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Maths – The strategies we use in school Calculation.

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Presentation on theme: "Maths – The strategies we use in school Calculation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Maths – The strategies we use in school Calculation

2 The 4 strands of Maths Number Shape, Space and Measures Data Handling Using and Applying Maths Using and Applying Maths occurs in all 3 other strands, as well as in other lessons, such as Science.

3 Number We are going to focus solely number. The four operations (+, -, x and ÷) We are going to talk you through methods we teach children to use to add, subtract, multiply and divide and how build on each stage.

4 The Four Operations The four operations in calculations are grouped into Adding and Multiplying – where the answer gets bigger Subtracting and dividing – where the answer gets smaller

5 Early Years Counting Count reliably to 20 Count backwards from 10

6 Number Recognition Recognise numbers to 20 Order numbers to 20

7 Calculation One more and one less than a given number Add and subtract two single digit numbers practically

8 Number Lines We use number lines in all four operations. We start with numbered lines like this one – 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


10 Adding We then move on to using number lines and counting up in ones. 14 + 5 = 19 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 14 19

11 Partitioning Next we learn to partition – splitting the number into tens and units – to add. What is 72 + 14? TU 702 104 70+10= 80 2+4= 6 80+6=86

12 Adding by Partitioning Now we can add by partitioning – 86 + 57 = +50 +4 +3 86 136 140 143

13 Adding by Partitioning Or by rounding then adjusting, taking it to the nearest 10 and then subtracting 754 + 96 (rounding and adjusting) +100 -4 754 850 854

14 Column Addition Finally, we move on to adding in columns, using place value. HTUThHTU 597 7648 + 475 and + 1486 12 160 9134 900 1 1 1 1072


16 Multiplying Now we use the number line for repeated addition. 4 x 5 is the same as 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 = 20 I have four 5p coins, how much is that? +5 +5 +5 +5 0 5p 10p 15p 20p

17 The Grid Method We can partition to multiply using a grid, like this, this looks more complicated than it actually is – 72 x 38 = 70 2 30 2100 60 8 560 16

18 Column Method for multiplication 4346 x 8 48 320 2400 32000 34768

19 Subtracting We begin by ‘taking away’, ‘counting back’ and seeing ‘how many left.’ We have 6 teddies in the shop. We sold 2. How many teddies are left?

20 Subtracting (number lines) We can use a number line to count back. 22 – 7 = -5 -2 15 20 22

21 Subtracting (number lines) In Key Stage 2, we count UP the number line to find the difference. What is the difference between 34 and 72? +30+8 34 64 72

22 Subtracting with ‘exchanging’ 5 13 1 6 4 6 7 - 2 6 8 4 3 7 8 3 Th H T U

23 Dividing Division starts with practical sharing of objects again - If I share my 9 sweets between 3 people, how many do they each get?

24 Division with number lines Number lines are also used to count up in division. A baker bakes 24 buns. She puts 6 in every box. How many boxes can she fill? x1 x2 x3 x4 0 6 12 18 24

25 Division with remainders Finally, we can jump in groups and record remainders on the number line. What is 42 divided by 4? 10 groups (Remainders) x10 +1 +1 0 40 41 42


27 SATs KS1 Typical questions:

28 Key Stage 2 SATs Key Stage 2 SATS are held in May. These are statutory, externally marked tests. The children sit three papers: Paper A-non-calculator paper Paper B-calculator paper Mental arithmetic paper The paper assesses children working between level 3 and level 5. Children will receive a test mark and a teacher assessment. A minority of children will be entered for the level 6 test.

29 Key Stage 2 SATs Sample Questions:

30 Key Stage 2 SATs Sample Questions:

31 Extra support for Numeracy EYS and KS1 – Numicon

32 Key Stage 2 Booster programme Linked to numeracy lessons Targeted at children who, with support, will reach level 4 Sessions run three times a week for 30 minutes

33 Year 4 Mental/Oral Starter Activities

34 Cracking Times Tables Is a scheme designed to support high standards in mathematics Is a consistent approach to learning and testing tables across the school Is based on a series of levels that the children work through at their own pace Is motivating to children. They receive certificates for each level achieved

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