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Protecting Your Peace of Mind Meaningful Evaluation: Assessments for Meaningful Use Success September 21, 2010 Presented by: Beth Schultz, RN, Implementation.

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Presentation on theme: "Protecting Your Peace of Mind Meaningful Evaluation: Assessments for Meaningful Use Success September 21, 2010 Presented by: Beth Schultz, RN, Implementation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Protecting Your Peace of Mind Meaningful Evaluation: Assessments for Meaningful Use Success September 21, 2010 Presented by: Beth Schultz, RN, Implementation Manager Bonnie Strong, Project Manager & Consultant

2 Protecting Your Peace of Mind Objectives EHR Readiness Purchase Implement Select Program Assess Criteria Implement Monitor / Control Meaningful Use

3 Protecting Your Peace of Mind EHR Readiness  Management Considerations – Change Management – Planning Timelines – IT Infrastructure – Budgeting Encompassing systems, maintenance, training, productivity

4 Protecting Your Peace of Mind EHR Technology Certified EHR Purchase? Consult Vendor Upgrade(s)?

5 Protecting Your Peace of Mind Implementing Define GoalsWorkflowCommunicationTrainingTestingReporting

6 Protecting Your Peace of Mind Selecting a Program Select Program for Reporting Calculate Incentive Estimate Identify Eligibility

7 Protecting Your Peace of Mind Selecting a Program MedicareMedicaid

8 Protecting Your Peace of Mind Selecting a Program Approved to receive Medicaid Program federal matching funds (as of September 21 st 2010) – 49 states – US Virgin Islands – Puerto Rico – District of Columbia (

9 Protecting Your Peace of Mind Selecting a Program Eligible Professional:  Doctors of Medicine or Osteopathy  Doctors of Dental Surgery or Dental Medicine  Doctors of Podiatric Medicine  Doctors of Optometry  Chiropractors Eligible Hospital:  “Subsection (d) hospitals” in the 50 states or DC that are paid under the hospital inpatient prospective payment plan;  Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs); and  Medicare Advantage (MA) Hospitals Note: EPs may not be hospital-based (90% + services performed in inpatient or ER setting) MEDICARE PROGRAM ELIGIBILITY

10 Protecting Your Peace of Mind Selecting a Program Eligible Professional:  Physicians (Pediatricians have special eligibility and payment rules)  Nurse Practitioners (NPs)  Certified Nurse-Midwives (CNMs)  Dentists  Physician Assistants (PAs) who provide services in a FQHC or RHC that is led by a PA Eligible Hospital:  Acute care hospitals (including CAHs) with at least 10% Medicaid patient volume  Children’s hospitals (no Medicaid volume requirements) Note: EPs may not be hospital-based. EPs must also meet patient volume criteria, providing services to those attributable to Medicaid or, in some cases, needy individuals. MEDICAID PROGRAM ELIGIBILITY

11 Protecting Your Peace of Mind Selecting a Program Additional Eligibility Requirements Certified EHR Technology PECOS Enrollment NPI

12 Protecting Your Peace of Mind Selecting a Program MEDICARE INCENTIVE PAYMENT CHART First Calendar Year in which the EP Receives an Incentive Payment Calendar Year 20112012201320142015 2011$18,000---- 2012$12,000$18,000--- 2013$8,000$12,000$15,000-- 2014$4,000$8,000$12,000 2015$2,000$4,000$8,000 $0 2016$0$2,000$4,000 $0 Total$44,000.00$44,000$39,000$24,000$0

13 Protecting Your Peace of Mind Selecting a Program MEDICAID INCENTIVE PAYMENT CHART First Calendar Year in which the EP Qualifies to Receive Payment Calendar Year 201120122013201420152016 2011$21,250----- 2012$8,500$21,250---- 2013$8,500 $21,250--- 2014$8,500 $21,250-- 2015$8,500 $21,250- 2016$8,500 $21,250 2017-$8,500 2018--$8,500 2019---$8,500 2020----$8,500 2021-----$8,500 Total$63,750

14 Protecting Your Peace of Mind Selecting a Program: Toolkit Provider Type Administrative Requirements Patient Volume/Allowed Amts Recommended Program

15 Protecting Your Peace of Mind Program Selection Toolkit

16 Protecting Your Peace of Mind Program Selection Report

17 Protecting Your Peace of Mind Assessments EHR Change Management Current State Gap Analysis Implementation Plan Core Criteria Gap Analysis Select 5 Implementation Plan Menu Criteria

18 Protecting Your Peace of Mind Patient Demographics Record patient demographics (sex, race, ethnicity, date of birth, preferred language, and in the case of hospitals, date and preliminary cause of death in the event of mortality) Measure: More than 50% of patient’s demographic data recorded as structured data Denominator: The number of unique patients seen by the EP or admitted as IP or through ER during the EHR reporting period Numerator: The number of patients in the denominator who have all the elements of demographics (or a specific exclusion if the patient declines to provide one or more elements) recorded as structured data Begins on pg 44340 of Federal Register Helpful Link:

19 Protecting Your Peace of Mind Vital Signs Record vital signs and chart changes (height, weight, blood pressure, body-mass-index, growth charts for children) Measure: More than 50% of patients 2 years of age or older have height, weight, and blood pressure recorded as structured data Denominator: The number of unique patients age 2 or older seen by the EP or admitted as IP or through ER during the EHR reporting period Numerator: The number of patients in the denominator who have at least one entry of their height, weight and blood pressure recorded as structured data Begins on pg 44342 of Federal Register

20 Protecting Your Peace of Mind MMIC Gap Analysis

21 Protecting Your Peace of Mind Gap Analysis Report

22 Protecting Your Peace of Mind Assess Results  Validate Criteria  Management Considerations – Change Management – Planning Timelines – IT Infrastructure – Budgeting Encompassing systems, maintenance, training, productivity

23 Protecting Your Peace of Mind Monitoring & Reporting 2011? 2012? Program Enrollment Monitor /Track Internal Auditing Validation Audits Program Reporting

24 Protecting Your Peace of Mind MMIC Meaningful Use Resources  Visit us at:  Join us for future MU webinars  Future HIPAA Security webinar late fall  Review MU reference material – MU Program Overview and FAQs – MU Core Criteria FAQs – MU Menu Criteria FAQs

25 Protecting Your Peace of Mind MMIC Meaningful Use Services  Contact MMIC Health IT for: – EHR Incentive Program Eligibility Assessment – EHR Gap Analysis and Summary Report Services – Meaningful Use Roadmap and Project Planning  Contact Information: – Beth Schultz, Implementation Manager – – 952-838-6854

26 Protecting Your Peace of Mind Helpful Websites Additional Questions/Support? Contact:

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