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Step Up to Writing a paragraph!.

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1 Step Up to Writing a paragraph!

2 Two Common Kinds of Writing
Narrative Tells a story Has a beginning, middle, and an end Has characters, setting, and a plot Expository Gives information Has an introduction, a body, and a conclusion Has reasons, transitions, and examples

When I step up to writing, I say when to GO!! SLOW DOWN!! STOP!!! GO BACK!!! And, when to Take notes and follow the steps on learning how to write a good paragraph

4 GO!!!! Write a topic sentence. The topic sentence introduces your topic and represents the main idea of the paragraph.

5 Topic Sentence Green means “go.” Green asks the writer to decide:
“What am I going to prove?” “What am I going to explain?” “What information will I share?”

6 Give a reason, detail, or fact.
SLOW DOWN!!! Give a reason, detail, or fact. Yellow represents your details that support the main idea. In a typical paragraph, you need 3 clear details.

7 Explain. Give an example.
STOP!!! Explain. Give an example. After each yellow detail, you need to STOP and give an example or explain the detail. These are called supporting details. Each detail may have 1-2 STOPS to provide supporting details.

8 The E’s The E’s Always ask yourself if you have enough red.
Examples Explanations Evidence Events Experiences Always ask yourself if you have enough red. Check to see if you have included specific examples or presented enough evidence Expert opinion Everyday life Effective illustrations Elaboration

9 Remind the reader of your topic.
GO BACK!!! Remind the reader of your topic. This is called your concluding sentence. This is the last sentence of the paragraph that sums up the topic.

10 Conclusion Green means “go back to your topic.”
Restate the topic and the position. Do not introduce new information. Use synonyms and leave your reader with something to remember.

11 OK, let’s get started!!!

12 After you decide a topic, come up with a catchy topic sentence.
My Topic: Swimming

13 Swimming is a good way to beat the heat.

14 Next, give a reason, detail, or fact (D1) to support your topic sentence.

15 Swimming is a good way to beat the heat.
Swimming laps

16 Then, give 1 explanation for each reason, detail, or fact.

17 Swimming is a good way to beat the heat.
Good exercise and improves swimming skills Swimming laps

18 Now, give ANOTHER reason, detail, or fact (D2) to support your topic sentence.

19 Swimming is a good way to beat the heat.
Good exercise/improves swimming skills Swimming laps Play fun games

20 Next, give 1 MORE explanations (Es) for your NEW reason, detail, or fact.

21 Swimming is a good way to beat the heat.
Good exercise/improves swimming skills Swimming laps Diving, jumping, beach ball, Marco Polo Play fun games

22 Now, give ANOTHER reason, detail, or fact (D3) to support your topic sentence.

23 Swimming is a good way to beat the heat.
Good exercise/improves swimming skills Swimming laps Play Fun Games Diving, jumping, beach ball, Marco Polo Keep cool

24 Next, give 1 MORE explanations (Es) for your NEW reason, detail, or fact.

25 Swimming is a good way to beat the heat.
Good exercise/improves swimming skills Swimming laps Play Fun Games Diving, jumping, beach ball, Marco Polo Keep cool Water keeps body cool on hot days

26 Finally, remind the reader of your topic
Finally, remind the reader of your topic. Use new words to restate your topic sentence.

27 Swimming is a good way to beat the heat.
Good exercise/improves swimming skills Swimming laps Play Fun Games Diving, jumping, beach ball, Marco Polo Keep cool Water keeps body cool on hot days Playing in the pool is enjoyable

28 (support yellow details)
Some Transition Words (support yellow details) First-Another-Next First-Second-Third One-Then-Another A good-A better-The best One-Another-Finally One-One other-Along with-Last

29 Some More Transition Words
As soon as-Next-Later-In the end To start-Furthermore-Additionally-Last To begin-At the same time-Finally Initially-Then-After That To begin-Then consequently First-In addition-Equally important

30 Conclusion Words In conclusion Certainly Definitely To sum up Clearly

31 Now, let’s turn our T-Chart into a paragraph!

32 Going swimming is one of the best ways to beat the heat during the summer. One good thing about swimming is doing laps in the pool. Swimming laps is great exercise and they also help you improve your swimming skills. The best thing about swimming, though, is playing around in the pool! In the pool you can do jumps and dives off of the diving board as well as play fun water games such as Marco Polo. Lastly, swimming is a good way to keep your body cool. On hot days, a dip in the pool will certainly beat the heat. Clearly, there is no better way to avoid the summer heat! .

33 Your Turn! Group Practice
We will break into groups. You will need a: Recorder (writes) Reporter (speaks) Task Manager (keeps group on task) Proofreader (proofreads paragraph) Time Keeper (keeps track of time Everyone must complete T chart in the group_

34 Your Turn! Group Practice
Your group will use the topic provided to you to complete a T chart about your topic just like we did as a class. Once your group has completed the T-chart, you will write your paragraph on chart paper (see Miss Pollard’s example) When your group has finished writing the paragraph, be sure to give it a title, circle the transitional words, and use three markers (green, yellow, red) to underline the sentences that represent the area of the paragraph. (see Miss Pollard’s example) Be prepared to present your paragraph at the end of the hour.

35 Your Turn! Independent Practice
Now that we have practiced as a class and as a group, you will write your own paragraph. You will need: -T-Chart -Loose Leaf Sheet of Paper -Pencil/Pen -Brain Three Crayons, Markers, or highlighters (Green, red, yellow)

36 Your Turn! Independent Practice
Choose ONE topic from the list below. Once you have chosen a topic, complete the paragraph process just as we did in class and as groups: -Explain what makes someone successful.  -Explain what makes a good coach.  -Explain what makes the worst paragraph topic. -Explain the perks of being in middle school Remember you will need three details and supporting details in your paragraph sentences

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