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Energy Huntsville Forum

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1 Energy Huntsville Forum
August 17, 2012 Good morning everyone and thank you for allowing us to share with you. Energy Huntsville Forum 1

2 Toyota Manufacturing in North America
TABC 1971 CAPTIN 1985 TMMK 1988 TMMC 1988 BODINE 1990 TEMA 1996 TMMWV 1998 TMMI 1999 TMMAL 2003 TMMBC 2004 TMMTX 2006 SIA 2007 TMMC 2005 $21+ Billion Invested 40,000 Direct Employees TMMMS 2011 Vehicle Plants - 7 Unit Plants - 5 Engine Plants - 2 Regional HQ 2

3 TMMAL Overview – Company Profile
Foundation: June 1, 2001 Investment: $700 million (by Spring 2014) Location: Huntsville, AL Toyota Property Line NEW 3.5L V-6 Plant Size: Land 200 acres Building 1.08 million sq ft 5.7L & 4.6L V-8 Employees: 1,150 (by Spring 2014) 4-Cyl 4.0L V-6 Engines 1GR E/G (V6 4.0L) 3UR E/G (V8 5.7L)& 1UR E/G (V8 4.6L) 1AR FE(2.7L)& 2AR FE (2.5L) Capacity 146,000/yr 144,000/yr 216,000/yr SOP Aug. '05 Dec. '06 (3UR), March '09 (1UR) Sept. '11 Stats 24 valve 245 HP 32 valve 381 HP / 32 valve 310 HP 16 valve 182 HP / 16 valve 178 HP Customers TMMBC, TMMTX TMMI, TMMTX TMMK, TMMC, TMMI, SIA Toyota began here in Hunstville back in June of We are currently in the beginning stages of our 4th expansion project and once this is complete we will have 4 different engines all under one roof. With over one million square feet of production area and over $700 million dollars invested. 3

4 What Makes Toyota Different?
Empower Team Members What Gets Measured Gets Done Never Stop Improving So let’s see what we feel makes us different. Without our team members we could not achieve all that we have in the past 10 years. Setting challenging and realistic targets motivates us all. Never being satisfied with the status quo – therefore we continue to improve processes. 4

5 TMMAL Environmental Team
What is the Environmental Team? Provides support, guidance and standardization Team Member-driven Environmental system/program Follows annual calendar for activities, training and audits Who is on the Environmental Team? In order for us to get ISO certified we had to involve our team members. We did that by creating Environmental Teams. Voluntary position 2 per Group House – 1 per shift Serve at least one year, many serve longer if trained as Internal Environmental Auditor 5

6 Regular Environmental Activities
This slide shows some of the Activities that are performed by our TM’s to ensure that we stay in compliance and are meeting our targets. 6

7 Report any issues or concerns for compliance or risk
Daily Process Checks Production Team Members check their process daily at start and end of shift Report any issues or concerns for compliance or risk Enables management, Environmental Team Members to quickly address issues and implement countermeasures Right: Mist Collector Machining Process Below: Daily Checksheet Production TM’s check their own process Report any abnormalities This allows management and Env TM’s to quickly address issues and implement CM’s 7

8 Use card system and board for audit tracking
Kamishibai Checks Use card system and board for audit tracking Environmental Team completes weekly audit on all items in daily checks Managing your process Compliance and risk Knowledge retention Ensures production Team Members are completing daily checks accurately Another tool that we utilize is called a Kamishibai check. Basically this is a card system that shows the TM what to check, how to check and creates a record of the actual conditions. 8

9 Team & Management Meetings
Monthly Team meeting to: Share targets and results Communicate new requirements Highlight special events Provide monthly status update to upper management, address any specific issues raised in Monthly Team Meeting We use Team meetings to share targets and results Communicate new requirements and highlight special activities Information is also shared with upper management on a monthly basis all the way up to our President. 9

10 Semiannual Environmental Audits
Specially-trained group of auditors within Environmental Team Conduct semiannual audits to confirm system health. Look for: Compliance and risk management Training records and document control Face-to-face interviews with randomly selected team members on environmental awareness topics Auditors responsible for multiple areas in plant, but can’t audit own area We now have six TM’s that were chosen to become Enhanced Environmental lead auditors We do conduct semi-annual audits to confirm the health of our system – looking for compliance and high risk items, training records and document control Our auditors will conduct peer audits on the shop floor to ensure that our team members stay on the top of their game. The auditors are responsible for multiple areas, with the exception that we do not allow them to audit their own areas. This creates a friendly tension among our departments. 10

11 KAIZEN – Continuous Small Improvement
Semiannual Kaizen Blitz KAIZEN – Continuous Small Improvement BLITZ – Hitting it from all directions in a concentrated effort! Cross functional team focuses on improvements in specific environmental impact areas: Energy Water Waste Special Projects One of our key activities was created by our own Assistant Manager of Environmental and this we call the Kaizen Blitz….. See cross functional ………. 11

12 Semiannual Kaizen Blitz
Corporate offices provide target reduction percentage, TMMAL calculates identified savings for next year Potential kaizens placed on following FY’s Environmental Management Plan TMMAL currently working on items identified in FY12 12

13 Semiannual Kaizen Blitz

14 Semiannual Kaizen Blitz
Compressed Air Actuators 13 valves not being used in production areas 63 hours/week Estimated Annual Savings: 283,500 kwh/year $19,845 / year Compressed Air Actuators isolate the areas in need of compressed air. When the area was not running, the valves could be shut off and the demand for compressed air reduced. Calculations showed that 63 hours/week – compressors could be throttled back for annual kwh savings. Remember next slide is just photo of AR Line-Off Talking about jobs and hiring will lead into slides about types of jobs at TMMAL 14

15 Semiannual Kaizen Blitz
Outdoor Lighting Switch outside HPS lighting to UCD Lighting Reduces energy usage by 70% Total of 100 pole lights Old Cost = $23,993 Savings = $8,656 / yr Payback = 2.75 yrs Energy Reduction = 123,662 kwh/yr High Pressure Sodium lighting in parking lots changed out with Ultra Constant Discharge lighting that reduces energy usage by 70% for an annual savings of over $8k. New 15

16 Semiannual Kaizen Blitz
The team also looked at Water Reduction projects. This graph shows a Nano Filtration system project that could be used to recover 70% of our water in our chiller system for the plant. 16

17 Semiannual Kaizen Blitz
History Average Summer monthly usage = 1,000,000 gallons Average waste = 150,000 gallons 6/7 cycles Projected 70% of lost water will be saved with filter 105,000 gallons will be put back in system 1/7 cycles Nano Filter 17

18 Semiannual Kaizen Blitz
Our team members were very interested in the waste recycling of our plant. They actually found over $70k in savings through improved waste recycling opportunities. 18

19 Driver left debris when leaving compactor
Semiannual Kaizen Blitz Covanta Go-and-See Environmental Team Members visited Covanta site Potential Items to be recycled: Cardboard Plastic Paper Parts Dunnage Target 50% of load diverted to recycle stream Driver left debris when leaving compactor The team headed out to Covanta for a Go-and See. They witnessed and toured the plant and came back with a better understanding of where our waste goes. By diverting some of our products to the recycle stream we could recoup approximately $3,200. Kaizen opportunity for us is to improve our waste segregation even further. 19

20 Summary Empower Your Team Members What Gets Measured Gets Done
Never Stop Improving Empower Your Team Members 20

21 Any questions? Notes 21

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