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Best Kept Secrets of the NCSC Keeping You in the Know! Speakers: Adam Avrick – Design Distributors Inc Cosmo Infantolino – USPS.

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Presentation on theme: "Best Kept Secrets of the NCSC Keeping You in the Know! Speakers: Adam Avrick – Design Distributors Inc Cosmo Infantolino – USPS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Best Kept Secrets of the NCSC Keeping You in the Know! Speakers: Adam Avrick – Design Distributors Inc Cosmo Infantolino – USPS

2 Agenda Brief Overview of Address Quality Products The State of Address Quality What’s New? Suite Link® RIBBS ® Website Redesign Move Update & Pub 363 What’s Under-used? AEC & AEC II ® DPV ® Vacant What’s Coming Soon? COAlert™ List Certification 2

3 Product Overview 3 Can You Recognize A Bad Address?

4 ADDRESS QUALITY PROCESS Product Overview Standardize Validate Update 4

5 Standardize Validate Update ACHIEVE QUALITY ADDRESSING Product Overview ACS ™ Suite Link® NCOA Link® AEC / AEC II AEC / AEC II ® DPV DPV ® LACS Link LACS Link® 5

6 Total Mail vs. UAA Volume Trends FY08 vs. FY09 All Mail Classes 6 Address Quality Update Total Mail Forwards Returns Total Forwards & Returns

7 First-Class UAA Mail Trends Pre vs. Post-November 23, 2008 7 Address Quality Update FCM Mail Forwards Returns Total Forwards & Returns

8 Suite Link ® - What Is It?  Contains suite numbers for business addresses in selective high-rise buildings Targets high-rise addresses with high volume default mail  Improves business addressing information through assignment of suite numbers  Allows USPS ® to achieve increased volume of mail sorted in delivery point sequence  Data available through CASS™/MASS™ Developers  No cost for license to CASS/MASS Developers  In most cases, no license necessary as a CASS/MASS user What’s New 8

9  Suite Link candidate records are records where there is a known secondary deficiency  Beginning August 1, 2011, all CASS™/MASS™ certifications for Cycle N require the use of Suite Link to append suite numbers where matches are available  At that time, usage mandatory for all end users in production What’s New Suite Link® - What Is It? 9

10 Suite Link usage is increasing  FY 08: 103 million records finalized by Suite Link  FY 09: 160 million records finalized by Suite Link  FY 10 (YTD): 179 million records finalized by Suite Link Statistics show the use of Suite Link increased the volume of mail sorted in delivery point sequence What’s New Suite Link ® - What Is It? 10

11 How CASS™determines if you have a Suite Link candidate record:  Matches to a High-Rise Default record Or  Matches to a Street Default record (High-Rise Default is not present and High-Rise specific records exist)  Note: Match to Firm records missing secondary are not considered as candidate records for Suite Link What’s New 11 Suite Link® - Impact

12  After August 1, 2011, if a mailer does not append the secondary number to their original address when one is available from Suite Link, they cannot use the ZIP + 4 ® Code associated with the new address. The mailer may continue to use the input address with ONLY the 5-digit ZIP Code™ associated with the input address  Suite Link should be done prior to a NCOA Link® or FASTforward ® lookup What’s New 12 Suite Link® - Impact

13 What’s New 13 RIBBS ® Redesign Website Redesign  New look and feel  More user friendly  Improved ease of use  email Subscription Updates Approx 3,000,000 Hits Per Year!

14 What’s New 14 RIBBS ® Redesign Navigation Buttons takes you straight to major topics

15 What’s New 15 RIBBS ® Redesign New Site Index Navigation Search by:  Alphabetical Listing  Topical Index  Locators  Lookups  Quick Contact Listing

16  Effective June 1 st, MLNA and BCNO-type of COAs will no longer be graded as non-compliant in Move Update Verifications  Federal Register Notice to be published advising MLNA / BCNO will be required to comply with Move Update requirements  1 year grace period from date of Federal Register to make needed changes to comply with requirement  After 1 year grace period MLNA / BCNO addresses between 95 days and 18 months will be graded as non-compliant  No reversal of previous postage assessments for mailings impacted due to MLNA / BCNO prior to June 1 st will be made MLNA / BCNO Policy Modification What’s New 16

17 AEC & AEC II ®  USPS provided service for all customers  Resolves physical address deficiencies  Send to the NCSC electronically (or on CD-ROM)  AEC Cost - $15.00 per thousand  Average correction rate - 35%  AEC II ® Cost - $0.25 per record  Average: 95% resolution rate  Average: 87% correction rate  Pre-Mailing process What’s Under-used? 17

18 18 What’s Under-used? 1. Mailer sends addresses to NCSC 11. Mailer receives AEC II processed files 5. Unresolved AEC records 6. Matched against historical file 3. Mailer’s AEC data 3. Mailer’s AEC data 4. Mailer receives AEC processed files 4. Mailer receives AEC processed files 2. File processed through AEC software 9. Interface with delivery unit personnel 10. Delivery unit personnel verifies address information 8. If records still unresolved 7. Mailer’s AEC II data 7. Mailer’s AEC II data AEC & AEC II ® Process

19 19 DPV ® Vacant Table What’s Under-used?  Available as part of the DPV product  Used during CASS™ processing  Helps mailers identify when they may be sending mail to vacant addresses  Reduce mail production and postage costs  Identifies delivery points that are currently vacant and not receiving mail delivery  Updated monthly so mailers have access to the latest information about an address

20 20 COAlert™ What’s Coming Soon?  Allows mailers to pre-screen their addresses for Move Update impact assessment prior to mailing using change-of-address data for months 1 - 18  Uses standard name matching logic mode  Flags old-side addresses (no new address information is provided)  Accessed by standard NCOA Link® and ANK Link® inputs and outputs footnote information and Move effective dates  Beta testing conducted March – August 2010  Beta testers – 7  Licensing structure and Pricing being determined

21 COAlert™ Benefits  Allows more informed decisions  Potential to reduce production of UAA Mail  Assesses address list quality prior to purchase or lease  Assesses Move Update impact assessment prior to mailing  Uses exact same name matching logic as PBV Move Update verification What’s Coming Soon?

22 22 What’s Coming Soon?  The goal is to define the details of a List Certification process that would ensure addresses are kept complete, correct, and current throughout the various industry stakeholders  There are three key areas to list certification: 1.The criteria for becoming a Certified List Administrator 2.Specific policies for validating that the name and address on a mailpiece are from a trusted, certified source and thus is a complete, correct, and current address 3.A dynamic post-mailing update system that can capture and share intelligence regarding UAA mail to certified list administrators  Proof-of-Concept by end of year List Certification What Is It?

23 1-800-238-3150 Customer Support 800-238-3150 23 For More Information

24 Thank You!

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