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6 th Grade Back-To- School Night 2013-2014.

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1 6 th Grade Back-To- School Night 2013-2014





6 Newtown Elementary Goals  School-wide Positive Behavioral Support System (SPBSS)  Develop and maintain a safe, clean and positive learning environment based on mutual respect, clear expectations and shared accountability (see website for more details!)  This year our school will continue our focus on the issue of bullying, especially during recess and lunch. RESPECT COOPERATION SPORTSMANSHIP RESPONSIBILITY

7 My Classroom Philosophy Instilling confidence POSITIVE! Boosting self-esteem Reaching potential Fostering independence Promoting community Nurturing Creating success Inclusive Environment


9 Mathematics ***See our website for 6 th grade packet 4 th year using-McDougal Littell Math Course 1McDougal Littell Math Course 1 Fast pace-students MUST advocate for themselves Clinic at recess-come prepared with ?’s Homework every night-written or studying (log must come home each night) Most HW will be using online textbook Course 2-7 th grade math book

10 Language Arts: Reading Literature Anthology (Journeys) to teach :  Vocabulary  Comprehension Skills & Strategies  Fluency and Decoding  Differentiated Instruction  Whole Group  Small Group  Independent Practice *Independent Daily Reading (IDR)Independent Daily Reading (IDR o 20 minutes/night o 5-6 books/marking period


12 Language Arts/Writing  Variety of Writing Pieces- narrative, persuasive, informational, poetry, response journals  5 Domains of Writing-FCOSC  Writing Process  Modeling  Skill lessons  Prewriting, Drafting, Revise/Edit, Publish  Spelling/Grammar

13 Social Studies  Harcourt Brace Social Studies (book not online)  Evaluations (tests, quizzes, notes, classwork, homework, group/individual projects)  Study Skills  Outlining  Flashcards  Note taking strategies  Organization  Mnemonic devices Culture Day-Beginning of November (get your display board now!)

14 Science  Biomes & Animal Adaptations ( Miss Urban )  Astronomy ( currently - Ms. Grimes )  Variables ( Mrs. Galanti )  Levers and Pulleys ( Mr. Eckelmeyer )  Switching each quarter  preparation for middle school The Scientific Method 1. State the Question 2. Collect Information 3. Form a Hypothesis 4. Test the Hypothesis 5. Observe 6. Record and Study Data 7. Draw a Conclusion

15 Elementary Performance Assessment  Formulating a research question  Research-books, internet  2-3 page paper  Works Consulted  Visual-poster or PowerPoint  Oral Presentation-3 to 5 minutes  Time Frame: 8 hours (2 days) to complete  April/May 2014

16 Transition to Middle School  Preparation  Independence  Study Skills  Organization  Responsibility  Advocacy  Collaboration with NMS  Course Selection (spring)

17 Homework  60 minutes (written, studying, reading)  Reading EVERY night!  High Expectations  Consequences for missed assignments  Phone calls, emails, conferences  Tests/Quizzes signed and returned  Class webpage, as backup  Homework Buddies

18 Memos  Respond to your child’s letter  Conference & healthy snack sign-up on back table  Feel free to use a post-it to write down your date/time  PSSA results are in! See me before you leave!  Complete quiz about your child-and grade theirs about you!

19 Thanks for coming! I’m looking forward to a great year with your children! Betsey Urban

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