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ISNE101 Dr. Ken Cosh Week 14. This Week  Challenges (still) facing Modern IS  Reliability  Security.

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Presentation on theme: "ISNE101 Dr. Ken Cosh Week 14. This Week  Challenges (still) facing Modern IS  Reliability  Security."— Presentation transcript:

1 ISNE101 Dr. Ken Cosh Week 14

2 This Week  Challenges (still) facing Modern IS  Reliability  Security

3 Reliability  Redundancy is the Key!  Spare components  Components running in parallel  Triple Modular Redundancy  Identify unreliable components and arrange back ups.  UPS  Multiple ISPs

4 Security  Data stored digitally & transmitted through networks == Greater security threats.  After all digital data can be copied more easily

5 Security Threats Unauthorised Access Errors Viruses/Worms Spyware Tapping Sniffing Message Alteration Theft/Fraud Hacking Vandalism DoS attacks Theft/Copy Data Hardware/Software Failure

6 Malware (Malicious Software): Viruses / Worms / Trojans / Spyware  Virus  Display message -> destroying data  Spread by human action;  i.e. sending infected email, or copying a file  Worms  Don’t need human action;  Copy themselves across network on their own.  Destroy data / Disrupt network

7 Malware (Malicious Software): Viruses / Worms / Trojans / Spyware  Trojan Horses  Software appears benign, but then does something unexpected  Doesn’t replicate (so not a virus), but may facilitate viruses  Spyware  Program installs itself and then serves up advertising  Keyloggers record all keystrokes – including passwords / CC numbers etc.  Some spyware uses up memory / redirect search requests / reset browser home page

8 Hackers & Computer Crime  Objective: to gain unauthorised access  Steal information  System damage  Cybervandalism  Defacing websites

9 Spoofing / Sniffing  Spoofing  Masquerade as someone else   Redirect you to similar webpage   Sniffing  Eavesdropping on data passed through a network  Legitimately to identify trouble spots / criminal activity  But also to steal information  V. difficult to detect

10 DoS Attacks  Denial of Service  DDoS – Distributed Denial of Service  Fake communications / requests submitted simultaneously through network to slow it down and prevent legitimate usages.

11 Identity Theft  Perhaps by Phishing  Asking users for confidential data through fake emails/websites  “Please update your records…”  Or Evil Twins  I could set up a “trustworthy” wifi network connection in a hotel lobby

12 Countering the Threats  Tight Security Policies  Access Control  Authentication  Password  Biometrics  Firewalls  Anti Virus  Encryption

13 Security Policies  Access Control Lists (ACL)  Limit which users can do what (e.g. update websites)  Signed agreements for service  When allowing users onto a network, normally they sign an agreement, regarding terms of use.  Noticeably none at Payap / CMU?  Policies could include,  Regular password changes  Whether personal use of service is permitted  Antivirus updates  Can help against, external attacks, intrusion, virus / worms

14 Encryption  Encoding the contents of a transmission so it can’t be decrypted on route.  Symmetric-key encryption  Public / Private key encryption  Helps prevent interception.

15 Symmetric Key Encryption  Both sender and receiver use the same ‘code’ to encrypt and then decrypt a message.  If I tell you to move each character back two in the alphabet, and then send you this message;  Jgnnq Encuu  Anyone who intercepts the message gets nothing, but you are able to decrypt it.  More interesting patterns can be created to increase security.  Substitution  Transposition Key: FANCY Message: eatitnihmexnetmgmedt

16 Decoding

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