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Cluster Group Meeting Plymouth University Thursday 31 st Jan 2012 WORDLE Update: Viv Bell.

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1 Cluster Group Meeting Plymouth University Thursday 31 st Jan 2012 WORDLE Update: Viv Bell

2 Baseline Survey 240 completed our survey. Students and staff. The survey was only one of the many ways we reviewed the digital landscape. 4 areas of “competencies” were identified: ICT general, Social Tools, Multimedia, Information. We analysed the results of the survey, and used many other tools (case studies, observations, interviews etc) to reach our conclusions.

3 240 Completed survey: Students and staff

4 Both groups Sometimes even though their response was “confident” when we analysed the data we found this claim was not always supported by actual evidence.

5 Staff Staff were less confident in using social and multimedia tools (also re-confirmed by our initial pilot of OCN and PAL audit) We needed to address this gap. Our strategy was to encourage staff to include more “active learning” in their VLE courses. The project team developed a new OCN unit “Structuring the VLE”.

6 Students Students lacked traditional information seeking skills. Were good at social networking but needed skills in developing professional online presence. OCN units developed to bridge the gap.

7 OCN Units Approved OCN Units Student Units Approved: OCN Online Information Skills OCN Online Professional Presence OCN Traditional Library Skills Staff Units Approved OCN Structuring a Virtual Learning Environment

8 LEARNING OUTCOMESASSESSMENT CRITERIA The learner will:The learner can: 1.Be able to construct an online course of study using appropriate Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) tools and resources. 1.Create a scheme of work that integrates an online course element. 2.Create and upload appropriate learning resources and activities in a suitable format. 1.Be able to use different teaching strategies to develop an online course. 1.Construct an online session using appropriate signposting and formatting. 2.Create a learning activity that helps online participants meet an outcome listed in the scheme of work. Structuring a Virtual learning Environment (VLE)

9 We are writing 2 further units To support our VLE unit and to give staff the option of having a full OCN qualification. (3 units) The first new unit is more of an introduction to the use of learning technologies – more describing and identifying. The second one has been written based upon our findings and experience that people don’t really see a VLE as an active learning platform. Focuses on active learning and active learning tools.

10 OCN staff uptake 6 Staff took part in initial pilot. 10 staff have signed up in recent run of course. Unit has been offered again 2013. Now embedded into CPD provision.

11 Examples of courses created by Staff OCN learners Introduction to Marketing Study Skills

12 What they said Our OCN project blog

13 The future Addition of 2 new OCN units will build into complete OCN Course (3 units needed for this) Offered to all staff at WCT via CPD system and at possibly through “new staff” induction. Possibility of being offered to other colleges across the region via OCN portal.

14 Contact Any questions? Our project blog:

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