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Welcome to Ms. Ho’s IM3 Class! Class Introduction.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Ms. Ho’s IM3 Class! Class Introduction."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Ms. Ho’s IM3 Class! Class Introduction

2 Our Class We will learn about: We will learn about: Sets Sets Set Notation Set Notation Properties of Functions Properties of Functions Transformations Transformations Composition of Functions Composition of Functions Inverse Functions Inverse Functions Trigonometric Identities Unit Circle Trigonometric Functions Graphing Trig. Functions Exponential & Logarithmic Functions

3 Textbook Book will be left in class!

4 Materials You Will Need Composition notebook Composition notebook Lined Paper Lined Paper A 3-ring binder A 3-ring binder Pencils Pencils Erasers Erasers Highlighters Highlighters REQUIRED!

5 CHEATING AND PLAGIARISM: Cheating and plagiarism are serious offenses that are not tolerated. If caught cheating, you will receive a zero on that test and school policy will be followed. If caught cheating, you will receive a zero on that test and school policy will be followed. “Working together” where work is either identical or near identical (not completely your own) is defined as cheating unless Ms. Ho explicitly states that an assignment is to be completed in pairs or groups and one product is to be turned in. “Working together” where work is either identical or near identical (not completely your own) is defined as cheating unless Ms. Ho explicitly states that an assignment is to be completed in pairs or groups and one product is to be turned in.

6 3 Types of Assessment 1. Diagnostic  Shows what you already know  Does not count toward grades  It is informational for the teacher 2. Formative  Shows how you are progressing toward mastering a standard 3. Summative  Shows the level to which you can demonstrate your skills and knowledge  Count toward grades

7 Assessments Upcoming tests will always be announced several days in advance. Upcoming tests will always be announced several days in advance. Quizzes may be given at any time, either announced or unannounced. Quizzes may be given at any time, either announced or unannounced.

8 Grading Scale Grading will be based on the following ranges: RangeLetter GradePerformance Level 4.0 – 3.4AAdvanced 3.3 – 2.7BProficient 2.6 – 2.0CBasic 1.9 – 0.0NP (Not Passing) Below Basic/Far Below Basic

9 Marks on Pinnacle Gradebook MarkDescription X Excused Not counted toward your grades Z Work not turned in Counted as zero point

10 What Does it All Mean?

11 Restroom Visits You will receive a restroom pass which allows you 4 restroom visits for the semester. You will receive a restroom pass which allows you 4 restroom visits for the semester. I reserve the right to reject restroom visit requests if they are at an inconvenient time. I reserve the right to reject restroom visit requests if they are at an inconvenient time.

12 Absence: DON’T BE ABSENT If you are absent, here’s what you do: If you are absent, here’s what you do: 1) See the “daily agenda” binder to figure out what assignments you missed. 2) Then go to the “missing assignment” files to get a copy of each of the assignments you missed. 3) If you missed a summative or formative assessment: SEE Ms. Ho to schedule a assessment: SEE Ms. Ho to schedule a make-up. make-up. If you are going to be gone for a long time (illness, absence, or suspension), contact Ms. Ho through the school or by e- mail (ahead of time if possible!) to get work sent to the office for your family to pick up. If you are going to be gone for a long time (illness, absence, or suspension), contact Ms. Ho through the school or by e- mail (ahead of time if possible!) to get work sent to the office for your family to pick up.

13 Tardiness You are considered tardy if you are not in YOUR seat, ready to work by the bell. You are considered tardy if you are not in YOUR seat, ready to work by the bell.

14 School Policy Utilize school appropriate behavior and language by following the handbook rules Adhere to the school uniform policy

15 School Policy: Electronic Device No cell phone or electronic device usage within the classroom without permission for each occurrence. All devices must be OUT OF SIGHT once the bell rings to begin class. Charging electronic devices within the classroom is prohibited.

16 School Policy: Food and Drink No food or drink other than water is permitted within the classroom.

17 Class Rules Follow the Golden Rule: Follow the Golden Rule: Do to others as you would have them do to you! Do to others as you would have them do to you! Be prepared Be polite Be polite Be on time Be on time Be friendly Be friendly Be attentive (listen) Be attentive (listen) Be respectful Be respectful

18 What Is Expected of Us During Annoncements? Be silent Listen carefully

19 Backpacks and Purses All purses and backpacks are to be placed on top of the table in the back of the room at all times.

20 Classroom Etiquettes Keep your area clean Pick up your trash Stay in your assigned seat No lining up by the door Wait for Mrs. Ho to dismiss the class No sitting on or writing on the tables Schedule restroom and/or water fountain stops during nonlecture time

21 Expectations (Because You’re One Year Older and Are About to Graduate) Bring your materials to class each day. I DO NOT give extra copies. Keep your papers! Class time is NOT naptime; please keep your head up. Studying is expected daily. Late work is not accepted unless you have a valid excuse.

22 Consequences 1) Call Attention 2) Seat Relocation 3) Stay After Class 4) Contact Parent/Guardian 5) Parent-Teacher Conference

23 How will Ms. Ho Get Our Attention? When I raise my hand, I need you to: When I raise my hand, I need you to: Stop what you’re doing Stop what you’re doing Quiet down Quiet down Look at me Look at me

24 Daily Routines: At the Start of Class 1. Please go to your seat before the bell rings 2. Start the warm up in your notebook 3. Be silent and listen to the announcements (if available) 4. Observe classroom etiquettes and expectations

25 Daily Routines: Transitions 1. Listen carefully to Ms. Ho’s directions 2. Ask Ms. Ho clarification questions (if necessary) 3. Transition to the next activity within 30 seconds 4. Read and understand your role(s) w/in your team 5. Execute your role to the best of your ability to optimize team productivity 6. Observe classroom etiquettes and expectations

26 Daily Routines: At the End of Class 1. Listen carefully to Ms. Ho’s lesson closure, and write down what you missed during the lecture 2. Put everything in your backpack/purse except your pencil and eraser 3. Wait for Ms. Ho to dismiss class

27 How You Can Contact Ms. Ho Visit: before school, at lunch, or after school Visit: before school, at lunch, or after school Email: Email: On the websites: On the websites: Phone: Phone: No te: Please allow up to 24 hours for an email response.

28 Please have your supplies (composition notebook, lined paper or blank white paper, pencils, erasers, and highlighters) by: Please have your supplies (composition notebook, lined paper or blank white paper, pencils, erasers, and highlighters) by: REMINDERS

29 Please share with Ms. Ho and your classmates the following about yourself. Please share with Ms. Ho and your classmates the following about yourself. 1. Name 1. Name 2. Your favorite subject, if any 2. Your favorite subject, if any 3. What are your passions or what do you enjoy doing/making on your spare time? 3. What are your passions or what do you enjoy doing/making on your spare time? 4. Do you play an instrument? 4. Do you play an instrument? 5. Do you play a sport? 5. Do you play a sport? 6. What is your goal(s) for this year? 6. What is your goal(s) for this year? Student Introduction

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