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The First Carbon Exhibition

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1 The First Carbon Exhibition
Kingdom of Morocco Ministry of Land-Use Management, Water and the Environment The First Carbon Exhibition in North Africa and Middle East Region Djerba, September 2004 Moroccan CDM projects 2 full size and 2 small scale CDM projects M’hammed EL MERINI SCET Maroc CD4CDM Project

2 Moroccan CDM Projects CDM full size projects:
Essaouira wind park; Methane recovery from Akreuch landfill. CDM small scale projects: 10 MW wind park for Tan Tan desalination plant; Methane recovery and electricity production in WWTP. The first Carbon exhibition in North Africa and Middle East region – Djerba, September 22-24, 2004

3 Full size projects The first Carbon exhibition in North Africa and Middle East region – Djerba, September 22-24, 2004

4 Essaouira wind park Project summary
Full name : Power generation at Essaouira 60 MW wind farm; Location : At Cap Sim, 15 km far from Essaouira; Category : Renewable energy – Grid connected power generation; Project promoter : Office National d’Electricité (ONE), public office; PDD : EcoSecurities – CleanTech; Date of operation : 2006; First year of CER delivery : 2006; Crediting period : ; Expected CER : 1.5 million. The first Carbon exhibition in North Africa and Middle East region – Djerba, September 22-24, 2004

5 Essaouira wind park Project description Technical issues :
Installed capacity : 60 MW using the wind power technology; Expected production : 210 GWh per year; Components : 71 horizontal axis wind turbines of 850 kW each, electronic devices for regulation and protection, LV/MV and MV/HV transformers, to supply the national grid at 60 kV. Financial issues : Total cost of the project : US $ 82.5 million Timing : Starting of works : end of 2004 ; Operation : 2006. The first Carbon exhibition in North Africa and Middle East region – Djerba, September 22-24, 2004

6 Essaouira wind park Baseline methodology Methodology : Approach :
Used in “Wigton wind farm in Jamaica” and submitted to CDM EB. Approach : Demonstrate that the project is not BAU; Determine the most likely scenario in absence of the project; Determine the avoided emissions by calculating the Projected Operating Margin P CEF of the national power plants ; Calculations : Through the crediting period, the CEF moves down from (2006) to (2009) and then increases to (2015); Over the crediting period, the expected CER are about 1.5 million. The first Carbon exhibition in North Africa and Middle East region – Djerba, September 22-24, 2004

7 Essaouira wind park Sustainable development Environmental issues :
Wind power as a non polluting energy source compared to fossil fuels (air pollution, soil and water resources contamination…); Wind power as a renewable energy, not endangering energy supply for future generations. Social issues : Creating employment opportunities in the region (workers, transportation, trade, catering…); Enhance economic activity in rural area (hotels, local shops…). The first Carbon exhibition in North Africa and Middle East region – Djerba, September 22-24, 2004

8 Methane from Akreuch landfill
Project summary Full name : Methane recovery from Akreuch landfill; Location : At Akreuch, 12 km far from Rabat; Category : Waste management – CH4 recovery from landfill; Project promoter : City Council of Rabat; PDD : EcoSecurities – CleanTech; Date of operation : 2006; First year of CER delivery : 2006; Crediting period : ; Expected CER : 1.6 million. The first Carbon exhibition in North Africa and Middle East region – Djerba, September 22-24, 2004

9 Methane from Akreuch landfill
Project description Technical issues : A 4.3 hectare landfill with 25 to 45 m deep layer of waste. Draining network as central wells with gas from 20 to 30 m around; Collecting network at 25 m depth taking gas from wells to the drying, suction, flaring system. Financial issues : Total cost of the project : US $ 1 million Timing : Starting of works : end of 2005 ; Operation : 2006. The first Carbon exhibition in North Africa and Middle East region – Djerba, September 22-24, 2004

10 Methane from Akreuch landfill
Baseline methodology Methodology : AM0003 methodology, approved by the CDM EB (11th meeting). Approach : Simplified financial analysis of the investment project when BAU is the one possible option; Two options : Project and BAU. Determine the amount of waste at the closing of the landfill (2004), calculate the emissions for both the options and deduce the CER. The formula used is the US EPA model : LFG = 2 Lo R (e-kc – e-kt). Calculations : At the closing of the landfill, the amount of waste will be 3.1 million tons. Over the crediting period, the expected CER are about 1.6 million. The first Carbon exhibition in North Africa and Middle East region – Djerba, September 22-24, 2004

11 Methane from Akreuch landfill
Sustainable development Environmental issues : Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions; Reduction of explosion and fire risk as in uncontrolled landfill (BAU); Control of the waste leachate which can contaminate the soil and ground water; Social issues : Reduction of health risks on the local population Improvement of live conditions in the region and creation of better work opportunities (cafe, grocery, trade…). The first Carbon exhibition in North Africa and Middle East region – Djerba, September 22-24, 2004

12 Small scale projects The first Carbon exhibition in North Africa and Middle East region – Djerba, September 22-24, 2004

13 Tan Tan wind park Project summary
Full name : 10 MW wind park for the Tan Tan SWDP; Location : At Sidi El Gran, 12 km to the north of Tan Tan city; Category : 1-D : Renewable energy production for the grid; Project promoter : ONEP – public agency; PDD : SCET Maroc - GERERE; Date of operation : 2007; First year of CER delivery : 2007; Crediting period : ; Expected CER : 194,500. The first Carbon exhibition in North Africa and Middle East region – Djerba, September 22-24, 2004

14 Tan Tan wind park Project description Technical issues :
Installed capacity : 10 MW using the wind power technology; Expected production : 22.5 GWh per year; Components : 25 horizontal axis wind turbines of 500 kW each, electronic devices for regulation and protection, LV/MV transformers, to supply the national grid at 22 kV. Financial issues : Total cost of the project : US $ 36 million (including the SWDP). Timing : Starting of works : 2005 ; Operation : 2007. The first Carbon exhibition in North Africa and Middle East region – Djerba, September 22-24, 2004

15 Tan Tan wind park Baseline methodology Methodology : Approach :
Described in paragraph 29 of Appendix B of the simplified M&P. Approach : Demonstrate that the project is not BAU; Determine the most likely scenario in absence of the project; Determine the avoided emissions by calculating the Combined Operating Margin with recent additions P CEF of the national power plants ; Calculations : Through the crediting period, the CEF moves down from (OM) to (RA); Over the crediting period, the expected CER are about 194,500. The first Carbon exhibition in North Africa and Middle East region – Djerba, September 22-24, 2004

16 Tan Tan wind park Sustainable development Environmental issues :
Wind power as a non polluting energy source compared to fossil fuels (air pollution, soil and water resources contamination…); Wind power as a renewable energy, not endangering energy supply for future generations. Social issues : Creating employment opportunities in the region (workers, transportation, trade…); Enhance economic activity in rural area (hotels, local shops, tourism activities…). The first Carbon exhibition in North Africa and Middle East region – Djerba, September 22-24, 2004

17 Methane from WWTP Project summary
Full name : Methane recovery and electricity generation from a WWTP; Location : At Marrakech city; Category : 3-D (Methane recovery) and 1-D (Renewable energy production for the grid); Project promoter : RADEEMA – public agency; PDD : SCET Maroc - GERERE; Date of operation : 2007; First year of CER delivery : 2007; Crediting period : ; Expected CER : 112,500. The first Carbon exhibition in North Africa and Middle East region – Djerba, September 22-24, 2004

18 Methane from WWTP Project description Technical issues :
WWTP for 1 m3/s (pretreatment, primary, settling, sludge treatment); Biogas collecting from digester 11,000 up to 20,000 m3/day; Expected electricity generation : 8 up to 14.5 GWh per year; Financial issues : Total cost of the project : US $ 19.3 million Timing : Starting of works : 2005 ; Operation : 2007. The first Carbon exhibition in North Africa and Middle East region – Djerba, September 22-24, 2004

19 Methane from WWTP Baseline methodology Methodology : Approach :
Paragraph 86 for activity 3-D and paragraph 29 for activity 1-D, of Appendix B of the simplified M&P. Approach : For activity 3-D, calculate the emissions for both the project and BAU options and deduce the CER; For activity 1-D, determine the avoided emissions by calculating the Combined Operating Margin with recent additions P CEF of the national power plants ; Calculations : The CEF moves down from (OM) to (RA); Over the crediting period, the expected CER are about 112,500. The first Carbon exhibition in North Africa and Middle East region – Djerba, September 22-24, 2004

20 Methane from WWTP Sustainable development Environmental issues :
Biogas power as a non polluting energy source compared to fossil fuels (air pollution, soil and water resources contamination…); Biogas power as a renewable energy, not endangering energy supply for future generations. Enhancing the quality of natural areas and resources by treating the waste water before disposal; Social issues : Better life framework (better quality of natural areas and resources, no more odor, healthy life conditions…); The first Carbon exhibition in North Africa and Middle East region – Djerba, September 22-24, 2004

21 For more informations : Permanent Secretariat of CDM National Council Climate Change Unit Directorate of Partnership, Communication and Cooperation Ministry of Land-Use Management, Water and the Environment 36 Avenue Al Abtal –Rabat –Morocco Tel/Fax : Tel/Fax :

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