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. Suriname in Action TITLE OF THE INITIATIVE Amazonics Aquaponics in Suriname Healthy people through healthy food.

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Presentation on theme: ". Suriname in Action TITLE OF THE INITIATIVE Amazonics Aquaponics in Suriname Healthy people through healthy food."— Presentation transcript:

1 . Suriname in Action TITLE OF THE INITIATIVE Amazonics Aquaponics in Suriname Healthy people through healthy food

2 . Suriname in Action DESCRIPTION OF THE INITIATIVE  Mission: Serving the society healthy natural organic food free from mercury and pesticide, environmentally friendly produced.  Aquaponics is the synergistic cohabitation of aquaculture and hydroponics in a greenhouse system, in this case powered by solar energy and environmentally controlled.

3 . Suriname in Action DESCRIPTION OF THE INITIATIVE  The development of aquaponics technology adapted to the local situation is the first stage in the process. For this purpose information about the aquaponics system was given to the faculty for technological science of the AdeK University in 2011. As a result 2 students requested participation in the project.  The development of a larger scale aquaponics plant nearby Paramaribo and the establishment of a organics restaurant is the second stage.  Third stage is the implementation of aquaponics technology in villages of Suriname

4 . Suriname in Action STRATEGIC IMPORTANCE  Aquaculture alone is a 50 billion dollar industry (2009)  Annual growth rate is 11%. Food prices are rising worldwide. The healthy state of the economy in the Unasur/Caricom region will only enhance this.  One of the key elements of the reform plan of our government(M.O.P) is the need for decentralization. Decentralization of value added (food)production should be a part of the plan.  The hinterland must be reformed from a solely extractive region to a region of progress, production and education, and to a region where people can actually have a future.

5 . Suriname in Action STRATEGIC IMPORTANCE  Integrated in the aquaponics system we aim to have a cybercafé with broadband connection. Everything will be preferably powered by solar cells. Distance monitoring through CDMA internet is an option. The aquaponics system will serve as an example of bringing ecological friendly technology to indigenous villages.  Technology push value. Aquaponics will push the level of agricultural technology in the hinterland from the middle ages straight to the 21 st century. (or maybe further) Aquaponics is the most efficient food production system! (if done correctly)

6 . Suriname in Action MARKETS  Amazonics Paramaribo will primary serve our own Amazonics organic restaurant and secondary to health conscious customers, preferably directly.  Amazonics hinterland will serve healthy poison-free food competitively priced to villages and tourists.  Amazonics will aim to promote agro tourism as a supplement to the already many ecological and cultural options the hinterland has to offer.  Amazonics will expand and will dig deep into specialized upper bracket markets, with high quality needs, in the region. (Organics is a growing market, 20% per year for the last few years)

7 . Suriname in Action ACTIONS TO CARRY OUT STEP-BY-STEP PLAN (WHAT, WHO, WHEN) ActivityResponsibleDate Building the pilotplant R.Leter Starting tests, cycling of the system Acquire fingerlings, seed material and fish feed Attaining microbiological and chemical equilibrium in the system(nitrate cycle) NH4+2O2->NO3- + 2H+ +H2O Building the large aquaponics system and training centre for future entrepreneurs Investigating potential candidates and villages for franchises of the system Preservation of several management systems Carry out the future plans (such as certifying our company) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

8 . Suriname in Action Resources Needed RESOURCE (financial and other e.g., facilities, services, etc.) Estimated CostPossible Sources Pilot project, technological development10.000 US$Own finances Phase 250.000 US$ Technical assistance10.000 US$ Feasability study10.000 US$ Visit best practice10.000 US$ Restaurant100.000 US$

9 . Suriname in Action PRODUCTS/ RESULTS MEASURES OF SUCCESS (Implementation of XX, by what date)  carrying capacity, maximum Date: 2013  making our own hatchery Date: 2014  upgrading the hatchery (only male fingerlings) Date: 2015  aquaponics training center  Date: 2015

10 . Suriname in Action LEADERSHIP  INFLUENCE LEADER(s) (“Trekker”) R. Leter  TECHNICAL LEADER(s) M. Bogor N. Dakriet  INTIATIVE ACTION TEAM R. Leter (

11 . Suriname in Action Summary Table of Tasks ActivityResponsibleDateResources Building the pilotplant.. Starting tests, cycling of the system. Purchase of fingerlings and seed material Purchase of fish feed Attaining microbiological and chemical equilibrium in the system(nitrate cycle) Building the large aquaponics system and training center for future entrepreneurs Investigating potential candidates and villages for franchises of the system Preservation of several management systems Carry out the future plans 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

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