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Rationale, Structure, Planning, Implementation and Sustaining

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1 Rationale, Structure, Planning, Implementation and Sustaining
Career Academies Rationale, Structure, Planning, Implementation and Sustaining

2 Career Academy Workshop Objectives
2008 TDHS National ConferenceTDHS Org Training Career Academy Workshop Objectives Participants will know and be able to: Explain the rationale for Career Academies Define Career Academies and their 4 criteria Explain the steps to planning Career Academies

3 Indicate your role at your school
P = planning career academies I = implementing career academies Years of implementation 1st, 2nd, etc.

4 2008 TDHS National ConferenceTDHS Org Training
Career Academies In a Talent Development High School 4

5 Four defining characteristics of Career Academies
Prepare all students for any post secondary option 2. Small Self-Contained Learning Community (own space, faculty, students, administration, and support team) 3. Business Partners for advice and authentic experiences 4. Student self-selection, open to all students

6 2008 TDHS National ConferenceTDHS Org Training
Why Career Academies? Small learning communities foster more positive relationships - personalization Improved school climate “Safe, serious, student mobility” Increased student motivation “Relevant program with less apathy” ADD special effects of each point sliding in one point at a time Improved student attendance and promotion rates Greatly reduced dropouts

7 Research shows that students experience:
Apathy: They do not see the relevance of school. Relevance Career connections Anonymity: Many students feel anonymous in their schools. Personal relationships A sense of community

8 Organization of a Talent Development School
Central Administration Principal Ninth Grade Academy Career Academy #1 Career Academy #2 Career Academy #3 Academy Leader Counselor Academy Leader Counselor Academy Leader Counselor Academy Leader Counselor Leader Team Leader Team Leader Team Leader Team Leader Team Leader Team Team Leader Team Leader Team Leader

9 Talent Development High Schools Career Academy Pathways
250 – 350 Students 14-16 Teachers, 10 Advisories Counselor Pathway 1 Career Focus 150 Students 7-8 Teachers Core Curriculum “Real World” Experiences Team Leader 5 Advisories Pathway 2 Career Focus 150 Students 7-8 Teachers Core Curriculum “Real World” Experiences Team Leader 5 Advisories Goal: Common Prep. Period for Majority of Staff with a Team Leader Who Has a Reduced Schedule

10 A pathway identifies the more specific careers that are covered under the broader Career Academy themes. Each pathway has a sequence of courses. ACADEMY


12 Career Academies Planning Criteria
Survey student interest and skills Build Upon School Strengths (staff and facilities) Consider Local Labor Market Provide Variety of Career Academy Choices

13 Career Academies are reflective of faculty strengths
Encourage staff members to work together with faculty who have similar interests Generate enthusiasm among the faculty for establishing Career Academies. This leads to ownership for planning and leading academies.

14 2008 TDHS National ConferenceTDHS Org Training
Career Clusters Public Services Marketing, Sales & Service Manufacturing & Product Development Transportation Agriculture & Natural Resources Arts, Media & Entertainment Building Trades & Construction Energy & Utilities Educ, Child Dev, & Family Services Engineering & Design Fashion & Interior Design Finance & Business Health Science & Medical Technology Hospitality, Tourism & Recreation Information Technology Career Technical Education Industry Sectors

15 A variety of Career Academy themes allows for each student to find a Career Academy that suits the individuals’ strengths and interests.

16 Career Academy Examples
Environmental Science Arts and Humanities Sports Studies & Health /Wellness Transportation and Engineering Technology Teaching and the Helping Professions Health Sciences Global Business and Technology Restaurant and Hotel Services Business and Finance Aerospace Technology Public Service Legal and Criminal Justice

17 2008 TDHS National ConferenceTDHS Org Training
The Planning Year Step 2: SLC Formation: October-November Step 3: Faculty SLC Selection: December Step 4: SLC Marketing November-January Step 5: Student Selection/Placement: December- January Step 6: The Nitty Gritty – January to May Staffing & Scheduling Facility Reorganization Baseline Data Collection Professional Development Plan Step 7: Summer Work & Faculty Retreat Breaking a school down into multiple, self-contained academies in a way that really empowers folks in the school requires a lot of time for planning (can do fast track, but risks are folks not deeply understanding or owning the reforms). We have a detailed planning process that is very participatory and requires a lot from the faculty to generate academy concepts, market them to kids, and then engage in all the nitty gritty work of facility reorganization, staffing and scheduling and so forth.

18 2008 TDHS National ConferenceTDHS Org Training
Implementation Years Deepening of SLC/Teaming Practice Putting the Career in Career Academy Ongoing instructional improvement supported by peer coaches Ongoing systems and Leadership Development If all goes well, we open in the fall with small learning communities well identified conceptually and physically, well scheduled, teams with common planning time, course sequences developed, and all systems go…but then there’s living it and a lot of deepening that needs to occur during implementation.

19 Scheduling Goals: All Teachers scheduled within the academy
Self-Contained SLCs with Teams All Teachers scheduled within the academy 4 x 4 Schedule Common prep time for teaching teams Extra prep time for Team Leaders Double dose in Math and English for students who need it Cross Academy Courses for specialty and Advanced Courses

20 All students choose a pathway revolving around a career interest.
Career Academy Checklist All students choose a pathway revolving around a career interest. Each teacher in an academy is identified as a part of a pathway. Pathway students are in pathway advisories. Pathway advisors stay with advisory from year to year and receive professional development in mentoring strategies. Room assignments are clustered by pathway identification of teachers and advisories.

21 Staff Members organized by academy

22 Map of Small Learning Communities

23 Career Academy Checklist
A three-year course sequence of career focused pathway courses is identified and students are scheduled into these courses. Staff Development time is provided for pathway teams to meet and discuss team development strategies and student issues. Pathway teams (SLC teams) develop pathway/SLC culture with room decorations, newsletter, all-team meetings, awards programs, trips, and other teaming strategies. Each SLC develops an “advisory council” made up of partners in business, universities, government, and community.

24 Student ID Cards by academy (personalization/identity)

25 Career Academy Checklist
A parent advisory group is formed to work with the team for support and to encourage parent involvement. The master schedule allows for pathway teams to share a common prep time to discuss pathway issues. The team leader and academy counselor work with each pathway team to locate job shadowing and internship experience during junior and senior years.


27 Advisory Board Structure and Management
Information from NAF National Academy Foundation (

28 Helps define the mission of the program
Role of Advisory Board Helps define the mission of the program Assist in the development of Academy policies Provide paid internships for qualified students Provide industry expertise to support curriculum Business/Industry tours for teachers & students Mentoring and job shadowing opportunities for teachers and students

29 Role of Advisory Board Assist in budget development Assist in fundraising in support of the Academy Assist in promotional activities Curriculum review and development Development of competencies for career paths Provide awards and incentives for teachers Provide scholarships for students Assist in the development of a strategic plan

30 Ways to be Engage Board Members
Advisory Board Committee member Paid internship provider / supervisor Classroom speaker Mentor Job-shadow venue Coach, judge (Senior Projects) Speaker at Student Conference

31 Don’t forget outreach involving
Universities Service projects Parents Cultural institutions Local, city and state government School district Alumni

TDHS Org Training 2008 TDHS National ConferenceTDHS Org Training WORKING IN TABLE GROUPS Think about a career themed interdisciplinary unit/project/idea for your academy. Be prepared to explain to the group including how each subject area teacher will be involved (Extra credit will be given for creativity of idea and creativity in sharing)

33 Thank you! Comments, Questions, and Contact Info: Tara Madden

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