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Published byLesley Cameron Modified over 9 years ago
Phase – II (2006-2014) Implementing Agency : Gujarat – Surface Water
Narmada, Water Resources, Water Supply and Kalpsar Department GANDHINAGAR, GUJARAT
Category wise Expenditure, SW
Rs in Million Sr. No. Item Provision as per RCT (Oct-2013) Cumulative Expenditure (Up to Mar-2013) Annual Work Plan ( ) Expenditure (Up to Mar-2014 Cumulative Expenditure up to Mar-2014 1 Civil Works 5.42 0.00 2 Goods 42.24 24.95 17.29 16.65 41.60 3 Consultancy 4 Trainings 7.34 4.46 2.89 1.02 5.48 Total Investment Cost 55.00 34.83 20.18 17.67 52.49 5 Recurrent 23.29 21.40 2.32 1.97 23.37 Total Cost (Inv + Rec) 78.29 56.23 22.50 19.64 75.86 Gujarat - SW
Component wise Expenditure, SW
Rs in Million Sr. No. Item Total Provision as per RCT (Oct-2013) Cumulative Expenditure (Up to Mar-2013) Annual Work Plan ( ) Expenditure (Up to Mar-2014 Cumulative Expenditure up to Mar-2014 I.A Consolidation of HP - I 29.61 13.24 16.37 16.02 29.26 I.B Awareness Dissemination & Knowledge Sharing 7.52 5.41 2.11 0.73 6.13 I.C Implementation Support 29.76 28.85 1.34 1.06 29.91 II.A Hydrological Design Aids 0.04 0.01 II.B Decision Support System 9.04 6.62 2.43 1.67 8.29 II.C Purpose Driven Studies 2.32 2.08 0.25 0.16 2.23 Total 78.29 56.23 22.50 19.64 75.86 Gujarat - SW
Status of Financial Targets and Achievement, SW
Sr. No. Description Amount in Rs. Million 1 Allocation under the project as per Project Implementation Plan (PIP) 94.39 2 Total Base Cost as per Revised Cost Table (Oct. – 13) 78.29 3 Cumulative Expenditure Up to March – 2014 75.86 4 Total Likely cumulative expenditure up to 31st May 2014 81% 5 Probable Saving (1 - 4) 18.53 19% Gujarat - SW
Major Reasons for Savings
Exclusion of charges for Maintenance for RTDAS for River gauging and Weather Stations, beyond the HP-II period. (Rs Million) IT related provisions (Backup infrastructure , Satellite imageries etc.) for Decision Support System (DSS)- Planning (Rs Million) Provisions made for International and Local trainings not fully implemented. - (Rs Million) Other Miscellaneous Items. - (0.23 Million) Total Saving = Million Gujarat - SW
Status of Disbursement of Claims (SW) Amount of Claim & Disbursement
Rs in Million Category Name Category No Eligible Expenditure Amount of Claim & Disbursement Civil Works 1 5.42 4.88 Goods 2 41.30 39.62 Consultancy 3 0.00 Training 4 5.48 4.71 Operating Cost 5 22.92 15.78 Total 75.12 64.98 Gujarat - SW
Physical Progress Achieved - SW
I.A. Consolidation of HP –I: 928 officers have been trained, Procured IT related hardwares e.g. Workstations – 1 No, Server – 1 No, printer – 1 No, copier Machine – 1 No, Fax – 1 No etc. Upgraded 50 Weather Stations & 60 River Gauging stations with Real Time Data Acquisition System Gujarat - SW
Physical Progress Achieved - SW
Installation of 50 Automatic (RTDAS) Weather Stations Gujarat - SW
Physical Progress Achieved - SW
Installation of 60 Automatic (RTDAS) River Gauging Stations Gujarat - SW
Physical Progress Achieved - SW
Real Time Data Acquisition System : Weather Station Real Time Data Acquisition System : River gauging Station Gujarat - SW
Real Time Data Acquisition System for River Gauging stations:
Physical Progress Achieved - SW Real Time Data Acquisition System for River Gauging stations: 60 existing stations equipped with Shaft Encoder type Digital Water Level Recorders are converted in to RTDAS by installing telemetry system (M/s Komoline Aerospace Limited) Data updation Frequency : Minutes The Major Component of Telemetry System Installed are : GSM modem with an on-board host Solar Charge Controller Lead-Acid Battery (12V DC) and a Solar Panel (10W) Data base management software Mast Environmental enclosure Training Operation and Maintenance : 5 yrs (Inclusive of 2 yrs warranty period) Gujarat - SW
Real Time Data Acquisition System for Weather stations:
Physical Progress Achieved - SW Real Time Data Acquisition System for Weather stations: 50 New Automatic Weather Station (AWS) are installed to Measure Wind speed, Wind direction, Air temperature, Relative humidity, Rainfall, Solar radiation, Air pressure (M/s Cellcomm solutions pvt. ltd) Data updation Frequency : 60 Minutes The Major component are : Design and execute civil works Preparation of AWS field sites SITC of AWS equipment consisting of Sensors Data logger (with built-in display) GSM Modem and transmission system, Rechargeable power unit Sensor mast Environmental enclosure GSM/GPRS service Development of database management software Training Operation and Maintenance : 5 yrs (Inclusive of 2 yrs warranty period) Gujarat - SW
Achievements Related to HIS -(A,A,A)
Awareness Availability Accuracy Gujarat - SW
Physical Progress Achieved - SW
I.B. Awareness, Dissemination and Knowledge Sharing: Organized 41 awareness raising workshops, 19 meetings of HDUG and 11 meetings of RHDUG Registration of 109 Govt. and Non-Govt. HDUG members. Publication of Information booklet, Brouchers, calendar, Water year book for year-2010 and 2011, produced film and Quickee for awareness raising workshops. Gujarat - SW
Physical Progress Achieved - SW
I.B. Awareness, Dissemination and Knowledge Sharing: Updating of Data in SWDES software till Feb-2013 Interagency validation : IMD validated data up to 2010 & CWC validated data up to 2009 Procurement of Audio-visual equipment: (Multimedia Projector -1 No, Laptop – 2 No, CCTV – 7 No, LCD – 1 No etc.) Gujarat - SW
Physical Progress Achieved - SW
H P - II Period H P - I Period Gujarat - SW
Physical Progress Achieved - SW
Data Usage Gujarat - SW
Physical Progress Achieved - SW
I.C. Implementation support -Logistical support Civil work and Interior work of Conference hall at SWDC, Gandhinagar and renovation of Conference hall and Committee Room at GERI, Vadodara completed. Procurement of 10 Vehicles, office equipments etc. Gujarat - SW
Physical Progress Achieved - SW
II.A. Hydrological Design Aids: Consultants-M/S CES (India) Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi presented the first Draft State of The Art Report in May, 2010 for Development of HDA 2 officers have attended the first course in Sept., 2012 (HDA - 1) 2 officers have attended the course in December, (HDA-2). Gujarat - SW
Physical Progress Achieved - SW
II.B. Decision Support System – Planning (DSS-P) Mahi Basin (Gujarat State Portion ) had been selected as State Pilot Basin. The components of DSS - Planning are: Surface water planning. Integrated operation of reservoirs. Conjunctive surface water and ground water planning. Drought monitoring, assessment and management. Management of both surface and ground water quality. Software & Imageries procured & used : Arc GIS Software (ver.9.3) (i.e. Arc Info, Spatial Analyst & 3D Analyst), Image Processing Software (ENVI-EX.), Image Processing Software (ENVI-5), LISS 4 satellite imageries (12 Nos.) for Mahi Basin Gujarat - SW
Physical Progress Achieved - SW
DSS (Planning) for Integrated Water Resources Development & Management under HP-II MAHI RIVER BASIN ( GUJARAT )
Physical Progress Achieved - SW
DSS (Planning) for Integrated Water Resources Development & Management under HP-II MAHI RIVER BASIN ( GUJARAT ) Issues Managing the increasing demands from water resources sectors Managing reservoirs and inter-basin transfer under normal, flood, and drought conditions. Impacts of importing water from the Narmada Canal Managing water use in command areas (e.g. cropping pattern) Assess the inundation when heavy rain falls on irrigated land Basin area in some part is drought prone Pollution from villages and industries is an increasing problem Gujarat - SW
Physical Progress Achieved - SW
DSS (Planning) for Integrated Water Resources Development & Management under HP-II MAHI RIVER BASIN ( GUJARAT ) Status of Modeling activities: The Rainfall - Runoff analysis for the catchments of Mahi Basin has been done using “NAM” module Basin schematization work of the Mahi River Basin Modeling has been done in MIKE BASIN SOFTWARE . The same has been converted to MIKE HYDRO BASIN . Basin schematization work of the Mahi River Basin Modeling done in MIKE BASIN SOFTWARE has been imported to the DSS-P Platform (ver3.2a) provided by the consultants in Sept Now, the model developed in MIKE HYDRO BASIN software is to be imported to the DSS-P Platform (ver. 4) Gujarat - SW
Physical Progress Achieved - SW
DSS (Planning) for Integrated Water Resources Development & Management under HP-II MAHI RIVER BASIN ( GUJARAT ) Applications have been developed for Mahi basin using available tools : Irrigation Seasonal Planning application for Patadungari Project as a test case. Water resources planning in general using Reservoir Working Table (RWT) analysis and dependability. Scenario Analysis for sustainability of supply/deficit in meeting demands. Improvement in analysis of Integrated Reservoir Operation case Wanakbori (Kadana-Panam - Bhadar Reservoir) is in progress. Gujarat - SW
DSS (Planning) - Application
Physical Progress Achieved - SW DSS (Planning) - Application Surface water planning; Irrigation Seasonal Planning application for Patadungari Project as a test case. Application being developed for other reservoirs of the basin also. Gujarat - SW
DSS (Planning) – Application
Physical Progress Achieved - SW DSS (Planning) – Application Surface water planning; Water resources planning in general using Reservoir Working Table (RWT) analysis and dependability. Gujarat - SW
DSS (Planning) - Application
Physical Progress Achieved - SW DSS (Planning) - Application Surface water planning; Dependable flows reaching Gulf of Cambay from Mahi Basin Gujarat - SW
DSS (Planning) - Application
Physical Progress Achieved - SW DSS (Planning) - Application Integrated Reservoir Operation including Management : case Wanakbori (Kadana-Panam-Bhadar Reservoir) Refinement of scripting is in progress. Gujarat - SW
Physical Progress Achieved - SW
Drought monitoring, assessment and management - Dashboard application for populating SPI-monthly data. Gujarat - SW
Physical Progress Achieved - SW
Present Status of development of DSS-P applications: The following interfaces forwarded by the DSS-P consultants, to populate results for following applications, are being evaluated for their suitability: General Seasonal Planning General Seasonal Planning and conjunctive use Integrated Reservoir Operation case study The consultants have developed Dashboard application to populate Drought Indices based on monthly Standard Precipitation Index (SPI-1). Suggestion have been made to improve the same by adding utility like frequency analysis of Drought etc. The activities related to development of DSS-P for Water Quality would be initiated by the consultant Gujarat - SW
Physical Progress Achieved - SW
II.C. Purpose-Driven studies: Four PDS under SW Component have been carried out and the Final Report has been submitted to HISMG (T) for approval. WQ fluctuation in river Sabarmati: Assessment of highly polluted zone to take remedial action. WQ fluctuation in river Vishwamitri: Assessment of source of pollution to take remedial action Study of trend in WQ at Hotspot location: Assessment of source of pollution to take remedial action Crop Water Requirement Study: To work out Irrigation water requirement & subsequent system design & applicable to nearby area. Gujarat - SW
Post project plan for continuation of HP2 activities
Exporting Mike Basin Models to Mike Hydro Basin 2014. Implementation of R-r relations in Mike Hydro Basin Implementation of Irrigation Module in Mike Hydro Basin Modeling of Water Quality module in Mike Hydro Basin Development of Rule levels for operation of gated reservoirs in DSS-P. Annual Maintenance for Upgrading of 50 Weather stations & 60 River Gauge stations will be continued. Trainings and refresher courses for staff will be continued to sustain the HIS activities. Awareness raising workshops will be continued for data users. Maintenance of the infra-structural facilities created from the state funds. Gujarat - SW
Post project plan for continuation of HP2 activities
Development of DSS-P already initiated for four new River Basins viz. Sabarmati River Basin, Ambika River Basin, Bhadar (Saurashtra) River Basin & Shetrunji River Basin. New recruited Assistant Engineers (9) in Central Designs Organisation, Gandhinagar trained by the State DSS-P team and are working on these basins. Sabarmati Mahi Bhadar Shetrunji Ambika Gujarat - SW
Post project plan for continuation of HP2 activities
Proposals for HP-III Targeted smooth, time bound implementation of applying DSS – (P) model to other needy river basins from model Mahi Basin. Development of Real time flood forecasting system of Tapi basin. Establishing Real Time Data Acquisition System for River gauging, Rain gauging and Weather stations Creation of ToT’s at state level. Gujarat - SW
Post project plan for continuation of HP2 activities
Financial Proposal : HP-III Sr. No. Name of work No. of Stations Rs in Million 1 Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Maintenance Of Real Time Data Acquisition Network AUTOMATIC WEATRHER STATIONS. (AMC for 5 Years, including Security Arrangements) 13 No. 23.75 2 Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Maintenance Of Real Time Data Acquisition Network Automatic Rain gauge Stations. (AMC for 5 Years, including Security Arrangements) 39 No. 31.43 3 Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Maintenance Of Real Time Data Acquisition Network at River Gauge Stations.(AMC for 5 Years, including Security Arrangements) 24 No. 22.46 4 Purchase of DWLR for all River Gauge Stations. 54 No. 21.60 5 Real Time Gauging & Monitoring for ONE pilot project including 2 Nos of Radar Level sensor.(AMC for 5 Years, including Security Arrangements) 1 no. 1.90 6 Horizontal Extension (DSS-P) for Mahi BasinDecision Support System for Surface Water Planning on ‘IWRM’ for other basins (New Basins)Sabarmati Basin &Shetrunji Basin 2 basin 10.00 7 Real time DSS for Tapi Basin 1 basin 50.00 Total Investment Cost 161.15 Recurrent Cost of Investment Cost) LS 32.23 Total 193.38 Gujarat - SW
Lessons Learnt Effective and efficient use of the HIS will help in water resources planning and management in a systematic way. Development of Decision Support System will facilitate in informed Decision making process. The applications developed under DSS-P would be replicated to other Basins of the state. Gujarat - SW
Lessons Learnt ?(A-B-C-D)
Avoiding Ambiguity Brevity Communication & Correct Approach Decision Making Gujarat - SW
THANKS Gujarat - SW
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