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2011 NASPA Annual Conference  Philadelphia, Pennsylvania  March 12–16, 2011 Pre-College Seminars Preparing Students for the First Two Weeks Monday, March.

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1 2011 NASPA Annual Conference  Philadelphia, Pennsylvania  March 12–16, 2011 Pre-College Seminars Preparing Students for the First Two Weeks Monday, March 14 th /3:45 – 5:00 pm Jennifer Wright University of Central Florida

2 Jennifer Wright Director, Office of Dispute Resolution Services Academic Integrity & Ethics Division of Student Development and Enrollment Services University of Central Florida & Proud Advisor of the University of Central Florida Chapter Council of Advisors – Region 3 Golden Key International Honour Society

3 University of Central Florida “UCF Stands for Opportunity” 56,235 Total Enrollment 6,600 Freshmen Class (Summer & Fall) SAT 1237 ACT 26.8 Average High School GPA 3.82 Average Fall Semester GPA 2.90 (initial idea for a seminar)

4 Mastering College Level Coursework Seminars (MCLCW) FTIC students are not prepared for COLLEGE LEVEL coursework Fall 2003 – one 4 hour seminar scheduled the Friday before the first day of classes Summer 2006 – two 4 hour seminars prior to the start of the summer B term and fall semester Fall 2009 – added one 4 hour seminar for Parents/Family Members of FTIC students Summer/Fall 2011 Two 4 hour FTIC seminars and one 4 hour Parent/Family Member seminars scheduled prior to the start of the summer B term Three 4 hour FTIC seminars and two 4 hour Parent/Family Member seminars scheduled prior to the start of the fall semester

5 Purpose of MCLCW Seminars To prepare FTIC students for their first two weeks of classes To increase FTIC student’s confidence in making appropriate academic decisions (drop/add, professors, schedules) To introduce FTIC students to necessary college level study skills for academic success (goal setting, time management, classroom etiquette)

6 Cost – Revenue Generating Service Cost Range - $10.00 - $45.00 Summer/Fall 2010 – Student Only$25.00 – One Student & One Parent/Family Member$35.00 – One Student & Two Parents/Family Members$45.00 (offered a parent/family member seminar in conjunction with the student seminar – different rooms/agendas)

7 Advertising & Marketing Parent/Family Academic Overview Session at Orientation & Parent/Family Handbook Promotional Tabling at Student and Parent/Family Poster Sessions at Orientation Follow-Up Email with Parent/Family Members After Orientation Student Planner Website Partnerships with Summer Bridge & Department Programs Associated with FTIC Students

8 FTIC Seminar Intake Form Email Address Gender Ethnicity First Time in College Student Intended Major / Academic Advising Office Living On or Off Campus In-State or Out-of-State Student AP/IB/DE Credit – Number of Hours Registered for Strategies for Success in College Course Registered for On-Line Course Greatest Fear/Concern About College

9 FTIC Seminar Curriculum Networking Exercise – College BINGO Development of One’s Introduction Speech Comfortable with saying “Hello” Interesting UCF Facts Enrollment NumbersFormer Miss America Size of UniversityDemographics of University 2010 Liberty Bowl Champions Entering FTIC Student Statistics SATACTHigh School GPA

10 FTIC Seminar Curriculum Continued Academic Realities of the 1 st Semester Average Fall GPA 2.90 Academic Probation Rate 10.0% “Why does a student who enters UCF with a 3.82 or higher high school GPA achieves a 2.90 GPA at the end of their first semester in college?” Parent/Family Member Reaction to Statistics “Unacceptable”“They will be coming home” “Disappointed”“Will lose their scholarship” “What is wrong with UCF?” “That will not happen to my son/daughter”

11 FTIC Seminar Curriculum Continued Guest Speaker – Faculty Member – Faculty Expectations Establishing YOUR Reputation in the Classroom Classroom and Email Etiquette Faculty Perceptions of College Freshmen College Level Decision Making Right Class Right Student – Syllabus Review Academic Policies – Friends to Let Friends Advise Visualizing Your Goals – Goal Setting Exercise

12 FTIC Seminar Curriculum Continued College Level Time Management Skills Semester Schedule Review Lifestyle of a College Student Using One’s Day as Productively as Possible University Resources – Bookmarks for Success Upperclassmen Student Panel First Week of Classes To-Do List

13 Assessment/Evaluation Likert Scale: The seminar was well organized Today I have learned skills which will make me a better UCF student I am aware of the resources available which will help me succeed academic and personally The facilitators were effective in delivering the topics of discussion I am now more aware of what is expected of me as a new UCF student I feel better prepared for classes this semester than I did prior to attending the seminar

14 Assessment/Evaluation Continued Concentrate on Learning Gained and Application of Material Presented List two actions you will take to be a successful student at UCF this semester Name two things that make college different from high school. How will you address these differences as a new college student? List two goals, one academic and one personal and explain how you plan to accomplish them List the courses you are enrolled in for the semester. For each course, indicated at least one academic resource and one study skill you will to assist in successfully completing the course.

15 Results Average Session Enrollment90 FTIC Students Average at the end of the fall term3.07 90% of FTIC students who participated in a seminar were in good standing at the end of their first semester at UCF 99% either strongly agreed/agreed they were now more aware of the resources available at UCF to help them succeed academically and personally 98% either strongly agreed/agreed they learned skills which will make them a better UCF student 95% either strongly agreed/agreed they felt better prepared for the semester than they did prior to attending the seminar 95% either strongly agreed/agreed the seminar was well organized 94% either strongly agreed/agreed they were now more aware of what is expected of them as a new UCF student 93% either strongly agreed/agreed the facilitators were effective in delivering the topics of discussion

16 Thank You for Your Support Ms. DeLaine Priest, Associate Vice President for Student Development and Enrollment Services at UCF for mentoring me for the last 10 years Staff and Students Associated with the Student Academic Resource Center at UCF for motivating me to become a proud student advocate for life Mrs. Patricia MacKown, Assistant Vice President for Student Development and Enrollment Services at UCF for supporting my participation at the 2011 NASPA conference Go Knights!

17 A Last Thank You! Golden Key International Honour Society for assisting in my participation through providing funding to attend/present at the 2011 NASPA Conference Check to determine if your campus has a Golden Key Chapter and become involved Visit for more


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