients or the public such as improved knowledge, behavior change, reduced risk or exposure to illness or improved health status

13 13 MCPP Healthcare Consulting Improve health of adolescents in county Strengthen Adolescent Health and Youth Development When you make a logic model for a brand new program, it’s easiest to begin with what you are trying to achieve and work backwards. InputsOutputsShort Term Outcomes Intermediate Outcomes Long Term Outcomes

14 14 MCPP Healthcare Consulting When you work backwards through your logic model, ask HOW? Improve health of adolescents in county Strengthen Adolescent Health and Youth Development How do we do this? InputsOutputsShort Term Outcomes Intermediate Outcomes Long Term Outcomes

15 15 MCPP Healthcare Consulting When you work backwards through your logic model, ask HOW? Improve health of adolescents in county Strengthen Adolescent Health and Youth Development Individual Behavior Change Systems Change How do we do this? InputsOutputsShort Term Outcomes Intermediate Outcomes Long Term Outcomes

16 16 MCPP Healthcare Consulting When you work backwards through your logic model, ask HOW? InputsOutputsShort Term Outcomes Intermediate Outcomes Long Term Outcomes Improve Health of Adolescents in WA state Strengthen Adolescent Health and Youth Development Individual Behavior Change Systems Change How do we do this? Influence policy decisions Community partners maintain or increase support for youth development Encourage use of best practices in local programs

17 17 MCPP Healthcare Consulting When you make a logic model for an existing program, it’s easiest to begin with what you are already doing and work forwards. InputsOutputsShort Term Outcomes Intermediate Outcomes Long Term Outcomes Increase Number and Strength of Partnerships Vision for Long term Planning Long term commitments from key stakeholders for development and implementation of plan Utilize Data & Research

18 18 MCPP Healthcare Consulting InputsOutputsShort Term Outcomes Intermediate Outcomes Long Term Outcomes When you work forwards through your logic model, ask WHY? Why do we do this? Increase Number and Strength of Partnerships Vision for Long term Planning Long term commitments from key stakeholders for development and implementation of plan Utilize Data & Research

19 19 MCPP Healthcare Consulting InputsOutputsShort Term Outcomes Intermediate Outcomes Long Term Outcomes When you work forwards through your logic model, ask WHY? Increase Number and Strength of Partnerships Vision for Long term Planning Long term commitments from key stakeholders for development and implementation of plan Utilize Data & Research Adolescent Health Plan Ongoing Partnerships Why do we do this?

20 20 Logic Model: Any Public Health Program MCPP Healthcare Consulting InputsOutputsShort Term Outcomes Intermediate Outcomes Long Term Outcomes ResourcesActivities Staff Money Improved knowledge, beliefs, attitudes Improved Behaviors Program Development Program Planning Materials Development, Distribution Appropriate, Targeted Materials Reduced Mortality Reduced Morbidity Improved Quality of Life Informed, Targeted Program

21 21 Establishing Process Outcomes Measures From Logic Model  Develop Logic Model with activities and outputs (productivity data)  Describe short term, intermediate and long term outcomes  If outcome is stated as “desired” outcome, then establish quantifiable measure based on available output data  Develop data collection tools (if needed) and set targets for each measure

22 22 Different Types of Objectives MCPP Healthcare Consulting  Process Outputs  Results of the work we do every day  Short-term to Long-term Outcomes  What has to happen for our long term outcomes to be achieved  Impact or Goal  The end goal—what we’re really after—improved health outcomes

23 23 Logic Model with Outcome Measures ActivitiesOutputsShort-term OutcomesLong-term Outcomes Education:  Care coordination  Child development  Childbirth  Breastfeeding  Car seat usage  Nutrition education  STD prevention  Seat belt usage  Oral health  Parenting  Pregnancy prevention  Physical activity  Postpartum depression  Tobacco prevention / cessation Assessment and share data / information Referrals and linkage to services  Transportation  Hispanic clients access to services  Adopt system for 1 condition  Goal-setting with clients # of 1 st trimester, 2 nd trimester, 3rd trimester, Post Partum packets distributed # of clients and of visits that smoking and tobacco cessation was discussed # of referrals by type, including:  Quit Line/tobacco  Education  Substance Abuse  Breastfeeding  Domestic Violence # of clients receiving initial family planning teaching # of community meetings where MCH data is presented # of First Steps clients who have a chosen family planning method at postpartum # of Evidence-Based Practices researched # of Spanish speakers referred for care # of BOH visits where MCH data is presented 100% of MSS clients receive trimester packets at appropriate times  % of MSS clients receiving packets 100% of visits, clients have tobacco cessation discussion  % of MSS clients with tobacco cessation discussion 100% of selected referrals are documented  % of referrals documented Increased knowledge of benefits of breastfeeding  % of women breastfeeding at discharge Improve client knowledge of unplanned pregnancy risk  % of clients demonstrating knowledge through client survey Increase % of women breastfeeding for at least 2 months Increase # of women with successful breastfeeding experiences Increase % of women accessing prenatal care in the 1 st trimester Decrease smoking rate among women to the State level Decrease the rate of second pregnancy within 2 years

24 MCPP Healthcare Consulting 24

25 25 Resources MCPP Healthcare Consulting  CDC Evaluation Working Group   United Way Outcome Measurement Resource Network:   W.K. Kellogg Foundation Logic Model Development Guide:   How Logic Models Can Help NIDRR Grantees Plan and Demonstrate Progress:   University of Wisconsin- Extension: Planning and evaluating education and outreach programs with a logic model: 

26 26 What questions do you have? MCPP Healthcare Consulting

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