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Chapter 2 Interactions 2 City Life

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1 Chapter 2 Interactions 2 City Life
Reading 102 Revision Chapter 2 Interactions 2 City Life

2 Paragraph D/page 35 The topic of this paragraph is…
How products release chemicals. How indoor air becomes polluted. How is the movement of air inside the house. How are buildings not a good place to live.

3 Paragraph D/page 35 The main idea of paragraph D is….
Air conditioning is important to houses to make air movement. Some chemical products worsen the situation in houses if there is lack of ventilation. Windows should not be closed to let fresh air into the houses. Lack of ventilation is a serious problem in schools.

4 Paragraph D/page 35 The article this (line 40) refers to …
leaked in rain water to walls and carpets movement of air buildings

5 Paragraph D/page 35 An example of synthetic products is… A sofa
A stone Water Oil

6 Paragraph D/page 35 The meaning of toxic is …. Chemicals Sickening
Unventilated Poisonous

7 Paragraph D/page 35 The sick-building syndrome is intensified in…..
Offices Toilets Kitchens

8 Paragraph F/page 36 The word houseplants is italicized because it is….
Emphasis. Foreign language.

9 Paragraph F/page 36 A rose plant in the living room can clean the air in that room. (this sentence is….) Stated Implied

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