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Student Transportation Services Highway to Excellence Transportation Performance Indicators, Measures and Benchmark Data Presented by: Greg Akin, Director.

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Presentation on theme: "Student Transportation Services Highway to Excellence Transportation Performance Indicators, Measures and Benchmark Data Presented by: Greg Akin, Director."— Presentation transcript:

1 Student Transportation Services Highway to Excellence Transportation Performance Indicators, Measures and Benchmark Data Presented by: Greg Akin, Director of Transportation

2 Agenda Define Efficiency. Where do we start? – Expenditures – Revenue Establish Performance Indicators. Things to think about. Cost savings measures. Bottom line 2

3 Define Efficiency Webster defines efficiency as: – Acting effectively with a minimum of waste or effort. – Exhibiting a high ratio of output to input. 3

4 Where do we start? Expenditures: what is the total cost (expenditures) to run your transportation department? – Salary including benefits, fuel, tires, parts, utilities, contracted services, overhead costs, everything. Revenue: how much money (revenue) do you generate in a school year? – State FTE funds, Warranty claims, used oil, scrap metal, field trips, fuel sales tax refund, Outside program billings, auction equipment. 4

5 Where do we start? Establish a common set of key performance indicators in a range of acceptable parameters. Benchmark the key performance indicators Document effective management practices Record the performance data to improve resource deployment and decision making over time. Develop standards of excellence for each of the indicators 5

6 Where do we start? Gather your data: – Total miles traveled (all buses) – Total gallons of fuel dispensed (all buses) – Total cost for fuel purchased – Total cost of oil, tires and parts – Total buses in fleet – Total route buses in fleet – Number of students transported – Organizational chart – number of bus operators, bus attendants, mechanics and office staff 6

7 Establish Performance Indicators Establish Performance Indicators What do you want to measure? Operations: – Fully allocated costs – Percentage of district budget spent on transportation – Cost per student – Percentage of students riding the school bus – Cost to operate a school bus – Cost per mile traveled – Average Bus Occupancy – Managers span of control – Established bus stops – Cost of HSH – Cost of Summer School – Cost to transport Charter Schools 7

8 Establish Performance Indicators Establish Performance Indicators Fleet: – Spare Bus Ratio – Average age of buses (Years/Miles) – Average Maintenance and repair cost per vehicle – Technician – vehicle ratio – Annual parts consumption per vehicle – Average parts inventory value – Parts inventory turnover rate – Span of control – Number of breakdowns for the year – Labor Costs 8

9 Cost per Student Calculation Factors That Influence This Measure Wage and benefit structure and labor contracts Cost of the fleet, including fleet replacement plan, facilities, insurance and maintenance Effectiveness of the routing plan Ability to use each bus for more than one run Bell schedule Maximum riding time allowed and earliest pickup time allowed Contracted service costs Types of transported programs served Analysis of the Data $571.50 - $698.50 Fiscal Year Measured Cost per Student District Cost per Student % of Increase Decrease FY 07$689.00$275.00--- FY 08$767.00$348.00+ 10% FY 09$664.00$256.00- 13.5% FY 10$623.00$240.00- 6% 9

10 Students Receiving Basic Home to School to Home Bus Transportation Factors That Influence This Measure % of students transported by policy and law Placement of school attendance boundaries and zones Viable public transportation options (Parent option) Special programs supported by transportation Analysis of the Data 40% – 50% Fiscal Year Total Students Total Students Eligible % Eligible Total Students Riding Bus % Riding Bus of Total Eligible % Riding Bus against Total # Student FY 0863,41845,38672%24,55254%39% FY 09 61,940 42,68569%24,05056%39% FY 1062,03342,74669%24,32156%39% FY 11 61,31643,33871%25,44559%41% 10

11 Cost per District-Operated Bus Factors That Influence this Measure Local cost of living factors Bargaining unit condition Types of programs supported; AYP, Plus-one, Academies and Cross County transportation Geographical Location Serviced Fuel Costs Deadhead miles Analysis of the Data $45 k – $50 K Fiscal Year # of Route Buses Total Expenditures (7800 Report) Cost per District Operated Bus % of Increase or Decrease FY 07269$17,602,922$65,438.37-- FY 08268$18,838,178$70,291.71+ 7% FY 09235$16,322,011$69,752.18- 1% FY 10234$15,508,754$66,276.72- 5% 11

12 Miles between Accidents Factors That Influence This Measure Definition of accident and injury as defined by Support Services Policy 505 and statute Preventative accident training programs Experience of driving force Analysis of the Data 43 K – 74 K Fiscal Year Measured Miles between Accidents Percentage of Increase or Decrease FY 0750,220.75-- FY 0844,301.31- 12% FY 0958,428.25+ 25% FY 1064,094.58+ 9% 12

13 Total Miles per Bus Factors That Influence This Measure Routing system Types of transportation programs served Size of service area District-labor agreements Location of bus terminals Analysis of the Data 18 K – 22 K Fiscal Year MeasuredTotal Miles per Bus FY 0819,268.60 FY 0919,393.21 FY 1019,173.59 FY 1118,849.23 13

14 Runs per Day Factors That Influence This Measure District-managed transportation Tiered school bell times Bell schedule changes Bus capacities District guidelines on maximum ride time District geography Minimum/shortened/staff development day scheduling Effectiveness of the routing plan Types and location of transported programs served Analysis of the Data 4 to 6 Fiscal Year MeasuredRuns per Day per Bus FY 081377 divided by 268 = 5.13 FY 091202 divided by 235 = 5.11 FY 101200 divided by 234 = 5.13 FY 111266 divided by 234 = 5.41 14

15 Average Bus Occupancy (Number of Students per Bus) (ABO) Factors That Influence This Measure Effectiveness of the routing plan Ability to use each bus for more than one run each morning and each afternoon Bell schedule Type of programs served Strategic procurement of buses leveraging seating capacity District guidelines on maximum ride time Parent transportation options Analysis of the Data.90% - 1.00% Fiscal Year MeasuredAverage Bus Occupancy FY 08.91% FY 09103.22% FY 10103.79% FY 11103.56% 15

16 Students with IEP Transported on Dedicated Buses Factors That Influence This Measure District-managed transportation Availability of alternative modes of transportation Partnerships with public transportation agencies District’s mainstreaming and Least Restrictive Environment policies Analysis of the Data 75% - 95% Fiscal Year Percentage of Dedicated Buses Total Number ESE Students (G & Y) Gifted Students Number of Students Dedicated Runs FY 081377/3.5 /96.5% 5,88138139248 FY 091202/2.9 /97.1% 2,09739921636 FY 101200/2.4 /97.6% 1,55152812929 FY 111266/9701,14011328 16

17 Transportation Expenditures as Percent of General Fund Factors That Influence This Measure Types of transported programs supported District-run operation Percent of students transported by policy and law Percent transported by bus versus public transportation Public transportation as a viable option Labor costs in the district area Efficient administration of program Analysis of the Data 4% - 5% Fiscal Year MeasuredPercentage of General Fund FY 073.6% FY 083.83% FY 093.29% FY 103.75% 17

18 Miles between Preventable Accidents Factors That Influence This Measure Definition of accident and injury as defined by the survey vs. district definition Definition of a preventable accident Preventative accident training programs Experience of driving force Analysis of the Data 89 K – 106 K Fiscal Year Measured Miles between Preventable Accidents Percentage of Increase or Decrease FY 07307,232.82-- FY 08304,897.29- 1% FY 09506,378.22+ 40% FY 101,121,655+ 65% 18

19 Cost per Total Mile Operated Factors That Influence This Measure Wage and benefit structure Cost of the fleet, including fleet replacement plan, facilities, fuel, insurance and maintenance Effectiveness of the routing plan Ability to use each bus for more than one route or run Bell schedule Maximum riding time allowed and earliest pickup time allowed Type of programs served will influence costs Analysis of the Data $4.50 - $5.50 Fiscal Year Measured Cost per Total Mile Traveled Percentage of Increase or Decrease FY 07$3.37-- FY 08$3.63+ 7% FY 09$3.88+ 6.5% FY 10$3.45- 10% 19

20 Route Utilization Efficiency: TierNumber Rt. Buses FY 09 – 235 Number Rt. Buses FY 10 – 234 Number Rt. Buses FY 11 - 234 Tier 13 (1%)2 (.8%)1 (.43%) Tier 268 (29%)64 (27.35%)45 (19.23%) Tier 3148 (63%)148 (63.25%)168 (71.79%) Tier 416 (7%)20 (8.55%)

21 Bus Stop Analysis FY 07FY 08FY 09FY 10FY 11 Total Number Bus Stops within the District 4, 6673,8952,5412,4932,451 Number of Bus Stops Not on a Main Roadway 4,2613,5112,1942,1522,107 Numder of Stops on Main Roadways 45 to 55 mph 313287250244255 Number of Stops on Main Roadways 55 to 65 mph 9397 95 Number of Curbside Bus Stops1,272937707653647 Number of Students at Each Stop On Average 1410121311 21

22 Trend Analysis on Accidents Crash TypeFY 07FY 08FY 09FY 10 Backing1623136 Moving Forward42403132 Left Turn14 96 Right Turn91477 Rear Ended (Stopped/Stopping) 13161215 Parked (Properly/not Properly) 5130 Lane Change1120 3 Point Turn0100 Unknown4714 Total1041177870 22

23 FTE Comparison Chart 23 School Year Number Eligible Students Transported Number Route Buses Average Bus Occupancy Estimated Funds Collected FY 0526,03226392.59%$10,848,964.00 FY 0626,95626397.46%$11,542,672.00 FY 0727,03927194.51%$12,236,380.00 FY 0825,74426890.93%$12,018,236.00 FY 0924,680235106.00%$11,609,952.00 FY 1024,287234103.79%$10,354,044.00 FY 1125,445234103.56%$10,528,061.00

24 Mutual agreements Shared tire and recap bid Shared battery bid Assisted in developing consortium for fuel bid Negotiated discount for bio-diesel fuel Mutual aid agreement with County of Volusia for fuel Authorized warranty repair center for several manufacturer’s Blue Bird buses International Engines & buses Thomas buses Cummins engines Carrier A/C TransAir A/C Ricon Wheel chair lifts Truck-lite lighting 24 Performing warranty repairs in-house provides reimbursement for warranty parts and labor reimbursement as high as $75.00 per hour.

25 Things to think about Things to think about Employee turnover rate: Recruitment /Retention Training costs Absenteeism rate Vehicle accidents tracking and trend analysis Student Behavior Management/referrals Projected growth or decline in ridership Collective Bargaining / Union Dialogue Timely and accurate Billing process 25

26 Things to think about Things to think about On-time delivery Efficiency and Effectiveness – Per school – percentage of bus riders – Breakdown per bus the number of riders – Number of buses servicing the school – Cost to run the route Annual bus stop review Bus utilization / pairings (3-tier system) Deadhead miles Employee overtime reports Bi-annual Compliance review of records Vandalism on buses / Break-ins at facilities or buses 26

27 Cost saving measures Cost saving measures Consolidated bus stops Depot stops Bell times Bus route to attendant ratio Out of zone transportation Eliminate alternative bus stops Remove non-eligible bus riders Reduced idling policy Fully utilize buses in a three tier system No return to school procedure for unsafe behavior Reduce overtime 27

28 28

29 Bottom Line Expenditures versus Revenue Would you run the department any different if it was your checkbook? Can you do the job any better? Continue to monitor the operations and look for ways to improve the process Make decisions based on your data! Balancing Act: – Quality of Service (Customer Focus) – Political Pressure 29

30 30 Mission Statement: through partnerships and teamwork we will provide a cooperative, responsive and personal approach to ensure safe, secure, effective and efficient transportation to support instructional programs and services for students, families and the community.

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