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E STABLISHING A Q UANTITATIVE R EASONING C ENTER Phyllis Mellinger, Director of Quantitative Reasoning Nicole Lovell, QR tutor.

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Presentation on theme: "E STABLISHING A Q UANTITATIVE R EASONING C ENTER Phyllis Mellinger, Director of Quantitative Reasoning Nicole Lovell, QR tutor."— Presentation transcript:

1 E STABLISHING A Q UANTITATIVE R EASONING C ENTER Phyllis Mellinger, Director of Quantitative Reasoning Nicole Lovell, QR tutor

2 H OLLINS ’ N EW G ENERAL E DUCATION P ROGRAM : E DUCATION THROUGH S KILLS AND P ERSPECTIVES (ESP) ESP Skills Writing Oral Communication Quantitative Reasoning Information Technology ESP Perspectives Aesthetic Analysis Creative Expression Ancient and/or Medieval Worlds Modern and/or Contemporary Worlds Social and Cultural Diversities Scientific Inquiry Global Systems and Languages

3 B ASIC Q UANTITATIVE R EASONING R EQUIREMENT ( Q ) QR Assessment q proficiency Enroll in Math 100, Math 105, or Math130 q proficiency upon completion Began in Fall 98 Applied Quantitative Reasoning Requirement (Q) Currently 40 courses across the curriculum

4 B RIEF H ISTORY OF H OLLINS QR C ENTER o QR requirement implemented in Fall 1998 o Pilot QR Tutoring (Fall 99) o Director of QR and “virtual” QR Center (Fall 03) additional tutoring QR Tutor, Theory and Practice Course o Center for Learning Excellence Writing and QR (Fall 04) o Online QR & placement (Fall 2007) Math 100, Math 105, Math 130 o QR center remodeled Summer 2009

5 P URPOSE Quantitative Reasoning Center tutors help students, faculty and staff with any aspect of the quantitative process, which includes: help with a homework assignment, discussion of appropriate quantitative techniques for any given task or assignment, support the use of quantitative software such as Excel and Maple, assist in the understanding and organization of data, explain mathematical concepts, theories and formulas, help with interpreting or creating graphs or charts, plus any other quantitative related questions or assignments. QR tutors also assist instructors in various QR courses. QR tutors are required to attend all staff meetings and trainings to discuss techniques and improve skills. QR tutors also assist students with projects in their Applied QR classes as well as with the preparation for taking the GRE and PRAXIS exams.

6 Website: Email:

7 Q UALIFICATIONS AND SELECTION PROCESS Must have a satisfactory score on the QR/Math Placement test Must be recommended by a professor in a quantitative discipline and complete the QR tutor application Must complete UNIV 240: QR tutor theory and Practice with a B+ or higher Must have an overall GPA of at least 3.0 Must have excellent interpersonal and communication skills Must be dependable and work without supervision. Selection for QR tutor positions is made by the director of the Quantitative Reasoning a year in advance. For information on how to apply for a tutor position in 2012-2013, please contact Phyllis Mellinger at in fall of 2011 to express interest and fill out an application. In October (before Spring advising begins), Director of QR requests recommendations from professors teaching courses with quantitative content. Director sends letters and applications to students who have been recommended. Students who are interested return applications and meet with the director. Potential tutors attend UNIV 240: QR tutor theory and practice in the spring. This course is required but does not guarantee a tutor position in the fall.

8 T RAINING This course is designed to help students develop an understanding of one-on-one quantitative tutorials through research and hands-on experience. Students will read and write about the dynamics of tutoring QR across the curriculum and examine relevant scholarship on learning skills in quantitative fields. Observations of tutor sessions as well as actual tutoring will be an integral part of the course. Course goals: To understand the importance of Quantitative literacy To understand the fear of math and ways to allay this fear To understand various learning theories To understand role of a tutor To develop listening skills, problem solving skills and study skills Texts: Students Helping Students,by Steven Ender & Fred Newton Math Study Skills by Alan Bass

9 T OPICS What is QL/QR? Role of peer educator Qualities and Responsibilities of a tutor Intercultural competence Communication skills Learning and learning Styles Math anxiety and learning disabilities Group tutorials Problem solving Strategies for Academic Success Time management Study Skills Test Taking

10 S CHEDULE & C OMMUNICATION Open 9 am to 9 pm Monday through Thursday Open 9-12:30 and 2-4 on Fridays Open 2-9 on Sundays Tutors work 8-12 hours a week Internal Communication Weekly staff meetings…Fridays 1-2 Blackboard Tutor Handbook (designed and updated by tutors) External communications Website Brochure (designed by tutors) HUTV (designed and updated by tutors) Newsletter

11 F UTURE P LANS Involve tutors in conferences Workshops for students

12 A SSESSMENT Tutor Self Assessment Student feedback Results Job experience for tutors


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