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Safe computing and Malware Presentation done by Tylor Hardwick, Alex Gilsdorf, Code Forrester, Xander Winans.

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Presentation on theme: "Safe computing and Malware Presentation done by Tylor Hardwick, Alex Gilsdorf, Code Forrester, Xander Winans."— Presentation transcript:

1 Safe computing and Malware Presentation done by Tylor Hardwick, Alex Gilsdorf, Code Forrester, Xander Winans

2 Overview Safe Computing Password creation Safe Web browsing General maintenance Malware Types of Malware Phishing DoS Attack Identifiers

3 Safe computing Safe: protected from or not exposed to danger or risk; not likely to be harmed or lost. Computing: the use or operation of computers.

4 Why should you be safe? Privacy Identity theft Saves you time and money

5 Bad Habits How many of you use simple passwords like your birthday or nicknames? Never use consecutive numbers or simple patterns for passwords Not locking your computer. Its as simple as hitting windows key + L

6 Good habits you should start using Get antivirus software Common sense is your friend Strong passwords

7 Safe Web Browsing Prepare your self for battle! Firewall up You can trust websites that use https: Make sure your using social media correctly Never share your social security number or financial information

8 Creating a strong password Complex Uses information that is not obvious Try using combining interests to create an idea that is unique Make sure you can remember it Use uppercase and lower case letters, numbers, and symbols Make sure its 8-16 characters long Don’t forget to change your passwords often

9 General maintenance Defragmentation Windows updates – driver updates Clean hardware

10 Using antivirus Software designed to detect and destroy computer viruses Use a reputable antivirus software Make sure to update the virus definitions frequently Every 3 to 6 months scan with a different software

11 Backing up data External storage devices – different types Cloud – reputable sites Benefits

12 Malware Malware: malicious software designed specifically to damage or disrupt a system.

13 A Brief History Creeper Worm The Animal Elk Cloner

14 Types Of Malware Trojan Horse Worm Spyware

15 Want to Go Phishing? How hackers go phishing Avoiding it

16 Denial of Service Attack In Computing Perpetrators of DoS attacks Denial-of-service attacks are considered

17 Modern Use Marketing Stats Steal personal info Gather guarded info Disrupt Operation Zombie Computer

18 Identifiers Anti-virus Anti-malware and firewalls Safe guard, identify, and protect

19 Conclusion Safe computing is good Malware is bad  Remember to take this presentation and apply it.

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