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May 1, 2007Mohamad Eid SEG 3120 User Interface Design Mohamad Eid Office: SITE 5077 Tel: (613) 562-5800 ext. 2148

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Presentation on theme: "May 1, 2007Mohamad Eid SEG 3120 User Interface Design Mohamad Eid Office: SITE 5077 Tel: (613) 562-5800 ext. 2148"— Presentation transcript:

1 May 1, 2007Mohamad Eid SEG 3120 User Interface Design Mohamad Eid Office: SITE 5077 Tel: (613) 562-5800 ext. 2148 Email:

2 May 1, 2007Mohamad Eid Course Description Psychological principles of human-computer interaction. Evaluation of user interfaces. Usability engineering. Task analysis, user-centered design and prototyping. Conceptual models and metaphors. Software design rationale. Design or windows, menus and commands. Voice and natural language I/O. Response time and feedback. Color, icons and sound. Internationalization and localization. User interface architectures and APIs. Case studies and project. Prerequisites: (SEG3100 or SEG3300)

3 May 1, 2007Mohamad Eid Lecture Schedule/Office-Hour Lecture Schedule Tuesday 8:30 – 10:30 (MCD 120 ) Friday 10:30 – 12:30 (MCD 120 ) Office-hours Tuesdays: 10:30 – 11:30 Or by appointment Random drop-by is welcomed but availability is not guaranteed!

4 May 1, 2007Mohamad Eid Website and Textbook Website http: // Students are required to check the website frequently Textbook Recommended Textbook: The Resonant Interface, HCI Foundations for Interaction Design, Steven Heim, Pearson, Addison Wesley, 2008. Other references Human-Computer Interaction: Second Edition, Dix, Finlay, Abowd and Beale, Prentice-Hall, 1998.

5 May 1, 2007Mohamad Eid Performance Assessment 40% Four Phases Project Assignment 1 - Videotaped Cooperative Interface Evaluation – 8% Assignment 2 - Project Personas, Goals, and Task Analysis – 8% Assignment 3 - Heuristic evaluation – 8% Assignment 4 - Pilot Usability Study – 8% Presentation and Demonstration – 8% 20% Midterm test 40% Final exam To pass the course you need at least 50% of the Final

6 May 1, 2007Mohamad Eid Important Notes The exams and projects reports are for evaluation purposes only and will not be returned to the students Entire class is expected to attend the projects presentations, if you miss a presentation day a mark will be deducted Beware of Plagiarism: copying and handing in for credit someone else's work

7 May 1, 2007Mohamad Eid Course Outline Introduction to HCI (Week 1 and Week 2) History and goals of HCI, Five key ideas in HCI, Interaction paradigms, Interaction frameworks and styles Interaction Design (Week 3 and Week 4) User centered design, Interaction design models, The design process model, guidelines for good interface design Discovery (Week 5 and Week 6) Organizing the discovery process, Collection (Observation, Elicitation, Interpretation), Interpretation and Task analysis, Documentation. Usability Testing (Week 7 and Week 8) Phases of a usability test, Design the test, Prepare for the test, Perform the test, Process the data Facets of Interaction (Week 9 to Week 11) Colors, Interface Components, Text, Speech and Hearing, Touch and Movements

8 May 1, 2007Mohamad Eid ALSO in the Course In the lab you will need user interface building software as you develop and test user interfaces You can use whatever you want, but Java, XML, DHTML, FLASH are recommended You may work on user interfaces for projects you are doing in other courses, but you will have to get permission of the other professor As an exercise, you will be asked to evaluate the interface of a software product while you study somebody using it

9 May 1, 2007Mohamad Eid Don’t be Shy! Learning method %Retention What you read10% What you hear26% What you see30% What you see and hear50% What you SPEAK70% J.E. Stice, Engineering Education, pp. 291-296, 1987

10 May 1, 2007Mohamad Eid Four Phases Project Please stick to deadlines! The project is group work of exactly 2 students Group members must share each phase of the work Each member should learn the same things Presentation Presentations must be delivered by all team members, all available to handle questions PowerPoint slides (recommended) or overhead transparencies

11 May 1, 2007Mohamad Eid Project Proposal Each group hand in: Names of group members What you will evaluate Who you will use as users Whether you will use your own camera (and can do the work on your own time) or whether you will need to be scheduled in a lab time-slot, using University cameras Your proposal for assignment 3 among the list given on the course web site What type of software you will design I reserve the right to veto any proposals if I think it is not appropriate. I will contact you by email if that is the case

12 May 1, 2007Mohamad Eid Projects Related Remarks Do not forget to sign the Informed Consent Form Available on the course web site Project topics will be available next week Implementation to be done in: XML DHTML Macromedia Flash OpenGl (C++/java) In the tutorial and lab sessions, we will cover DHTML and Flash Late submissions are NOT accepted

13 May 1, 2007Mohamad Eid متشکرم 谢谢 ありがとう

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