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M2M Global Initiative OneM2M April 24, 2012
Overview oneM2M Global Initiative focused on consolidation and standardization of a common M2M Service Layer which can be embedded in hardware or software Objectives are to enhance interoperability, simplify development of applications, boost economies of scale, and reduce standards overlap Organization’s principles, scope, structure, IPR regime, levels of participation, rules and procedures, partnership agreement have been defined Critical to success is engagement of various business domains/vertical industries Planned launch of oneM2M, July 24-26, 2012
Background Industry group of operators, vendors, vertical market representatives began to meet early 2011 Objective: To evaluate benefits for consolidation of M2M standardization efforts in order to reduce the proliferation of customized hardware and software solutions by various industries General agreement among participants that a consolidation of efforts would benefit M2M industry and speed time to market with solutions and services Meeting of SDOs from U.S, Europe, Japan, Korea and China arranged in July 2011 to begin deliberations on an M2M Global Initiative Physical and virtual meetings occurred on regular basis from July through December 2011 to address possible organizational structure of new initiative culminating in agreement in December to move forward with planning and launch of oneM2M Communique released on 01/17/12 announcing launch of oneM2M
Launch of oneM2M Initial Signing of Partnership Agreement 5/21/12
1st SC Meeting /24-26/12 (U.S.) 1st TP & 2nd SC Meeting 9/24-28/12 (Europe) 2nd TP Meeting /10-16/12 (China) SC – Steering Committee TP – Technical Plenary
Milestones and Timeline
JUL AUG SEP OCT DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN SDO Meeting#01, Seoul, 7/21/11 SDO Meeting#03, Berlin, 12/15-16/11 SDO Meeting#04, Tokyo, 3/28-29/12 SDO Meeting#02, Washington, 8/17-18/11 1/18/12 “Soft Launch completed ” IPR regime agreed, communique released Final Consensus Reached on all major principals (partnership and participation principles, structure, legal status, participation rules, rights and responsibilities, level of secretariat services, funding principles 3/29/12 4/20/12 Final Draft Partnership Agreement (ready to be signed) Draft Working Procedures available 5/21/12 Official Signing of agreement Invitations to join oneM2M Steering Committee Formed Budget proposed 7/24/12 7/26/12 Kick Off Event First SC Meeting Working Group Procedures approved by SC 9/24/12 9/28/12 Completed Proposed Technical Plenary Start 2nd SC Meeting 5
Scope of Work oneM2M will develop and maintain Technical Specifications and Reports for: Use cases and requirements for a common set of Service Layer capabilities; Service Layer aspects with high level and detailed service architecture, in light of an access independent view of end-to-end services; Protocols/APIs/standard objects based on this architecture (open interfaces & protocols); Security and privacy aspects (authentication, encryption, integrity verification); Reachability and discovery of applications; Interoperability, including test and conformance specifications; Collection of data for charging records (to be used for billing and statistical purposes); Identification and naming of devices and applications; Information models and data management (including store and subscribe/notify functionality); Management aspects (including remote management of entities); and Common use cases, terminal/module aspects, including Service Layer interfaces/APIs between: Application and Service Layers Service Layer and communication functions.
Layers of a Generic M2M Architecture
M2M Applications Gateway/APIs Common M2M Service Layer Common features for vertical industries Gateway/APIs Gateway/APIs SEN/LAN Technologies M2M SEN / LAN WAN Transport Network WAN Technologies Access Network M2M Platform M2M Devices End to End M2M Service
Organizational Structure
Steering Committee Responsibility for providing strategic direction and management to the organization Review and approval of changes to the Partnership’s scope Modifications of the working procedures Funding and budget The Steering Committee will not take part in technical discussions Technical Plenary Responsibility for all technical activities Responsible for the organization of the technical work Can autonomously create sub groups (working groups) as needed
Structure … Steering Committee Technical Plenary
Manages Work Scope and Vision Develops and Maintains Working Procedures Organizational Oversight Technical Plenary Technical Program Management Technical Oversight Responsible for standard work Steering Committee Technical Plenary Working Group 1 Working Group 2 Working Group N … .
oneM2M Participation Partner Type 1 Type 2 Members Associate Members
oneM2M Participant Partner Type 1 Legal Entity
Member based Organization Provide strategic direction to the Partnership Encourage its members to participate in the technical work as oneM2M members Rights Attend, participate and vote in meetings of the Steering Committee; Admit organizations as oneM2M Members to facilitate the technical work of the Partnership; and Attend meetings of the Technical Plenary and its sub-groups (no voting rights in the technical activities)
oneM2M Participant Obligation of Partner Type 1
Cease development of work that overlaps with the work of oneM2M; Transfer work that overlaps with the work of oneM2M to oneM2M; Encourage its members to contribute to the common set of Technical Specifications and Technical Reports and to avoid duplication of work; Identify as early as possible, any national/regional regulatory requirements that may lead to options within the Technical Specifications and Technical Reports; Make its IPR Policy available for consideration for compatibility by the other Partners; Maintain, and make available to the other Partners and to the Secretariat, a list of Members that it admits to participate in the technical work of oneM2M. Such admittance shall require that the Member has agreed to abide by the IPR Policy of the Partner Type 1; Convert/transpose/publish all relevant Technical Specifications and Technical Reports resulting from the work in oneM2M into its own relevant deliverables through its normal processes. To avoid unnecessary duplication, Partners Type 1 in the same geographic region may coordinate the conversion/transposition/publication of relevant Technical Specifications and Technical Reports in that region; and Contribute to the operation of oneM2M (financial and resources)
oneM2M Participant Partner Type 2 Legal Entity
Member based Organization Provide strategic direction and technical input to the Partnership Rights Attend, participate and vote in meetings of the Steering Committee; and Attend, participate and vote in meetings of the Technical Plenary and its sub-groups, as appropriate.
oneM2M Participant Obligations of Partner Type 2
Contribute to the common set of Technical Specifications and Technical Reports representing input from its members that are not also oneM2M Members; Adopt oneM2M Technical Specifications and Technical Reports; Identify as early as possible, any national/regional regulatory requirements that may lead to options within the Technical Specifications and Technical Reports; Make its IPR Policy available for consideration for compatibility by the other Partners or provide written assurance that: (i) its oneM2M contributions are made in accordance with a Partner Type 1 IPR Policy; and (ii) its members are bound by such an IPR Policy relative to any oneM2M contributions; Contribute to the operation of oneM2M (financial and resources). Note: Partner Type 2 are free till end of 2012.
oneM2M Participant Member Organization which is a legal entity; Rights
Has an interest in the development and/or implementation of oneM2M Technical Specifications and Technical Reports; Has agreed to abide by the IPR Policy of a Partner Type 1 under the responsibility of the specific Partner Type 1 for the purposes of contributing to oneM2M Rights Attend the meetings of the Steering Committee Attend, participate and vote in meetings of the Technical Plenary and its sub-groups, as appropriate; Have one vote per admitting Partner Type 1. If an organization and one or more of its Affiliates are admitted as oneM2M Members by a specific Partner Type 1, the organization and its Affiliates may cast only one vote per admitting Partner Type 1 at each voting event.
oneM2M Participant Obligations of a Member
Abide by the IPR Policy of a specific Partner Type 1 Contribute to the common set of Technical Specifications and Technical Reports Contribute to the operation of oneM2M via their specific Partner Type 1
oneM2M Participant Associate Member
Any government or regulatory agency that has an interest in the development of oneM2M Technical Specifications and Technical Reports. Rights Attend and provide input to meetings of the Technical Plenary and its sub-groups Contributions/input shall be limited to clarifications regarding regulatory matters and informational contributions Obligations No specific obligations
Summary of Voting Rights
Partner Type 1 Voting in the SC Attend but no voting in the TP or in the technical subgroups Partner Type 2 Voting in the SC, TP and in the technical subgroups Member Attend SC but no voting Voting in the TP and the technical subgroups One company (including affiliates) one vote per Partner Type 1 membership Associate Member Attend TP and the technical subgroups but no voting rights
oneM2M Member Benefits to Joining as a oneM2M Member
Develop one globally agreed M2M Service Layer specification which can Lower operating and capital expenses Provide faster time to market with new services and applications Expand new business opportunities Enhance interoperability Enhance security and reliability of delivery of M2M communications Allow flexibility for inputs from all market segments Avoid overlap with existing work and focuses on cooperative efforts Support global harmonization and consolidation
Contact Information Cheryl Blum TIA Vice President Technology and Standards Herb Congdon TIA Associate Vice President Technology and Standards
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