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POST CRISIS NEEDS ASSESSMENT (PCNA) MDTF 4 th STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING PROGRESS REVIEW ISU Planning & Development Department Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

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Presentation on theme: "POST CRISIS NEEDS ASSESSMENT (PCNA) MDTF 4 th STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING PROGRESS REVIEW ISU Planning & Development Department Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa."— Presentation transcript:

1 POST CRISIS NEEDS ASSESSMENT (PCNA) MDTF 4 th STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING PROGRESS REVIEW ISU Planning & Development Department Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 28 th February, 2012 1

2 PORTFOLIO REVIEW GSP PCNA Implementation Support Unit (ISU) in P&DD established. Recruitment underway. 1 st Withdrawal application for US$ 0.85 m made under GSP. GoKP is also arranging a bridge financing facility of Rs. 75 m to start the activities under GSP including special initiatives for Judiciary and Provincial Ombudsman office. Governance related and capacity enhancing proposals for KP Judiciary and Ombudsman office prepared. Ground work on other proposals underway. Plan chalked out for conducting PCNA/MDTF orientation workshops. 2

3 PORTFOLIO REVIEW ERKP Total Cost US$ 20 m. US$1.954 m disbursed. Work Plan prepared and shall be approved in 1 st SC Meeting in first half of March. 300 affected SMEs to be financed and an investment mobilization plan to be chalked out. ERP: UPG/Rehab. of Road Garhai-Kanju, Swat 11 KM (Cost US$ 8 m) 25% physical & financial progress achieved in 16% elapsed time. 3

4 SHSCA Strengthening Health Services in Crisis Affected Districts (Cost US$ 25 m). The project cleared in PDWP & CDWP. Anticipatory ECNEC approval not accorded. GoKP now decided to withdraw project from ECNEC and exercise the option of approval under simplified procedure. CDD Southern Area Development Project (SADP) experiencing severe start up/ project design delays i) Inability of the World Bank consultants to visit KP ii) Inability to even launch a pre-appraisal mission to the southern districts of KP The GoKP desires to design the SADP through local consultants/team under the guidance of ISU. PORTFOLIO REVIEW 4

5 PROPOSAL FOR ADDITIONAL ROAD COMPONENT “UPGRADATION / REHABILITATION OF ROAD FROM CHAKDARA TO MADYAN ON RIGHT BANK OF RIVER SWAT” Phase – II : Chakdara-Sharifabad Section 30.5 km Total length Chakdara- Madyan 88 Km Package – 1: Chakdara- Kanju 41 Km Package – 2: Kanju- Madyan 47 Km of which 42 Km already under construction (Narcotic Affairs Section US Embassy) Package – 1 is further divided into Two Phases; Phase - I : Sharifabad-Kanju 10.5 km (MDTF Grant) Phase – II : Chakdara-Sharifabad 30.5 km not yet financed; (proposal underway for MDTF financing) 5

6 6

7 PACKAGE–1 PROPOSED PHASE–II (Chakdara- Sharifabad) Project Cost:Rs. 1800 million (approx) Project Length:30.424 Km Right of Way:15.25 m Bridges:5 Nos. Culverts:119 Nos Retaining Walls:870 m Design Speed:40 to 80 Km/h Carriageway:7.3 m Asphaltic Concrete Shoulders:1 m Treated (DST) and 1 m Earthen Shoulder on Each Side 7

8 AA) SOCIAL & ECONOMIC BB) STRATEGIC IMPORTANCE CC) TOURISM DD) SOCIAL Proposed additional road component shall have tremendous benefits: 8

9 9 To address the capacity issues at various tiers, the ISU will undertake the following steps: Engagement of a lead agency on permanent basis as a management partner. Engagement of a lead agency for M&E and top supervision of projects under MDTF/PCNA with linkages to M&E Directorate. Engagement of a lead agency for internal audit Steering Committee to kindly endorse ISSUES AND CHALLENGES

10 A) -Chakdara– Madyan Road off takes from Chakdara, located at the confluence of District Dir and Malakand. -Population:160,000 and houses a Levis Garrison -The road along the Right Bank gives access to the very fertile farm lands, growing paddy, fruit orchard and vegetables. -Most of the balance portion of population of 300,000 lives on farms within the vicinity of the River Swat.

11 B) - Easy deployment of troops - To serve as an alternate route running parallel to N45 which is sometimes blocked due to land slides C) - proposed reconstruction will attract a sizeable portion of the tourist traffic to the upper valleys of Swat D) - easy communication to markets, education and health centers with the construction of bridges.

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