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A Faster And Better Recovery. The project Hospital bed with the possibility of exercise.

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Presentation on theme: "A Faster And Better Recovery. The project Hospital bed with the possibility of exercise."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Faster And Better Recovery

2 The project Hospital bed with the possibility of exercise

3 NHe 100 Easy Cheap Detachable Works for all people no matter how tall Changeable weights




7 Material Stainless steel for the main part of the product Rubber band to lift the weights Plastic and aluminum for the foot paddle Bearings for the handle to turn

8 Target group Start in Denmark Expand to Nordic countries Expand further to Europa and maybe US Mainly hospitals Online

9 Benefit from the product Patient (quicker rehab) Hospital (less time with each patient, more patient) Society (it cost money to have people in the hospital)


11 Marketing the product Agent Salesmen Lectures Health fairs Made in Denmark

12 SWOT Internal factorsExternal factors StrengthsWeaknessesOpportunitetsThreats Good product One of a kind Detachable Staff New in the marked Financial resources Making money Partnership Expanding Competitors Small marked Reputation

13 Goals for the future Short time goal- beds in Denmark Longtime goal- Nordic countries Make 3 new products in 5 years Hire designers

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