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What Keeps Your Leaders Up at Night? Today’s Objectives 1.Present ASTD’s Model to design a Leadership Development Program (LDP). 2.Provide a case study.

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Presentation on theme: "What Keeps Your Leaders Up at Night? Today’s Objectives 1.Present ASTD’s Model to design a Leadership Development Program (LDP). 2.Provide a case study."— Presentation transcript:


2 What Keeps Your Leaders Up at Night?

3 Today’s Objectives 1.Present ASTD’s Model to design a Leadership Development Program (LDP). 2.Provide a case study of an organization (OSI) that implemented a LDP.

4 Today’s Objectives 3.Discuss actual examples of why to:  Engage leaders.  Align an organization’s drivers, culture, and requirements. 4.Assess and compare your organization to 6 leadership development success factors.


6 ASTD Leadership Development Process Envision the Future Lay the Foundation Agree on and Articulate an Action Plan Design the Developmental Elements Sustain Progress

7 Lay the Foundation

8 Envision the Future Lay the Foundation Envision the Future

9 Agree on and Articulate an Action Plan Envision the Future Lay the Foundation Agree on an Action Plan

10 Agree on and Articulate an Action Plan Design the Learning Lay the Foundation Envision the Future Design the Developmental Elements

11 Sustain Progress Envision the Future Lay the Foundation Agree on and Articulate an Action Plan Design the Developmental Elements Sustain Progress

12 5 Phases L ay the Foundation E nvision the Future A gree on and Articulate an Action Plan D esign the Developmental Elements S ustain Progress

13 Lay the Foundation

14 Why Leadership Development? Identify Drivers ASTD 2008 Research  Retain High Potential Employees (79%)  Improve pipeline (74%)  Succession planning (65%)  Translate organizational strategy (60%)  Meet changing market needs (60%)  Foster “talent magnet” mindset (55%) One more: McKinsey study showed 22% higher return to shareholders

15 Outback Steakhouse Inc. (OSI) Background  Started in 1988  Over 1500 restaurants worldwide  Includes 7 brands  Over $2 Billion in Revenue

16 Outback’s Drivers  Age of executives  Climate for change  Fast growth  Fill a near empty “pipeline”

17 Authentic OSI Guiding Document  Peel back the layers of the onion  Take care of people and business takes care of itself/results  The litmus test  Beliefs  People belonging  Teamwork, shared goals, common purpose, serve one another  Preparing the team  Commitments  Preparation, Sharing, Quality, Hospitality, Courage, Fun, Balance

18 Reflections for Results  One question for each step in the model  Reflect on the questions  Help you think about next steps for your organization

19 Reflection: What are Your Company’s Drivers?

20 Envision the Future Lay the Foundation Envision the Future

21 Critical when Looking to the Future 1.Align the LDP to:  Mission  Vision  Values  Goals  Strategic Plan  Culture 2.Get leaders involved

22 Leaders Must Be Committed  Time  Involvement  Energy and enthusiasm  Model roles  Pro-active  Budget

23 OSI’s Desires for the Future  Maintain culture  Foundation for ASTD’s model in place  Increase bench strength  Ensure restaurants in good hands  Leaders lead the change

24 “Success hinges on the bone-deep beliefs of the senior leaders of the organization. Do they really believe that their people can become great leaders?” —Jack Zenger Zenger | Folkman

25 Reflection: How can Your Company’s Leadership Development Program Link the Present to the Preferred Leadership Future?

26 Agree on and Articulate an Action Plan Envision the Future Lay the Foundation Agree on an Action Plan

27 Your Action Plan: Take These Into Consideration  Create a development mindset  70 – 80% development occurs on the job  Development occurs daily  Begins with the organization’s leaders

28 Important to Reach Agreement  Beliefs in place  C-Level blessing  Executives interviewed  Executives practiced the process  Summits  Traits defined  Input from all levels

29 10 Leadership Traits  Lives the Vision  Promotes Positive Change  Communicates with Impact  Fosters Diversity and Inclusion  Displays Balanced Thinking  Builds Partnership  Develops and Implements Strategy  Drives the Business  Develops Others  Develops Self

30 OSI’s Actions  Build on successful manager course history  Created an “official” leadership department  Invested time and money  ASTD model  360 degree feedback instrument  ebb associates inc  LMS  Created support tools

31 Reflection: What Actions Must Your Company Take Next?

32 Agree on and Articulate an Action Plan Design the Learning Lay the Foundation Envision the Future Design the Developmental Elements

33 Possible Design Features  Competencies  All employees  Learning levels  HIPOs  IDPs  Eligibility  Referrals  Selection  Formal education  Systems alignment  Succession management  Evaluation, ROI  Mentoring/coaching  Personal Improvement  Daily Experiences

34 Integration Into the Familiar  Align with OSI’s Leadership Model  Guiding document  Linked cost effective workshops to operation’s goals  Created self-development tools on line  Self-development tool  “Disciplines of Success”

35 Reflection: What Design Elements fit Your Company’s Culture?

36 Sustain Progress Envision the Future Lay the Foundation Agree on and Articulate an Action Plan Design the Developmental Elements Sustain Progress

37 Sustainability: Make it Better  Monitor  Evaluate  Improve

38 Sustainment in a Strong Culture  Build on the current culture  Senior leadership on board  Leaders continued to develop leaders  Provided a train-the-trainer for those already in place

39 Reflection: What will be Critical to Sustain Progress in Your Organization?

40 Timeline for Building a Leadership Development Program

41 Estimated Timeline  Lay the Foundation 1 – 10 weeks  Envision Future2 – 12 months  Agree on Action3 – 20 weeks  Design the Elements3 – 12 months  Sustain ProgressOngoing More detailed timeline at

42 Organizational Readiness Audit Your Job Aid Rate Your Organization Use a Scale of 1-5

43 Critical Success Factors  Future Focused  Leadership Responsibility  Leadership Quality  Results Oriented  Value Learning and Development  Long-term, Aligned Systemic Approach

44 Scores Mean...  9 points or more:  Good  You are on your way  Less than 9 points:  Have some ground work to do  Proceed with caution

45 “The important thing is that organizations take effective action— now ! Taking no action will lead to problems with growth and profit in the near future.” —Bill Byham DDI

46 Contact Information Elaine Biech ebb associates inc 757.588.3939 Arlene McCollum AMC Resource Group 253.686.4900

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