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Adventure Education in Our School Joseph Winkelspecht.

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Presentation on theme: "Adventure Education in Our School Joseph Winkelspecht."— Presentation transcript:

1 Adventure Education in Our School Joseph Winkelspecht

2 Goal:  To offer a program that appeals to a new style of learning and promotes more involvement through adventure experiences.

3 Why Adventure Education?  Appeals to multiple types of learners  Does not force physical activity on students  Promotes different ways to be active  Learn through experiences

4 Indoor Vertical Wall  Adventure Solutions Modular Climbing Panels  Purpose: To allow for climbing. Easily moved and rearranged. Allows for a variety of climbing experiences.

5 Indoor Vertical Wall  Textured Paint Finish  $575.00 Panel Price  4' wide x 8' tall panel kit  Use/Value: Climbing is an essential part of Adventure Education, it promotes the Challenge by Choice motto of Adventure Education and is a great work out.  panels?utm_source=bing&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=bin gussearch panels?utm_source=bing&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=bin gussearch

6 Rope  Mammut Gravity Rope  Purpose: Used during climbing elements and during low ropes activities. Some uses include: boundaries, human knot, and many more

7 Rope  Mammut Gravity superDRY dry rope  10.2mm x 60m  Price: $219.95  Use/Value: An essential tool for ropes course activities and for an Adventure Education program.  102mm-x-60m-dry-rope 102mm-x-60m-dry-rope

8 Project Adventure  An organization founded on the principles of Adventure and Experiential Learning.  Purpose: Use in lesson planning, product knowledge, different training programs, and activity planning.

9 Project Adventure  Use/Value: Great for planning lessons, receiving training and for the students to look up different ways to be active in the adventure world. Can be used in school or at home as a teaching device.  Price: Free! 

10 Harness  Headwall Universal Harness  Purpose: Used for safety during high ropes activities.

11 Headwall Universal Harness  Use/Value: Mainly used for safety during high ropes activities. Ultimate necessity in an Adventure Education program.  Price: $39 per harness 

12 Treadwall Kore  Treadwall Kore  Purpose: Used for training/working out. Great for practicing specific climbing moves (heel hooks, finger holds). Allows students to practice their skills at all times.

13 Treadwall Kore  Use/Value: Great way for students to practice climbing skills. Great way to work out or warm-up for the days activities. Can help encourage the students to develop a love for rock climbing.  Price: $5,490 

14 Conclusion An Adventure Education program would be a great addition to our schools program. It does not cost that much and is amazingly beneficial to those involved. An Adventure Education appeals to a variety of students. It is a change of pace from your average Physical Education class. I believe that by adding this program and the equipment and software I have proposed to you today our students will develop a love for a more healthy and active lifestyle with adventure as the basis.

15 Total Cost  Indoor Vertical Wall- 16’ x 24’- $6,900  Rope- 10.2 x 60m- 3 coils- $659.85  Project Adventure Website- FREE  Headwall Harness- 25- $975  Treadwall Kore- 1- only $5,490  Total- $14, 024.85

16 Our gymnasium could look like this!

17 The End!

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