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RasterWare Appliances ImageLinks RasterWare Appliances™ Images Your Way.

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1 RasterWare Appliances ImageLinks RasterWare Appliances™ Images Your Way

2 RasterWare Appliances What is RasterWare™ Technology? Advanced software providing “on demand” processing and immediate delivery of custom imagery User specifies Area of Interest and final output specifications Non destructive, parameter driven, single resample creation and delivery of custom image products (i.e. orthos, mosaics, fusions, change detection, etc.) from original (raw) raster datasets Data products can be tiled, reprojected, resampled, resized, etc. Automated processing & turn-key solution -- installed as an intra or internet web based appliance Final product immediately delivered directly into the end users application

3 RasterWare Appliances Traditional Workflow Customer Requirement Collect & Load Content Satellite, Aerial, Radar, DEM, control Error Correction Registration with ground control Initial Product Generation Reformat & reproject data Orthorectify, Tonal Balance Each step requires resampling Final Processing & Formatting Fusion, Mosaic, color enhancement, each step requires resampling Output to Media Customer Loads into their System New Customer Requirement (Restart from the beginning) RasterWare Workflow Collect & Load Content Satellite, Aerial, Radar, DEM, control, vectors, error correction (registration if required) and GeoTIFF’s Stage to RasterWare Appliance Native format support & projection independence n-band radiometry support, Total Balancing, Histogram matching Automated, model based Orthorectification with terrain correction Reproject, Resample, Resize Fusion (cross sensor products), Change Detection, Mosaicking Non-destructive, parameter driven processing (single resampling) from native data to final product Produces & delivers data bundles (imagery, elevation, vectors, etc) for the user specified AOI Server based, scaleable, multiprocessor architecture Web interface & XML API’s Final product delivered directly into user application Multiple Customer Requirements Satisfied Immediately “on demand” Geospatial Product Generation

4 RasterWare Appliances Typical Implementation Environments A network which serves many users with disparate needs with a common set of data. The disparate requirements tend to be (a) projection/datum related or (b) custom product generation (change detection, mosaic, band selection, fusion, etc.) An application where a higher frequency of updated imagery would be beneficial such as agriculture or environmental monitoring - eliminates pre-generating products and enables more change detection options Workstation based analysis where users require “data bundles” (imagery, elevation, tin, vectors, etc.) and not just a picture A production system to more efficiently generate products

5 RasterWare Appliances RasterWare Appliances Family RasterPro™ Series - Entry Level “process and delivery” systems Active Archive™ DP Series - mid-level, full-functionality raster data storage, delivery and management appliance Active Archive™ BC Series - high-end, full-functionality raster data storage, delivery and management system with fully scaleable “supercomputing” Beowulf cluster technology.

6 RasterWare Appliances RasterPro™ Series Dual processors, RAM Base 80 GB storage (expandable up to 720GB) 9x hot-swap drive bays Network interface 10/100Mbps comm port Includes all hardware, system software and ImageLinks RasterWare software

7 RasterWare Appliances Active Archive™ DP Series Dual processors, RAM 1.2 Terabytes IDE Level 5 RAID Storage (expandable up to 4.8 Terabytes) Internal monitor and keyboard for system administration Network interface 10/100Mbps comm port Uninterruptible Power Supply Available in either 33 or 52-inch roll-away cabinets Includes all hardware, system software and ImageLinks RasterWare software

8 RasterWare Appliances Active Archive™ BC Series Beowulf Cluster (4-nodes, 8-processors) w/ ethernet switch (expandable up to 16-nodes, 32-processors) 1.2 Terabytes IDE Level 5 RAID Storage (expandable up to 4.8 Terabytes) Internal monitor and keyboard for system administration Network 10/100Mbps comm port Uninterruptible Power Supply Available in either 33 or 52-inch roll-away cabinets Includes all hardware, system software and ImageLinks RasterWare software

9 RasterWare Appliances Raster Data Content Examples Post Processed Products (e.g. Orthos, DEM, DRG, DOQQ, etc.) System corrected imagery processed with ImageLinks error correction metadata Imagery collected with accurate ephemeris data (e.g. CitiPix, IKONOS, L7, QuickBird, etc.)


11 RasterWare Appliances Sample Solution Default client interface solution installed with every RasterWare Appliance Shows the full functionality of the RasterWare technology Starting point for the customization of a new interface tailored to the individual user needs

12 RasterWare Appliances PixSell ArcIMS Solution ArcIMS solutions are from PixSell, Inc. – an industry leader in the customization of ArcIMS Extends the capabilities of ArcIMS systems to be able to serve dynamically value-added products from raw data sources

13 RasterWare Appliances ArcView Extension Application solutions for the IRA don’t have to be web-based They can also be a client-side program or an extension to an application ArcView extension can be customizable to any IRA application solution.

14 RasterWare Appliances DRG Solution Digital Raster Graphics (DRG) at a variety of scales (1:20K, 1:24K, 1:25K, 1:30K, 1:100K, 1:250K) are used as base maps for image registration This solution provides paperless maps on demand to production personnel for use in the image registration process.

15 RasterWare Appliances Landsat Path/Row Solution Uses Landsat “footprints” as the AOI for product identification and data retrieval Facilitates selecting DRGs, DOQs, or other basemaps for use in the registration process. Records previously used or rejected maps to expedite processing.

16 RasterWare Appliances Aerial Solution An all-inclusive aerial-management system. Currently customized for the Airborne Data Systems (ADS) cameras and CitiPix products. Allows for interactive QA/QC, image selection or rejection, and output definition. Products include, “on-the-fly” creation of individual orthos or seamless tonally-balanced mosaics.

17 RasterWare Appliances Hyperspectral Solution An airborne- hyperspectral data management and delivery system. Currently supports GER, PHILLS, Hymap, and Probe. Products include, “on- the-fly” creation of n- band orthos, copies of the “raw data, and seamless tonally- balanced mosaics.

18 RasterWare Appliances Earth-Info Distributive Site is dedicated to giving access to information about commercially available imagery to the public Hosted in Washington DC and is able to query the IRA in Melbourne, FL and in turn pull the browse imagery from EDC in Sioux Falls, SD.

19 RasterWare Appliances OSSIM Solution Provides methods to create fast and accurate Image Maps from satellite or aerial imagery and digitized maps. Targeted to the government for using National Technical Means (NTM) data such as ADRG, CADRG, CIB and NITF.

20 RasterWare Appliances Middle Tier RASTERWARE™ ENGINE Acts as a “request broker” that translates User Interface requests to software requests Handles load balancing and service management Communicates with User Interface via a standard http POST or an XML-formatted request

21 RasterWare Appliances Bottom Tier EMET, Enhanced Multi-Image Exploitation Tool OSSIM, Open Source Software Image Map ImgLnk, ImageLinks Proprietary DBMS IMAGE PROCESSING ENGINES BOTTOM TIER

22 RasterWare Appliances Distributive Querying Multiple RasterWare databases residing on an Intranet/Internet can be searched simultaneously when a user request is placed. Data sets from disparate IRAs can be merged to produce composite geo- spatial products. A BIMAGELINKS INTERNET CLIENT WORKSTATION

23 RasterWare Appliances Supported Raster Data Import Formats Arc/Info ASCII Grid Arc/Info Binary Grid CEOS (Spot for instance) First Generation USGS DOQ New Labeled USGS DOQ Military Elevation Data Eosat Fast Format ESRI.hdr Labeled Envisat Image Product FITS Graphics Interchange Format (.gif) General Raster (BIL / BIP / BSQ) TIFF / GeoTIFF Erdas Imagine.hfa PCI.aux Labeled Atlantis HKV Image Atlantis MFF JPEG JFIF Probe HyMap PHILLS Portable Network Graphics Netpbm (.ppm,.pgm) Japanese DEM (.mem) USGS SDTS DEM DTED SAR CEOS Arc Digitized Raster (ADRG) Chip Chunk Format (CCF) Control Image Base (CIB) Compressed Arc Digitized Raster (CADRG) National Imagery Transmission Format (NITF) Landsat TM/ETM+ SPOT 2, 3, 4 IRS-1C/IRS-1D IKONOS II Radarsat ADAR 5000 Altaphoto Citipix (ITIFF) QuickBird

24 RasterWare Appliances Supported Raster Data Output Formats General Raster (BIL, BIP, BSQ) SunRaster MrSid Chip Chunk Format (CCF) JPEG with jgw GeoTiff Tiff with tfw 10+ different compressed/uncompressed versions of TIFF

25 RasterWare Appliances Vector Data Input/Output Formats Arc Shapefiles (SHP) MapInfo (MIF/MID) AutoCAD (DWG/DXF) Design Files (DGN)

26 RasterWare Appliances Additional Features Dynamic terrain-correction using internal elevation libraries User Interfaces communicate via HTTP posts or XML requests Support for over 200 different projections and datums Includes ImageLinks Virtual Sensor™ for cross-sensor processing Final Image Product can be delivered directly into user application, by FTP or by media (CDs, hard drives, tape, etc.) Supports distributed architecture OGC Compliant

27 RasterWare Appliances Functional Demonstration  Coordinates  Map  Gazetteer Specify Area of Interest (AOI)

28 RasterWare Appliances Search Results Functional Demonstration

29 RasterWare Appliances Customize & Order Product User has control over: File Format Additional Layers Product Resampling Map Projections Datums Functional Demonstration

30 RasterWare Appliances Product Preview Time/Size Estimate provided User Initiates Processing Functional Demonstration

31 RasterWare Appliances Notification of product generation within minutes Email notification or directly loaded in user application when Processing Complete Delivered with metadata and geospatial tags Functional Demonstration

32 RasterWare Appliances Change Detection Example Image Products Delivered via RasterWare™ Technology

33 RasterWare Appliances Mosaic Products Example Image Product Delivered via RasterWare™ Technology

34 RasterWare Appliances Fused Products

35 RasterWare Appliances Fused Product via ImageLinks Virtual Sensor™ Technology Map Image Image Products Delivered via RasterWare™

36 RasterWare Appliances Value Propositions SAVES TIME Automated high performance image processing & delivery Centralized computing power No more waiting for someone to generate a product and ship to you SAVES MONEY Automated delivery for specific end user application Removes manual labor Multiple applications from raw data sets Eliminates additional data costs Efficient large data storage Opens onsite storage space Save money for additional computing space and power

37 RasterWare Appliances Value Propositions MAKES MONEY Multiple users have simultaneous access from one or more locations Any number of users from anywhere Large data sets available for viewing and production from anywhere INCREASES COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE Instantaneous delivery to multiple users via the Web Products delivered when, where and how you need them Customer Service Client access to imagery as processed Faster delivery Customizable user interface Quicker analysis leads to quicker solutions

38 RasterWare Appliances Summary Appliance approach – leverages your current investment in hardware & software Increases efficiency and productivity by rapid delivery of customized image product for just the specified Area of Interest (AOI) First generation, automated, “on-the-fly” processing delivers: Orthos, Mosaics, Fusions, Blends, Change Detection, etc. Images can be Reprojected, Resampled, Resized, Tiled, and output in multiple formats Designed to effectively manage and process terabytes of raster and vector data. Powerful, scalable image processing capability increasing efficiencies and productivity

39 RasterWare Appliances

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