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HRIS Super User Training
Agenda One: HRIS Overview Two: Process Overviews
Lesson Time One: HRIS Overview Two: Process Overviews Three: Navigating the Worklist Four: Personnel Information Display Five: HR Actions Six: Other Transactions
HRIS Overview NOTE: All screen shots throughout this manual are from the web graphical user interface (web GUI).
Key Terminology Portal
A site that functions as a point of access to information on the web. Examples of a portal include Yahoo, Google, etc. SAP will be accessed through the BRITE portal. Adobe Interactive Form An electronic form within SAP used to create/change Personnel Master Data. Becomes part of employee’s record. (Adobe Acrobat Reader software required.) Replaces ZPAF transaction. HRAP HR Action Processor role, which replaces the PAF Processor. Manager Self Service (MSS) Workplace for administrators to approve personnel actions created/changed by the HR Actions Processor. Employee Self Service (ESS) Workplace for employees to view personal information and request changes. Business Intelligence (BI) Repository of SAP information for the purpose of reporting. Employee iView Snapshot of specific pieces of employee information on the BRITE Portal. NOTE: Although you will still have access to PA20 in SAP, the Employee iViews provide you with quick and easy access to the Infotypes in PA20 right in the Portal.
What Is Changing Highlights
New codes in the enterprise structure Actions and Action Reasons have changed Hiring is one action Adobe forms are replacing ZPAF Processors will be entering bank information and address of new employees External registrants for classes will be in SAP Workflow notification will be sent to employees for some actions
What Is Changing Highlights
Benefits department enters non-instructional cafeteria plans on Infotype 0236 (credit plan) The Payroll Department will perform a payroll follow-up to pay out vacation or sick time, if applicable, for those affected by retirement, separation of employment actions, or calendar changes Exit interview for the state is now an infotype IT9020 Supplements and one-time payments will be entered by the schools/departments Staffing Departments will be performed Terminations (abandonment of positions) Separation of Employment will be performed by the schools/departments and notification will be sent to the employee’s address.
What Is Not Changing Highlights
Basic hiring process is the same Corrections still use PA30 One-time payments done through a memo Segmentation and prioritization of work (by job classification) I9 Updates (Infotype 0094)
Enterprise Structure Review
Examples Personnel Area (PA) Specific entity for Personnel Administration Broward uses the Bargaining Unit/Meet and Confer groups Personnel Area SAP 4.6 SAP ECC Teachers INST IN01 Temp Hrly Adult Voc IN02 School Based Admin ADMN AD03 Admin (Union) AD02 Personnel Sub Area (PSA) Is a sub division of the personnel area. Used to control pay scale, wage types, and work schedule planning. Broward uses the Board Approved Calendars Examples Personnel Sub Area SAP 4.6 SAP ECC 196 day calendar TE96 0007 244 day calendar SU44 0030
Personnel Structure Employee Group Employee Sub Group SAP 4.6b SAP ECC
Salaried Full time (SF) Salary Parttime (SP) Salary Partime, benefits (SB) Hourly Full-time (HF) Hourly Full-time (HP) Hourly Partime, benefits (HB) Hourly Partime, 3 hours( H3) Hourly Other (HO) Hourly Temp (HT) Hourly Sub (HS) Pool Substitutes (PO) Student Workers/Exempt (SE) Student Workers/Non exempt (SN) Temporary Hourly (TH) SAP 4.6b Active Inactive Retired Withdrawn SAP ECC Salaried w/Benefits) (01) Hourly w/Benefits (02) Temporary (03) Temp Hourly Adult Voc/Coach (04) Pool Subs (05) Substitute (06) Nonemployee (08) Conversion (99) SAP ECC Active FT (1) 100% only Active PT (2) Inactive (3) Withdrawn (4) NonEmployee (8)
Process Overviews NOTE: All screen shots throughout this manual are from the web graphical user interface (web GUI).
Hiring Process Flow Future Start HRIS HR Action Processor Finish HRIS
Perform Hire Action Receive Workflow notification of new employees Finish HRIS HRIS & Benefits Workflow notification sent to location and employee Employee Receive notification to perform on-boarding process Employee Receive workflow notification from employee Hire action is performed once all documentation is received. You can no longer start the hiring process by using Recruitment. These are the infotypes to cover for both a hire and rehire. Action (IT0000) Organizational Assignment (IT0001) Date Specificiation (IT0041) Personal Data (IT0002) Address (IT0006) Communication, subtype 10 (IT0105) Additional Personal Data (IT0077) Monitoring of Tasks, subtypes VL, PE, SL, LA SBBC Security and Exams (IT0028) Education (IT022) Residence Status (IT0094) Planned Working Time (IT0007) Basic Pay (IT0008) Withholding Info (IT0210) Bank Details (IT0009) Savings Plans (IT0169) SBBC Experience Years (IT0033) Contract Elements (IT0016) Experience Credit (IT9023) Hourly Rate per assignment (IT0554) Log into ESS Created in background: Board Agenda (IT9010) (if applicable) Address, subtype Paycheck location (IT0006) (if applicable) User ID (IT0105) General Benefits (IT0171) Company Instruction (IT0035). Future
Reviews HR Process in MSS
HR Actions Forms Change in Pay Transfer Reassignment Demotion Return to Work Additional Position Working While on Leave Start HRAP Initiates HR Process Administrator Reviews HR Process in MSS Approve SAP/HRIS Process is Executed Finish Each HR actions form is processed in a similar manner, though the process may vary slightly. The specific process for each form will be addressed as we cover each form in-depth.
Navigating the Worklist
Navigating the Universal Worklist – Tasks
1 2 3 Click the Home tab and then click Universal Worklist to display tasks, notifications, and tracking information. In the Tasks window, the following information displays: Subject – provides a hyperlink to the form in process From – Workflow System generates the task once the HRAP initiates the form Sent – the date and time the form was sent Priority – the priority of the process will default to Normal Status – the status of the process, including New, Draft, and In Process Based on the task highlighted above, the information will also display below. NOTES: If more than ten tasks are listed, use the arrows to scroll from row to row. Although the Alerts tab displays, it is functionality SBBC is not currently using.
Navigating the Universal Worklist - Notifications
4 5 Click the Notifications tab to see your Workflow Inbox, and select the line item you wish to act upon. The information lists below, along with the following options: Complete – set the status to complete once you have actually completed the item Forward – send the notification to another user Delete – remove the notification from your inbox NOTES: These notifications let you know that something has occurred. For example, a new hire has been processed and now belongs to your org unit.
Navigating the Worklist – Tracking
6 7 Click the Tracking tab to display all items that have been processed and the status of the process. Click the line item in the Tracking list to display the information below, including the User ID for the individual who processed the form. NOTES: To view the history for the workflow, click the line item. The Workflow window pops up. Click the View history link to the right to display the historical data for the workflow.
Manager Self-Service – Approve HR Actions
1 2 The Manager may use the MSS tab or UWL tasks include the approval of personnel change requests such as transfer, promotion, demotion, change of working time, etc. submitted by his employees, HRAP Manager will view the tasks with the subject name, priority, due date, status, attachments, etc. The detail will display below.
Manager Self-Service – Approve HR Actions
Manager will review the details of the HR action form and click: Approve – manager is approving the action and the form will move to the next step in the process Reject – manager is rejecting the action and the form will return to the HR Actions Processor 3
Knowledge Check Which tab in the Universal Worklist (UWL) shows everything you need to process? A. Tasks B. Alerts C. Notifications D. Tracking
Personnel Information Display
Personnel Data Infotypes
0001 Organizational Assignment 0002 Personal Data 0006 Addresses 0016 Contract Elements 0019 Monitoring of Tasks 0021 Family/Related Person 0022 Education and Training 0024 Qualifications 0025 Appraisal 0028 SBBC Security and Exams 0033 SBBC Experience Years 0034 Corporate Function (New!) 0035 Company Instructions 0040 Objects on Loan (New!) 0041 Date Specifications 0077 Additional Personal Data 0094 Residence Status 0105 Communication 0302 Additional Actions 0554 Hourly Rate per Assignment 0795 Certification and Licensing (New!) 0796 Duty Assignment (New!) 9001 Inservice (New Look!) 9003 Out-of-Field (New Look & Functionality! ) 9010 Board Agenda 9023 Other/Previous Employers (New Functionality!) NOTE: Links work in Slide Show view (F5)
Infotype 0034: Corporate Function (New!)
Codes: Return to List
Infotype 0040: Objects on Loan (New!)
This Infotype generates a property pass: Return to List
Infotype 0796: Duty Assignment (New!)
Return to List
Infotype 9001: Inservice (New Look!)
Return to List
Infotype 9003: Out-of-Field (New Look and Functionality!)
Return to List
Infotype 9023: Other/Previous Employers (New Functionality!)
Return to List
Exercise: View infotypes
Let’s view the following infotypes using PA20 for Employee #45 - BUGG,JANET Certification and Licensing (IT0795) Hourly Rate Per Assignment (IT0554) Basic Pay (IT0008)
Employee iViews
Employee iViews: Overview
NOTES: Use the Collapse/Expand button to open and close each iView. We will cover each of the iViews in-depth in this lesson. First, let’s discuss what each iView contains. Then we will look at the iViews in the HRAP tab within the system. The following iViews will display: General Data Organizational Assignments Objects on Loan Personal Data Monitoring of Tasks Date Specifications Absence Days Education Certifications Duty Assignment Out of Field Salary Salary Wage Types Planned Working Time
Employee iViews: Basic Employee Search
2 1 3 Click Employee under Detailed Navigation. In the Employee: field, enter the employee’s last name, first name, or personnel number. Click Go. NOTES: If searching by name and multiple employees share the same name, a list of employees will display to the right. If entering a partial name, be sure to enter the asterisk (*) after. For example, if entering Jo to find all employees whose last name starts with Jo, enter Jo*. If entering the first and last name, enter the first name first plus a space plus the last name. For example, enter Samantha Woods.
Employee iViews: Advanced Employee Search
1 2 3 Use Advanced Search criteria to search for an employee using additional criteria, such as personnel area, subarea, or employee group, rather than just the employee’s name or personnel number. Click Employee under Detailed Navigation. Click Open Advanced Search. Enter information in one or more of the following fields: Employee Organizational unit Personnel area Personnel subarea Employee group Employee subgroup Click Go to display the employee. NOTE: If multiple employees meet the search criteria, a list of employees will display to the right. 4
Employee iViews: Search Results
1 3 2 Enter your search criteria using the basic search or advanced search option and click Go. The employee’s name or a list of employees will display to the right. If more than one employee displays, simply click the Selection button to the left of the name to display the iViews for that employee. If you click the Personalize button, you can choose whether or not to display the employee’s personnel number in the list of names:
Employee iViews: General Data
2 1 3 This information pulls from a combination of sources. Start Date: the date the employee started with the District Communication Data: pulls from Infotype 0105 which may be updated by the employee in Employee Self Service (ESS) Address: this must be updated by the employee in ESS Contact Information Office: combination of Building and Room; this is entered by the employee in ESS Contact Information Telephone: office telephone number; this may be updated by the employee in ESS Contact Information Organizational Assignment: pulls descriptions from the employee’s master data Org. Unit: the employee’s work location Position: the employee’s primary assignment Cost Center: the accounting area responsible for the employee’s payroll; a default cost center is being used for locations’ org units; schools will default to the area office and district departments will default to the budget office Payroll Area: the pay cycle to which the employee has been assigned Personnel Area: the bargaining unit Pers. Subarea: the pay calendar of the employee EE Group: the employee status EE Subgroup: the employee type (salaried or hourly) and benefits status (with or without) NOTE: Contract Text is used to identify board attorneys, superintendent, and board members.
Employee iViews: Organizational Assignments
1 This information pulls from Infotype 0001. In General Data, click Organizational Assignments to view the pop-up Organizational Assignments window. The Organizational Assignments display: Job – defines the position, state job, planned compensation grade, cost planning, FLSA, EEO classification, and Worker’s Compensation category Organizational Unit – the employee’s work location Manager – displays the manager assigned to the position A012 NOTE: If multiple organizational assignments exist, they will each display the corresponding job and organizational unit. This is not the same as additional positions. 2
Exercise: View infotypes using iViews
Let’s view the following infotypes using the iViews for Employee #45 - BUGG,JANET Address (IT0006) Certification and Licensing (IT0795) Basic Pay (IT0008) This is the view that the HR Action Processor will have at each school/department. The employee will also be able to view this data in ESS.
HR Actions
PA40: HR Actions 3 1 2 For the Hiring Action the system will generate the new personnel number. Remember to check payroll schedule before performing any actions. 1. For a new hire the From field is the date the employee will begin work. 2. Click box on the far left of grid to highlight the action to take. 3. Click Execute.
PA40: New Hires 1 2 Do not use this action to rehire a former employee or to convert an external to an employee. Refer to the Rehire or Convert External to Employee documentations for additional information. 1. Enter a Reason for Action. 2. Enter a Position. Everything else will default from the position information.
Exercise: Hire an Employee
Let’s hire an employee using PA40 FLANAGAN HIGH – TEACHER-LANGUAGE ARTS – CLERK TYPIST II SCH-BASED – TCH CURRICULUM FACILITATOR SILVER TRAIL MIDDLE – TEACHER-LANGUAGE ARTS – BEHAVIOR TECHNICIAN – FACILITIES SERVPER AIDE Perform an hiring action using PA40 Using one of the position above hire the employee effective May 5, 2008. Use page 14 as guide for the order of the infotypes Create your own data for the employee except for the following IT0105, subtype 10 ; use your address. This can be your work or a yahoo, aol account. IT0009 use the Bank of America bank key
Rehire Action 4 1 2 3 NOTE: First step is to verify employee is in fact a rehire by looking up their social security number in the system using PA20. Enter Personnel no. (number). Enter date of rehire in the From field. Choose the Re-Hire action. Click execute. NOTES: External registrants for classes will be a part of SAP and have a personnel number. If one of these becomes an employee, we would select the “Convert External to Employee” action.
PA40: Rehire Action 3 1 2 Enter a Reason for Action.
Enter a Position. Other information will result from the position. Click execute.
PA30: Create and Change Infotypes
Remember: Do not use PA30 to look up and display employee information. Use PA20 for that, otherwise you will lock out an employee that someone else may be trying to make changes on.
Object Manager 2 1 3 4 Use the Free Search option in the Object Manager to have a list of Personnel that can be scrolled through to view their data. Choose the Free search option. 2. Choose Key Fields. 3. Click Value selection on Personnel number. 4. Enter personnel numbers or a range. 5. Click Hit List. 6. Click green check. 5 6
Object Manager See the results and select personnel as needed.
Key Infotypes for HRIS Infotype 9010 Board Meeting Date Infotype 0022
Education Infotype 9023 Previous Employer Infotype 0009 Bank Routing Infotype 0028 Security Clearance Infotype 9011 Reappointment Infotype 9020 Exit Interview
Infotype 9010: Board Meeting Date
Currently used today The system will create duplicate records if the action is performed twice. Please sure to check to ensure you do not have duplicate records
Infotype 0022: Education HR Action Processor will be able to view this information through iviews and employees through ESS.
Infotype 9023: Previous Employer
1 This infotype has two subtypes: teaching and non-teaching
Infotype 0009: Bank Routing
This infotype will now be part of the hiring process and will be entered by HRIS. Please ensure the accuracy of the account information.
Infotype 0028: SBBC Security and Exams
HRIS will continue to enter this information during the hiring process and the Fingerprint Department will update as needed for refingerprint date.
Infotype 9011: Reappointment
This is new infotype and takes the place of the custom tables utilized (ZREA)
Infotype 9020: Exit Interview
Locations complete the Adobe Interactive Form separation of employment form, which will feed information into this infotype in the background. This infotype will be utilized for DOE staff reporting.
Switching Between Transactions
1 2 3 The HR Master Data menu allows you to easily switch between: PA30 (Maintain) PA20 (Display) PA40 (Personnel Actions)
Knowledge Check Which of the following is a new infotype being used by SBBC. Board Agenda (IT9010) Security and Exams (IT0028) Certification and Licensing (IT0795) Bank Details (IT0009) None of the above
Actions through Adobe Forms
Personnel Actions: Change in Pay
Start HRAP Initiates Change in Pay Process Administrator Reviews Change in Pay in MSS Approve HRIS Processes Change in Pay in SAP Finish Purpose: A change to an employee’s work schedule or calendar is requested. Change in Pay should be performed for the following types of change, if the change affects the employee’s primary position: % of Full Time changes, i.e., an employee is currently 80% and is going to move to 100% An employee’s calendar changes, i.e., an employee on a 196 calendar moves to a 216 calendar Work schedule changes, i.e., an employee moves from a 5 day work week to a 4 day work week A shift differential change occurs, i.e., an employee moves from a day shift to a night shift NOTES: It is imperative that the Position Request – Change form has been submitted prior to changing an employee’s calendar or percentage.
Personnel Actions: Change in Pay
1 NOTES: The Purpose of Form provides an overview of the form and any specific instructions necessary to complete the form. The employee’s current information will display on the form. Enter the Date of Change in Pay and Reason. Click Update Display. 2
Personnel Actions: Change in Pay
3 NOTES: The Form Help provides additional help to complete the form. The employee’s current information displays to the left of the form. The only time you will adjust the Wage Types will be for a Shift Differential. Be sure to add comments related to the Wage Type adjustment. If you adjust the percentage of full time, ensure the position has been changed first. Enter the following new information: Payroll Area – defines the employee's pay cycle. At Broward there are two cycles (AA and BB). Work Sch Rule – defines the days and number of hours per day for which the employee is paid %age – percentage of full time Wage type – select or remove wage types as necessary
Personnel Actions: Change in Pay
4 NOTE: You will NOT complete this area. This will be completed by HRIS. HRIS will enter the following new information PS Level/Group – this field accepts level and R0 for range
Personnel Actions: Change in Pay
5 5. Enter New Comments for the Approver and/or HRIS to read. NOTE: Once you have submitted the form, your new comments will move to the Previous Comments field, along with a date/time stamp for when the comment was entered.
Demo & Exercise: Change in Pay
Let’s request a Change in Pay for Eva Garcia: Date of Change in Pay – 08/05/2008 Reason – Hours/percent change Payroll Area – Bi-Weekly AA Work Schedule – 7.5H Mon-Fri %age – 80.00 STEPS: From the Detailed Navigation window, click Employee. Enter the employee’s personnel number from your data sheet, and click Go. Click Start Processes. Select the Change in Pay form. Click Edit. Enter 08/05/2008 in the Date of Change in Pay field. Select Hours/Percent change in the Reason field. Click Update Display. Select Bi-Weekly AA from the Payroll Area field. Select 7.5H Mon-Fri from the Work Sch Rule field. Enter New Comments as needed. Click the Check and Send button. Verify the information and click Send. The confirmation page displays.
Error Messages Items unable to be completed by the local HR action Processor or Staffing Department will appear in your UWL as a workitem with detail information regarding the error. See handout for more detailed information.
Personnel Actions: Transfer
Start Releasing HRAP Initiates Transfer Process Receiving HRAP Receives and Adds Transfer Information Approve HRIS Processes Transfer in SAP Finish Administrator Reviews Transfer in MSS Transfer between Organization Units Purpose: The purpose of this form is to transfer the employee from one organizational unit to another. NOTES: The Releasing Location will initiate the process. The Receiving Location will receive the form, add transfer information, and then submit the form for approval. The positions within the Receiving Location must have all the correct attributes before submitting the transfer request for approval. If the position is not correct, complete the Position Request – Change form online. The position must be unfilled before completing the Transfer process. CAFS (Computerized Applicant Flow System) will still continue to be used for Instructional Staff Transfers. All three approvals must be completed prior to submitting this form. Please attach a screen print of CAFS showing the three approvals to the form. ADDITIIONAL NOTES: If the employee is leaving his/her benefited primary position to work a secondary position, the employee will still need to complete the Resignation/Retirement Form and check the box for Resigning from Primary Position. At the bottom of the form he/she would write the position number relating to the secondary position he/she will continue to work in a temporary capacity. The HRAP will submit either a Reassignment or Transfer and attached the signed Resignation form. The HRAP will need to enter a Comment stating the employee is resigning from the primary position and moving into a secondary position and to see attached form. The signed resignation form is important as the employee will no longer have benefit coverage.
Personnel Actions: Transfer
1 2 NOTES: Purpose of Form provides an overview of the form and any specific instructions necessary to complete the form. The employee’s current information displays at the top of the form. The Releasing Location HRAP should enter the New Org Unit and Date of transfer. The Receiving Location HRAP should enter the new Position number and the Reason for the transfer. Click Update Display. 3
Personnel Actions: Transfer
4 NOTES: The Form Help provides additional help to complete the form. The employee’s current information displays to the left of the form. Enter the following new information: Payroll Area Work Schedule %age New Wage types
Personnel Actions: Transfer
NOTE: You will NOT complete this area. This will be completed by HRIS.
Personnel Actions: Transfer
5 Enter New Comments for the Approver and/or HRIS to read. NOTE: Once you have submitted the form, your new comments will move to the Previous Comments field, along with a date/time stamp for when the comment was entered.
Demo & Exercise: Transfer
Let’s request that Consuela Stone be transferred from her current position and school to a new position and school: New Org Unit – Date of Transfer – 08/05/2008 Position – Reason for Transfer – Regular/Lateral Transfer Payroll Area – Bi-Weekly AA Work Schedule – 7.5H Mon-Fri %age – STEPS: From the Detailed Navigation window, click Employee. Enter the employee’s personnel number from your data sheet, and click Go. Click Start Processes. Select the Transfer form. Click Edit. Enter in the New Org Unit field. Enter 08/05/2008 in the Date of Transfer field. Enter the in the Position number field. Select Regular/Lateral Transfer from the Reason for Transfer field. Click Update Data. Select Bi-Weekly AA from the Payroll Area field. Select 7.5H Mon-Fri from the Work Schedule field. Enter in the %age field. Enter New Comments as appropriate. Click the Check and Send button. Verify the information and click Send. The confirmation page displays.
Knowledge Check What electronic tool will the HR Action Processor use to initiate HR Actions? Manager Self Service (MSS) Employee Self Service (ESS) Adobe Interactive Form Business Intelligence (BI)
Other Transactions
PO13: Maintain Position Nothing has changed on this transaction from what is done now.
New transaction code that replaces ZBOARD. This will be used by all HR departments to run their respective board agenda reports.
ZHPA_ZCALC: Calculate Contract Amount
This report calculates the annual salary if the employee starts late.
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