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Davide M. Parrilli, ICRI Brussels, 13 January 2009 SLAs in a Grid Environment: The Legal Assessment

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Presentation on theme: "Davide M. Parrilli, ICRI Brussels, 13 January 2009 SLAs in a Grid Environment: The Legal Assessment"— Presentation transcript:

1 Davide M. Parrilli, ICRI Brussels, 13 January 2009 SLAs in a Grid Environment: The Legal Assessment

2 SLA: a contract between a user and a provider of a service specifying the conditions under which a service may be used. It describes the provider’s commitments and specifies the penalties if those commitments are not met. An SLA is a legally enforceable contract (exceptions do exist in academia).

3 Legal assessment of the impact of Grid computing on SLAs Question: Is Grid able to influence the content of the SLA(s)? Topic relevant for all technologies that adopt dispersed resources and increase the quality of the offered services.

4 Method of the research: Survey between the BEs of BEinGRID. The BEs responded to the above question: 20 % said ‘yes’, the others have to think about that; Analysis of business practices.

5 Scenarios Grid/technology provider Service provider End user SLA 1 : Grid provider/Service provider SLA 2 : Service provider/End user Often in the business practice the SLA must be read in combination with other contracts (e.g. customer agreement ): we focus on the contractual relationship between the parties regulating…

6 … The content of the SLA (technology provider-service provider, service provider-end user), i.e.: QoS: availability, system performance; Fees; Assistance and support service; Security; Liabilities and remedies (service credits); liabilities to be negotiated on a case-by- case basis or imposed by the provider The use of the Grid and of the Grid/Cloud-based services made by the customer: no gambling, child pornography, discriminations, phishing, viruses, trojan horses, etc. – liabilities to be negotiated on a case-by- case basis or imposed by the provider.

7 In particular: management on top of the allocated resources: availability (compute resources, storage etc), network performance (latency, throughput), etc.

8 Question of a typical customer: Why should the SLA in a Grid environment be the same as in non Grid scenarios? Better expected services = more favorable SLA for the customer!

9 Answer of the rational and informed customer: If I pay (more?) for a service that is expected to be better than that I was used to, I want to see this in the SLA I sign (influence of technology on legal agreements).

10 Examples in the business practice: Amazon: S3 Simple Storage Service (storage in 1 bucket): service availability 99.9 %; EC2 Elastic Compute Cloud: 99.95 % availability. Grid/Cloud influence SLAs: better services = different SLAs

11 Joyent: “Cloud computing brought to you with the power of the Joyent Accelerator”. Accelerator hosting SLA (Grid container hosting account services): 100 % availability for all users.

12 Google: SLA for Google Apps Premium Edition: 99 % availability.

13 Conclusions: The content of an SLA in a Grid environment is expected to be more favorable for the client and to set a higher level of commitment for the provider.

14 Thanks for you attention! Davide M. Parrilli ICRI-K.U. Leuven-IBBT

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