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We know the web like a whale knows water. Presented by: Ryan C. Brown.

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Presentation on theme: "We know the web like a whale knows water. Presented by: Ryan C. Brown."— Presentation transcript:

1 We know the web like a whale knows water. Presented by: Ryan C. Brown

2 Business Idea Web Whale is a sole proprietorship which specializes in website creation and hosting for Smaller Businesses and Individuals. To implement this plan Web Whale will : Use experienced Html programmers and Standardized Templates to provide professional-looking websites at reasonable prices. Provide an advisory service in planning web pages for both Individuals and Small Business. Create recurring revenue by use of a maintenance contract.

3 Who Needs a Website? Small businesses need a website to: Provide prospective consumers detailed information of its products or service. Allow customers to purchase the product or service electronically. Give product analysis to Small Businesses based upon web page hits. Individuals need a website to: Keep in touch with friends and family by posting photographs and personal updates. Allow for feedback. Share hobbies and personal interests with website visitors. Provide links to sites related to friends, family, or personal interest.

4 Target Market Web Whale’s Target Market is: Small Businesses: NFTE Student owned businesses Small businesses with fewer than 5 employees Individuals: High School Seniors College Freshman and Sophomores Students entering the work force

5 Market Research Florida Designs ( 4 pages: $300 6 pages: $600 10 pages: $750 Web Jurassic ( 1-9 pages: $500 10-25 pages: $550-$900 26-50 pages: $950 - $2,000 Competitors are much more expensive and do not target smaller businesses and individuals

6 Competitive Advantage Affordable prices through use of standardized templates. Easy to use. Easy to update. Maintenance provided for significant, substantial updates or changes. Provide service to underserved market.

7 Marketing Plan Small Businesses NFTE Washington Meet teachers Pass out fliers Give Presentations Business Department (Prince George’s Community College) Post fliers in hallways Meet with professors Washington Business Journal (New Businesses Section) Mail Cold Calling Individual Distribute Targeted Fliers and Business Cards to: High School Seniors Howard University/University of Maryland (Freshmen and Sophomores) Career Department (Largo High School)

8 Start Up Costs Supplies Computer Paper (1 case) $28.00 Printer cartridges (2 cartridges) $72.98 CD ROMs (40) $25.98 Advertisements Business Cards (500) $23.96 Brochures (200) $29.97 Flyers (200)$10.00 Computer and Printer (In Kind) Work Space(In Kind) Receipt Book$4.75 Total Start Up Costs$195.64

9 Definition of One Unit Web Whale will consist of two different services: Personal and Business website design. Within these two areas the site will consist of 2 revenue sources: the creation and management of the site. A personal page as the name implies will be designed for personal use. It will cost $90 to design alone as long as it is under 25 MB of space. The cost to maintain and Design the site will be $25.00 per month with a $10 Hosting fee. A Business website will most likely be used for business promotion on the internet. It will cost $120 to design, keeping in mind that it must take up less than 50 MB of space. The cost to maintain and host a business website will be $30.00 per month with a $15 Hosting fee.

10 Economics of One Unit 1 Unit The design of a personal website. Selling price $95.00 Service (Labor) Time 4 hours Service Cost$8.00/hr. Supplies Paper (50 sheets)$.28 Printer Cartage (1/25 of a cartg.)$1.46 CDs (2)$1.30$3.04 C.O.S.S$35.04 Gross Profit$59.96 Note: The Economics of Maintenance are: Selling Price$25.00 Service (Labor) time2 hours Service Cost$6.00/hr. C.O.S.S$12.00 Gross profit $13.00

11 Fixed Costs Advertising Flyers(100) Brochures(100) Business Cards(100) Total Fixed Cost Monthly Yearly $ 5.00$ 60.00 $14.99$179.88 $ 4.80$ 57.60 $ 24.79$297.48

12 Monthly Sales Projection MonthDM January11 February11 March12 April12 May13 June13 D = Design M = Cumulative Maintenance Contracts MonthDM July14 August14 Sept.15 October15 Nov.16 Dec.16 Total102 Note: This projection includes only the sales of personal websites.

13 Chart of Revenue

14 Monthly Projection Income Statement For March Units Sold = Selling Price = Total Sales = Total C.O.S.S = Gross Profit = Fixed Costs = Profit Before Taxes = Taxes at 25% = Net Profit = 1 (Design) $ 95.00 $145.00 $ 59.04 $ 85.96 $ 24.79 $ 61.17 $ 15.30 $ 45.90 2 (Maint.) $ 25.00

15 Budgeted Yearly Income Statement For the year of 2004 - 2005 Units Sold = Selling Price = Total Sales = Total C.O.S.S = Gross Profit = Fixed Costs = Profit Before Taxes = Taxes at 25% = Net Profit = 12 (Design) $ 95.00 $ 2,240.00 $ 948.48 $ 1,291.52 $ 297.48 $ 994.04 $ 248.51 $ 745.53 44 (Maint.) $ 25.00

16 Financial Ratio Return on investment $ 745.53 - $195.64 X 100 = 280.89% $195.64

17 Owner’s Qualifications 5 years experience with HTML (a computer language used to design websites.) Proficiency using Java Script (a coding language used to enhance websites with small applications) I have previously completed 5 websites over 30 kb large. Currently enrolled in entrepreneurship and college level accounting classes.

18 Short and Long Term Goals Short Term Goals Graduate from Largo High School in the year 2005. Attend a prestigious college funded by either a Swimming scholarship or revenues from my business. Expand business by hiring other employees who are also proficient in the art of website design. Graduate from College with a degree in Business Admin. and Computer Science Long Term Goals Expand Web Whale to a global scale. Own businesses in other aspects dealing with Computer sciences. Gain enough expertise in computer programming to design and sell software which can solve a wide variety of computer related problems.

19 Entrepreneurs Credo Here at Web Whale we always: Put the Customer First Keep Good Records. Make Sure we Know What we are Doing Satisfy the Customer’s Needs

20 Acknowledgments On behalf of Web Whale I would like to thank: The NFTE Organization Ms. Cherl Fitzgerald The Largo High School Entrepreneurship Class of 2005

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