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Lesson 8 Day 1 T212. Question of the Day How do you communicate with others? Think of a message you can communicate without using words. My message is.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 8 Day 1 T212. Question of the Day How do you communicate with others? Think of a message you can communicate without using words. My message is."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson 8 Day 1 T212

2 Question of the Day How do you communicate with others? Think of a message you can communicate without using words. My message is this: (Make cow and boy card for later in the lesson, Ted 214.) T212

3 Read Aloud T212 What is the purpose of someone reading a piece of nonfiction? to learn about a subject for enjoyment

4 Read Aloud T212

5 Read Aloud T212 What is the most important idea in the piece? What details tell about the main idea?

6 Phonics and Spelling Turn to pg. 224 in your Reading book. Follow along with me on pg. 224 and 225 as we discuss words with ou, ow, oi, and oy. Go to next slide. T214


8 Phonics and Spelling Write cow on one side of your card and boy on the other. Now when I say a word hold up the side that is the sound that you hear. Remember sound not spelling. Read words from teacher’s manual T214. T214

9 Spelling Pretest 1.foil 2.loud 3.gown 4.coil 6.annoy 7.growl 8.moist 9.enjoy 10.round 11.spoil 12.mouse 13.clown 14.bounce 15.cowboy 16.eyebrows 18.boiling 19.cloudy 20.avoid T212

10 Main Idea and Details The main idea is the most important idea in a paragraph. It is often found in the first or last sentence in a paragraph, but it can be found in the middle. Details are facts and statements that support and explain the main idea. T212

11 Turn to page 203. As I read the first paragraph, I see that the first sentence is “Officer Mike and Aero are partners.” This tells me what this paragraph is about. As I continue reading, I look for details that support and explain that sentence. Look at the third paragraph. The first sentence, “Police dogs are strong and well trained,” this is the main idea of that paragraph. Find detail sentences that support that main idea. T217


13 The Comprehension Tool Kit Stephanie Harvey & Anne Goudvis Lesson 21

14 The Comprehension Tool Kit Stephanie Harvey & Anne Goudvis Lesson 21

15 The Comprehension Tool Kit Stephanie Harvey & Anne Goudvis Lesson 21

16 The Comprehension Tool Kit Stephanie Harvey & Anne Goudvis Lesson 21

17 Listening Comprehension You will listen to a nonfiction selection about wild animals that help each other in unusual ways. Do you know of any similar animal relationships. Nonfiction gives ideas and information about a topic. As I read aloud the first paragraph of “Weird Friends,” in my Read-Aloud Anthology, I see that this selection is about animals that help each other. The selection is nonfiction, so I expect to read facts and explanations about animals helping one another. Listen for the main idea and details as I read. T218

18 Listening Comprehension A main idea is the most important idea in a paragraph. It is often found in the beginning or end of the paragraph. The main idea is supported by details that give information about it. Listen as I read “Weird Friends” to identify the main idea and supporting details. Longer pieces of nonfiction may have more that one main idea. Name at least one pair of “Weird Friends” that help each other. How do you know “Weird Friends” is nonfiction? T218

19 Robust Vocabulary The crocodile went charging home because its nest was in danger. charging- If an animal is charging, it is rushing or moving quickly towards something or someone. Say it with me, charging. If a strange dog were charging you, would you run or stand still? T219

20 Robust Vocabulary The ferocious crocodile protected the “water thick- knees” bird. ferocious- A ferocious animal is angry and dangerous. Say the word with me, ferocious. Are most dogs you know gentle or ferocious? Name some ferocious animals. Choose one of the ferocious animals and write a sentence about that animals. T219

21 DOL mrs.Riley loves tulips The closes at 6:00 P.M. library T220

22 Grammar An abbreviation is a shortened form of a word or phrase that is used in place of the whole word or phrase. Mr.= Mister Mrs.= Mistress, but you pronounce it misses. St.= Street Pl.= Place Each abbreviation begins with a capitol letter and ends with a period. T212

23 Grammar Identify the abbreviation in each sentence. Mrs. Brown lives in Orlando. The mayor’s office is on Main St. The school on Rose Pl. is near my house. I asked Mr. Sanchez for help on my homework. My full name is Anthony James Flynn, Jr. Underhill Rd. goes near Beartown Mountain. My favorite teacher is Ms. Kim. Miss Lu moved to Benton Ave. T220 transparency LA17

24 Writing A Description Uses vivid words that appeal to the senses. Uses precise words that give specific information about the topic. T212

25 Writing “The Leaping Gray Whale” is a description. As I read this paragraph, help me identify the words that help me picture the gray whale. Each vivid or precise word used in “The Leaping Gray Whale” helps create a clear picture of the whale and its actions. T212

26 Writing T221 Transparency LA 18

27 Writing The sun was hot. Some ants were in the kitchen. The underlined words are not vivid or precise. Help me replace the underlined words with words that are more vivid or precise. T221

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