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ABLE State Update Jeff Gove, State ABLE Director.

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Presentation on theme: "ABLE State Update Jeff Gove, State ABLE Director."— Presentation transcript:

1 ABLE State Update Jeff Gove, State ABLE Director

2 Office of Vocational and Adult Education (OVAE) Monitoring Visit August 1-5, 2011 Received final report September 30: – 3 Noteworthy Practices – 1 Finding and Required Action – 2 Recommendations OBR must submit Corrective Action Plan (CAP) by November 25

3 Noteworthy Practices 1.Professional development system tracks individual teacher PD history that can connect with the program’s ABLELink data 2.Numerous strategies for transitioning adult learners to postsecondary education and employment 3.OBR-supported study entitled, Crosswalk of Ohio Adult Secondary Education Benchmarks and Common Core State Standards for English, Language Arts and Mathematics

4 Finding and Required Action Finding: ABLELink is currently unable to connect instructional hours to assessment to determine the appropriate administration of pre-post testing Required Action: The database must have capacity to link instructional hours to assessment information – In progress The ABLELink system enhancement has been a key priority and OVAE understands that we are already addressing this finding. The field will be involved in this work, as appropriate.

5 Recommendations Continue development of a web-based relational student management information system (MIS) for FY 2013 – In progress Continue to improve the Desk Review local monitoring protocol and processes for ABLE programs – State team has planning scheduled to address

6 Five National Goals for Education & ABLE’s Alignment 1. Improve Academic Content Standards 2. Improve Instruction and Sustained Teacher Preparation (PD) 3. Use Data More Efficiently 4. Foster Innovation 5. Harness Technology

7 1. Improve Academic Content Standards and Quality ABLE content standards must align with Common Core Standards and College and Career Readiness Standards All ABLE students need orientation to Career and College Readiness and Life Skills instruction -Part of Student Experience Model

8 2. Improve Instruction and Sustained Teacher Preparation (PD)

9 2. Improve Instruction and Sustained Teacher Preparation (PD) – cont’d. 2012 State Leadership PD that supports: -Statewide priorities in curriculum and instruction strategies and other resources in math, reading, writing, and ESOL -Emphasis on higher level math

10 2. Improve Instruction and Sustained Teacher Preparation (PD) – cont’d. Statewide priorities: – Maintain a robust State Leadership system that supports programs’ continuous improvement – PD that supports programs building capacity to successfully transition students beyond GED along University System of Ohio career pathways – ABLE administrators’ leadership development (Ohio Leadership Excellence Academy - OLEA)

11 2. Improve Instruction and Sustained Teacher Preparation (PD) – cont’d. All programs should – Maintain policies, strategies, and resources that support Universal Design/LD strategies for students – Budget for staff PD identified through Program Professional Development Plan (PPDP)

12 3. Use Data More Efficiently ABLELink –internet-based platform by 2013 Programs use formative and summative data, including but not limited to ABLELink to define and direct PD needs and continuous improvement Programs use ABLELink and other data to determine student achievement outcomes, site, class, teacher impacts on program continuous improvement

13 4. Foster Innovation WIA Incentive Grants

14 4. Foster Innovation – cont’d. Developmental Education Initiative – ABLE-CC partnerships Student Achievement in Reading - STAR (Pilot and 3 cohorts = 22 programs – evidence-based reading instruction) Learning to Achieve Teachers Investigating Adult Numeracy - TIAN – Instructional strategies LINCS Career Pathways Grant Shifting Gears DOL Career Pathways Planning Grant

15 5. Harness Technology ABLE Technology Standards – by FY 2012, all programs will ensure that 75% of paid ABLE staff have achieved Level 1 Technology Standards (set in 2009) Distance Education – almost all programs now participating in DE ABLE Technology Plans and Technology Point Persons in each program with support from the Resource Centers

16 Five OVAE Priorities re: Teacher Quality and Effectiveness 1.Set high expectations for teachers 2.Recruit, retain, support and reward effective teachers 3.Provide ongoing, sustained and focused PD 4.Create a culture of innovation 5.Measure what matters – four level PD model Ohio ABLE is on target with these five priorities

17 National OVAE Recommendations Provide Career Assessments/Profiles to all students Increase Bridge Programs, dual enrollment Rigorous Curriculum to learn/apply cognitive strategies Teach soft skills, time mgmt., study skills, goal setting Teach “College Knowledge” Ohio ABLE is supporting these recommendations through policies, grant application frameworks, funding and sustained PD

18 Three National Immigration Integration Goals 1.Linguistic Integration 2.Civic Integration 3.Economic Integration – more ESOL students in career pathways ABLE ESOL/EL/Civics programs are addressing these goals through their programs, supported by Resource Centers, primarily NWRC Challenge: To better integrate ESOL services and programs into career pathways

19 How is Ohio Doing?

20 State ABLE Team Employment Opportunities Best wishes to Karen Scheid Interim director for Region 3 = Jeff Gove 2 positions open: – ABLE Program Manager – State Leadership Program Manager

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