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Have You Lost Your Identity? By Sierra Bowland. Deter Detect Defend.

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Presentation on theme: "Have You Lost Your Identity? By Sierra Bowland. Deter Detect Defend."— Presentation transcript:

1 Have You Lost Your Identity? By Sierra Bowland

2 Deter Detect Defend

3 Deter Deter identity thieves by safeguarding your information –Shred financial documents with personal info before disposing –Protect social security number –Don’t give out personal information over the: Phone Email Internet –Never click on links sent in unsolicited –Keep information in secure place

4 Detect Defect suspicious activity by monitoring financial accounts and billing statements Be alert to signs that require attention –Bills do not arrive as expected –Unexpected credit cards or account statements –Denials of credit for no apparent reason –Calls or letters about purchases you did not make

5 Detect (cont.) Inspect –Credit report Contain information about you –Your financial statements Review regularly looking for charges you did not make

6 Defend Defend against ID theft as soon as you suspect it –Place “fraud alert” on credit card reports, review reports carefully –Close accounts –File police report –Report the theft to the FTC

7 Topics Real Virtual

8 Real What does the identity thief want? Where does the thief find your information?Where does the thief find your information? How does the identity thief use it against you?How does the identity thief use it against you? How do you defend yourself?

9 What Does the Identity Thief Want? To become you –Your social security card –Drivers license –Account numbers, PIN(s), and passwords

10 Where Does the Thief Find Your Information? Wallet or purse Mailbox Glove compartment Trash You

11 How Does the Identity Thief Use It Against You? Use credit card to on buying spree Open new credit card accounts using your information Change mail address on existing credit card account Buy cars and take out auto loans in your name Establish telephone service in your name Counterfeit checks or debit cards and drain your bank account

12 How Does the Identity Thief Use It Against You? (cont.) Open bank account in your name and write bad checks on it File for bankruptcy under your name Apply for job under your name Give your name to police during arrest

13 How Do You Defend Yourself? Purse/Wallet –Don’t carry social security card in purse or wallet Credit/debit cards –Don’t carry more cards than you need –If not using one or more credit cards, cancel in writing –Don’t write PIN on back of credit card –Cut into small strips before disposing –Write “check photo id” on back of credit card –Three major credit reporting agencies Equifax Experian TransUnion

14 How Do You Defend Yourself? (cont.) Your mailbox –Take outgoing mail to post office –Pick up morning mail as soon as possible Glove Department –Remove personal identifying documents Trash –Shred anything with personal information

15 How Do You Defend Yourself? (cont.) When ordering checks from the bank, arrange to pick up at the bank instead of sent to your home You –Don’t give out personal info Over phone Mail internet

16 Virtual What does the virtual thief want? Where does the virtual thief find your information?Where does the virtual thief find your information? How do you defend yourself?

17 What Does the Virtual Thief Want? Capture your information Create new identity based on information Use identity to his/her purposes Leave you holding bag

18 Where Does the Virtual Thief Find Your Information? New technologies create major gaps in your personal information security Stored information –Bank account information –Electronic tax returns –Family genelogy –PDA data –Insurance information –Spreadsheets –Word processing documents

19 How Do You Defend Yourself? Use unique passwords Use passwords Change passwords regularly Don’t set system to “remember my password” Remember passwords; don’t write them down Purchase anti-virus software Keep operating system software updated Install a firewall

20 How Do You Defend Yourself? (cont.) Take precautions with wireless networks Be cautious with file sharing Beware of phishing Be wary when using Public Internet Kiosks or other peoples computers Don’t give personal information over internet

21 Identity theft can be very dangerous Use these tips to stay safe

22 Learn More ID Theft: What It’s All About Deter, Detect, Defend Brochure

23 Work Cited

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