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Agenda Introduction Project Highlight: Mosque History & Background Issues & Challenges Looking Forward Project Lifecycle Property Sample Financial Health.

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2 Agenda Introduction Project Highlight: Mosque History & Background Issues & Challenges Looking Forward Project Lifecycle Property Sample Financial Health 2

3 Introduction Thank you for your active participation Prosperous future Insha’Allah Projects (highlight: Mosque) 3

4 Project Highlight: Mosque History & Background Tri-State Islamic Center: Established in 2005 Members (adults): Started 15, currently 60: 400% increase! Some of the services offered include Jumma Prayers 5 Prayers as available Sunday School for kids Potluck gatherings (not anymore) 4

5 Project Highlight: Mosque Issues & Challenges Legal Issues and Fire Code Space is limited – overcrowding Only one bathroom No Parking Complaints from Neighbors 5

6 Project Highlight: Mosque 6 DefinePlanExecute Looking Forward: Project Lifecycle

7 Project Highlight: Mosque Objectives To establish an Islamic Center that serves the Muslim community of the Tri-State area for Prayers, social occasions, school, and act as a dawa center for non- Muslims Project initiated on Oct 14, 2009 Project Team Members Osama Elkhatib Iad Al-Dahleh Muhanad Hassan 7 Define Project Lifecycle: Define

8 Project Highlight: Mosque Project Requirements General Requirements The new center should house the Muslim community activities such as Prayers, social gathering, Sunday school, Dawa for Non-Muslims 8 Define

9 Project Highlight: Mosque Location Requirements Proximity to the "majority" of the Muslim community Centrally located within reasonable reach 9 Define

10 Project Highlight: Mosque Building Requirements & Components Assume a growth of 5% per year Accommodate current and future growth Satisfy mass gatherings for all occasions Parking Lot for at least 20 cars Prayer Area for brothers and sisters Shoes and Coat area At least 2 Bathrooms for ladies and Men Wudu Area Kitchen Classrooms (optional) Office Space Library (optional) 10 Define

11 Project Highlight: Mosque Currently working with realtor Jane O'Neil - Coldwell Bankers Short Term Plan Looking into renting a different facility to accommodate the current needs Options: – Commercial Property: est. costs $2000 per month – Residential Property: est. costs $1300 per month 11 Plan Project Lifecycle: Plan

12 Project Highlight: Mosque Long Term Plan Duration is about 2 Years. This depends on all of us! Current estimated final cost of $300,000 (as of May 31, 2010) Should we build? Should we look for a house with at least 1.5 acres? Should we obtain a commercial property with business to benefit the Center? What is the best fit for our need? Example of Property 12 Plan

13 Project Highlight: Mosque Long Term Plan Fundraiser approach 13 Plan PHASEDATEGOAL ($)CUMULATIVE ($) Phase IMay 8, 2010$75,000 Phase IITBD$100,000$175,000 Phase IIITBD$125,000$300,000 TOTAL (current estimate)$300,000

14 Project Highlight: Mosque Obtain the rest of the funding (if plan changes) Formulate complete action plan based on “Definition and Planning” lifecycle outputs Assign a sub-team to focus on execution activities 14 Execute Project Lifecycle: Execute

15 Project Highlight: Mosque Acquire the property (based on decision of buy or build) If buy Meet the required city obligations and apply for appropriate documents (e.g. Title transfer) If build Obtain permits Design building Build 15 Execute

16 Financial Health Current Finances: ZAKIR UPDATE 16

17 Conclusion Alhamdolilah we have done our due diligence in moving forward with this project We feel it is a must for this community We must all come together to make this a reality Stay tuned for further updates Thank you for all your contributions today and may Allah reward you now and the hereafter 17

18 Thank you for listening! QUESTIONS 18

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