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Challenged?. Hang Tough When Things Get Rough Proverb 3:5-8 tells us: Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean Not on your own understanding; in.

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Presentation on theme: "Challenged?. Hang Tough When Things Get Rough Proverb 3:5-8 tells us: Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean Not on your own understanding; in."— Presentation transcript:

1 Challenged?

2 Hang Tough When Things Get Rough Proverb 3:5-8 tells us: Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean Not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.

3 Psalm 32:8 I will instruct you and teach you in the ways you should go; I will guide you with My eyes. His eyes see a panoramic view; seeing eternity future and eternity past simultaneously. That is what we need to meditate on and get deep with our spirit.

4 Isaiah 58:11 The Lord will guide you continually and satisfy your soul in drought, and strengthen your bones; you shall be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water whose water do not fail. God wants the best for all of us and He wants to teach us how to be more responsible in our spiritual walk.

5 Our Responsibility…

6 Cry Out This is a cry that immerges from the deepest part of your being; crying out to God as if your life depended on it. This cry of petition aims directly to the throne of God. This cry can come from the desperate (I need God & God alone) or the deliberate (I want God & God alone). Which ever one it is, just cry out to the one and only true God who can deliver you. Open your mouth and say, “God help me!” and mean it. It is about relationship. God is more interested in us knowing the healer than experiencing His healing. He wants to reveal Himself to us. Psalm 40:1-2; Psal72:12; Psalm 106:44-45;Psalm 9:9, 12; Psalm 116:1-2; Psalm 3:4

7 Confess Confessing sin is not the only way we practice confession. Confession in its broader since is our means of baring our hearts and souls before God. Confession takes place every time we tell God how much we need Him, what’s on our mind and what kind of mess we’re in. Psalm 145:18 tells us, “The Lord is near to all who call on Him/to all who call on Him in truth.“ Although all these things are confession, whatever you do, don’t overlook the benefit of also confessing sin. Lay it out there and hold your chin up while you do it. Let the light of God shine all over your sin so the two of you can sort it out and He can heal you. While we are at it, don’t forget to spit out sins of pride. Nothing contributes more to not being victorious in the mist of a challenge.

8 Consent Trust God; allow Him to be God and lead you to victory Consent is all about compliance, you approve of what is done or proposed by another. Listen and obey the leading of the Holy Spirit.

9 Charge up on the inside Get up on the inside and be determine to work your way out of the challenge/circumstance. Have a victor’s attitude and mentality. Stay in an attitude of faith and don’t allow yourself to lapse into negative thinking, complaining, or blaming. Say to the Lord, “God, I might not understand this, but I know you are still in control. And you said all things would work together for my good. So Father, I thank You that You are going to bring me through this!” Stand firm. The Scripture tells us when we’ve done everything we know how to do, just keep on standing. Know that whatever it is it’s not going to defeat you; it is not going to steal your joy. Know that you are the victor and not the victim.

10 Challenged Face the challenge with determination. Don’t allow your doubts to cloud your determination. Tap into the “can do” power that God has placed inside you. Rest in God always and you will be able to hang tough when things are rough. Give the enemy a nervous breakdown by keeping a good attitude even when the bottom falls out.

11 Cry Out Confess Consent Charge Up on the Inside

12 Hang Tough When Things Get Rough

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