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2 GRADE 7 & 8 ENGLISH FOR SPEAKERS OF OTHER LANGUAGES Introduction Grade 7 and 8 English Course Structure Questions & Answers ESOL Additional English

3 GRADE 7 & 8 ENGLISH FOR SPEAKERS OF OTHER LANGUAGES Who does Additional English ? Students whose level of English is adequate to cope with the demands of mainstream curriculum, but they can benefit from extra teacher assistance. Additional English students attend the same ESOL lessons as their classmates. The only subject they miss is a Modern Foreign Language.

4 GRADE 7 & 8 ENGLISH FOR SPEAKERS OF OTHER LANGUAGES What is Additional English ? Grade 7 and 8 Additional English Students spend five periods per week in AE. Their lessons are divided as follows: 2 periods-Writing Skills 2 periods-Reading Skills and Vocabulary Development 1 period-Curriculum Support / Study Skills

5 GRADE 7 & 8 ENGLISH FOR SPEAKERS OF OTHER LANGUAGES Grade 7 and 8 Additional English In the Writing lessons, the main emphasis is on helping students to: Develop an awareness of different ‘text types’ Study grammar Practise using a thesaurus Spelling activities The overall approach to writing stresses the need for planning and revision.

6 GRADE 7 & 8 ENGLISH FOR SPEAKERS OF OTHER LANGUAGES Grade 7 - Additional English In the Reading / Vocabulary lessons students study skills such as: Skimming & scanning Learning to recognise text organisation Use contextual clues to aid understanding and distinguish between fact and opinion. They also do various activities aimed at extending their range of vocabulary.

7 GRADE 7 & 8 ENGLISH FOR SPEAKERS OF OTHER LANGUAGES Grade 7 and 8 Additional English In the single Curriculum Support / Study Skills lessons students are assisted individually with work from other subjects: The aim of the lesson is to help students learn strategies to cope with the English language content of these subjects. In addition (depending on individual need), they sometimes practise dictionary and thesaurus use; note- taking; and other Study Skills.

8 GRADE 7 & 8 ENGLISH FOR SPEAKERS OF OTHER LANGUAGES How long do students spend in Additional English ? This varies according to the individuals needs and progress. Depending on factors such as their ability and their previous exposure to English, some students spend a full academic year, others move to a Modern Foreign Language (MFL) after one of two terms. However, there are disadvantages to starting an MFL late in the year, so a student making good progress in AE may be encouraged to remain in AE until the end of the year.

9 GRADE 7 & 8 ENGLISH FOR SPEAKERS OF OTHER LANGUAGES Grade 7 and 8 – ESOL Middle School ESOL courses are for students who need specialist instructions and practice in order to be able to use English more fluently and accurately. In Grade 7 and 8 ESOL, the students study both literature and language.

10 GRADE 7 & 8 ENGLISH FOR SPEAKERS OF OTHER LANGUAGES Grade 7 and 8 ESOL Students spend five periods per week in ESOL. Their lessons are divided as follows: 1 double-Mainstream English Literature 1 double.-Language Skills/Grammar 1 single-Personal Reading

11 GRADE 7 & 8 ENGLISH FOR SPEAKERS OF OTHER LANGUAGES Grade 7 and 8 ESOL (Literature) The Literature lessons challenge the ESOL students reading skills. They also develop an awareness of literature and introduce them to character analysis. Texts chosen are mainstream texts which stretch the ESOL students range of vocabulary.

12 GRADE 7 & 8 ENGLISH FOR SPEAKERS OF OTHER LANGUAGES Grade 7 and 8 ESOL (Language) The Language focus on grammar enrichment and vocabulary building and offer a rich source of reading texts. Both offer opportunities for developing the students written, oral and listening skills. The personal reading lessons allow the students to select their own reading texts. These lessons aim to increase reading speed, expand vocabulary, and promote further reading novels in English.

13 GRADE 7 & 8 ENGLISH FOR SPEAKERS OF OTHER LANGUAGES Grade 7 and 8 ESOL (Personal Reading) The personal reading lessons allow the students to select their own reading texts. These lessons aim to increase reading speed, expand vocabulary, and promote further reading novels in English. These are followed up with oral presentations and written book reports and other assignments.

14 GRADE 7 & 8 ENGLISH FOR SPEAKERS OF OTHER LANGUAGES How can you help your child ? You can support your child’s learning by encouraging him/her to do the following: Read plenty of books in English; (at least one short book – e.g. 50 pages per week or about half an hour per day) Listen to, and speak, English as often as possible (perhaps advise them not to spend too much time with other students who speak their first language Check their written work before handing it in (the most frequent errors tend to concern verb tenses!)

15 GRADE 7 & 8 ENGLISH FOR SPEAKERS OF OTHER LANGUAGES How can you help your child ? Continued……. Treat writing as a process, not just something you do quickly and then hand in (first get ideas; then make a plan; write the first draft; read it and make changes; then rewrite it) Use their vocabulary book (write down useful words/phrases and example of how to use them practise the new language regularly) Use an English-to-English dictionary, as well as an English/First Language dictionary

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