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Intelligent Content Management. 7th September 2005 The first Negotiation Meeting Brussels.

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Presentation on theme: "Intelligent Content Management. 7th September 2005 The first Negotiation Meeting Brussels."— Presentation transcript:

1 Intelligent Content Management

2 7th September 2005 The first Negotiation Meeting Brussels

3 1.Overview of the eGov-Bus project objectives 2.Detailed role, tasks and efforts of the participants 3.Description of work 4.Budget breakdown presentation 5.Administrative issues 6.Contractual clauses Agenda

4 Overview of the eGov-Bus Project Objectives

5 eGov-Bus definition  The eGov-Bus is a dynamically adaptable information system supporting life events experienced by the citizen or business serviced by European government organizations.

6 The eGov-Bus goal  The goal of eGov-Bus is to integrate and extend research and standards in the area of process and content management for government and cross- government systems, with the capability of creating advanced applications of electronic signature enhancing acceptance of the technology and establishing trusted system validity and non- repudiation, relying on web services, process and repository management platforms based on a highly secure, highly available, scalable and distributed architecture providing data access abstraction.

7 eGov-Bus Definition The architecture of the eGov-Bus: BPM/Workflow Virtual Repository (Data Access Abstraction) Existing eGov Web Services SOAP Qualified Signature & Security & Security Framework Framework Data Sources Interaction eGov-Bus eGov Web Services SOAP

8 eGov-Bus Objectives To define an architecture that will provide the right level of abstraction for data access, process execution and data presentation with the appropriate security To research and develop a framework that provides appropriate open interfaces for the governments at the European, national, federal or local level so they can easily link-up to. To research, develop and enhance qualified signature existing mechanisms to provide better user trust and acceptance of the system, through specific cross- government boundaries. To abstract data access via the use of virtual repositories and present it as web services with the appropriate secure, scalable and available distributed architecture. To design and develop a workflow process generator to trigger appropriate life- events exposed as combined web services. To prototype all abstract concepts on selected link-layer technologies and platforms. To validate the architecture and the prototype implementations. To provide results where cost-effective metrics and efficient methods are described for re-use purposes.

9 Roles, tasks and effort of the participants a. Competences b. Roles & tasks c. Responsibility d. Effort

10 Role, tasks and effort of the participants a. Competences

11 Competences of the eGov-Bus participants Category / Consortium Members CERIAUDBLPJIITEMICAXWAYRODANA-SIT Universities - IT Research Laboratories IT Corporations, with significant R&D Management Consultants SME IT enterprises Socio-economics Research lab / User Organization National, Regional & Local Governments representation eGov-Bus consortium composition:

12 Competences of the eGov-Bus participants No.NameCountryKey people 1Rodan Systems S.A.PLDr Witold Staniszkis, Ms. Anna Zarycka, Mr. Paweł Lewandowski 2Centre de Recherche en Informatique Appliquée – Paris Dauphine FProf. Witold Litwin 3Europäisches Microsoft Innovations Center GmbH FDr Joris Claessens, Dr Olivier Nano 4Uppsala UniversitySProf. Tore Risch 5Polish-Japanese Institute for Information Technology PLProf. Kazimierz Subieta 6Axway SoftwareF Mr. Antoine Leclercq, Mr. Nicolas Bourget 7Secure Information Technology Center AProf. Reinhard Posch, Herbert Leitold Dedicated for the eGov-Bus human resources:

13 Role, tasks and effort of the participants b. Roles & tasks

14 Roles & tasks of the eGov-Bus participants WORKLOAD (man * months) RODANCERIAEMICUDBLPJIITAXWAYASITTOTAL WP1- Project Management 1611113124 WP2- Scenarios and Requirements Analysis 3545105335 WP3- Architecture 4382215236 WP4- Enhanced Web Services 4106 0816 040 WP5- Virtual Repository Management 819 018203 068 WP6- Security Framework and Qualified Signature 2933 0 031562 WP7- Abstract Process Generator 27 02 063 038 WP8- Prototype Implementation 1714661318680 WP9- Dissemination of Results 4111111625 TOTAL 8562 33616742412

15 Role, tasks and effort of the participants c. Responsibilities

16 Responsibility of the eGov-Bus partners WP nameLeader name Project Management  RODAN Scenarios and requirements analysis  PJIIT Architecture  AXWAY Enhanced Web Services  AXWAY Virtual Respository Management  PJIIT Security framework and qualified signature  EMIC Abstract process generator  RODAN Prototype implementation  AXWAY Dissemination and Exploitation  A-SIT

17 Role, tasks and effort of the participants d. Effort of eGov-Bus participants

18 Efforts of the eGov-Bus participants [%] effort in whole project (412 PM / 412 PM): 1: RODAN 2: CERIA 3: EMIC 4:UDBL 5: PJIIT 6: AXWAY 7: A-SIT

19 Efforts of the eGov-Bus participants [%] effort for R&D activities (363 PM / 412 PM): 1: RODAN 2: CERIA 3: EMIC 4:UDBL 5: PJIIT 6: AXWAY 7: A-SIT

20 Efforts of the eGov-Bus participants [%] effort for management activities (24 PM / 412 PM): 1: RODAN 2: CERIA 3: EMIC 4:UDBL 5: PJIIT 6: AXWAY 7: A-SIT

21 Efforts of the eGov-Bus participants [%] effort for dissemination activities (25 PM / 412 PM): 1: RODAN 2: CERIA 3: EMIC 4:UDBL 5: PJIIT 6: AXWAY 7: A-SIT

22 Description of eGov-Bus work

23 Step 1: Scenario and requirements will be analysed thoroughly, and will be used as a basis for the architecture design. WP2 - SCENARIOS AND REQUIREMENTS

24 Description of eGov-Bus work Step 2: Design of the general architecture of the Advanced eGovernment Information Service Bus WP2 - SCENARIOS AND REQUIREMENTS WP3 - ARCHITECTURE

25 Description of eGov-Bus work Step 3: The research will focus on 4 domains:  Enhanced web services  Virtual Repository Management  Security Framework and Enhanced Qualified Signature  Abstract Process Generator WP2 - SCENARIOS AND REQUIREMENTS RESEARCH AXES WP4: Enhanced Web Services WP5: Virtual Repository Management WP6: Security Framework and Qualified Signature WP7: Abstract Process Generator WP3 - ARCHITECTURE

26 Description of eGov-Bus work Step 4: Prototype implementation WP2 - SCENARIOS AND REQUIREMENTS RESEARCH AXES WP4: Enhanced Web Services WP5: Virtual Repository Management WP6: Security Framework and Qualified Signature WP7: Abstract Process Generator WP3 - ARCHITECTURE WP8 – PROTOTYPE IMPLEMENTATION

27 Description of eGov-Bus work Step 5: Validation, verification and performance analysis of the architecture, middleware interfaces and the prototype implementations will be done, including “live” eGovernment applications. WP2 - SCENARIOS AND REQUIREMENTS RESEARCH AXES WP4: Enhanced Web Services WP5: Virtual Repository Management WP6: Security Framework and Qualified Signature WP7: Abstract Process Generator WP3 - ARCHITECTURE WP8 – PROTOTYPE IMPLEMENTATION

28 Description of eGov-Bus work For the technical and project-level management of eGov-Bus, and for the dissemination and exploitation of the results WP1 and WP9 will be active during the entire duration of the project. WP2 - SCENARIOS AND REQUIREMENTS RESEARCH AXES WP4: Enhanced Web Services WP5: Virtual Repository Management WP6: Security Framework and Qualified Signature WP7: Abstract Process Generator WP3 - ARCHITECTURE WP1: M A N A G E M E N T MONTH 0 MONTH 24 WP9: D I S S E M I N A T I O N WP8 – PROTOTYPE IMPLEMENTATION

29 Description of eGov-Bus work eGov-Bus timetable:

30 Budget breakdown

31 eGov-Bus budget  Duration of the project: 24 months  Max./indicative financial EC contribution: 2 270 000,00 €  Requested EC contribution:2 269 606,00 €

32 eGov-Bus budget Rep. Period 1 Start monthEnd monthTotalIn which first 6 months I1121 519 942,00 € [67%] II1324749 664,00 € [33%] 487 229,00 € Total2 269 606,00 € Requested breakdown of the EC contribution per reporting period:

33 6. Administrative issues

34 Administrative issues a. Contract Preparation Forms b. First draft of Annex I „Description of Work” c. Consortium Agreementunder construction

35 Administrative issues No.ParticipantLegal StatutLegal documents Financial information 1RodanPRIV, C A5:, A6: 2CERIAGOV, NC 3EMICPRIV, PUBLIC, C A6: 4UDBLGOV, NC 5PJIITPRIV, PUBLIC, NC 6AXWAYPRIV, C A5: ?, A6: 7A-SITPRIV, NC A5:, A6: PRIV: privateC: commercialNC: not commercialGov: govermental Contract Preparation Forms

36 7. Contractual clauses

37 Contractual clauses Request a Special Clause 23 Partner No. 7: A-SIT requests a ”Special Clause 23” (Option B) for a legal entity composed of several legal entities, where „The Contractor Zentrum Für Sichere Informationstechnologie Austria (A-SIT) represents also its members…”

38 Thank you for your attention Witold Staniszkis Rodan Systems SA Coordinator of the eGov-Bus proposal

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