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Unit 1 Great Scientists. Do you know? Who discovered that objects in water are lifted up by a force that helps them float? Who wrote a book explaining.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 1 Great Scientists. Do you know? Who discovered that objects in water are lifted up by a force that helps them float? Who wrote a book explaining."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 1 Great Scientists

2 Do you know? Who discovered that objects in water are lifted up by a force that helps them float? Who wrote a book explaining how animals and plants developed as the environment changed? Archimedes Charles Darwin

3 Who invented the first steam engine? Thomas Newcomen Who used peas to show how physical characteristics are passed form parents to their children? Gregor Mendel

4 Who discovered radium? Who invented the way of giving electricity to everybody in large cities? Who was the painter that studied dead bodies to improve his painting of people? Maries Curie Thomas Edison Leonardo da Vinci

5 Who invented a lamp to keep miner safe underground? Who invented the earliest instrument to tell people where earthquakes happened? Who put forward a theory about black holes? Sir Humphrey Davy Zhang Heng Stephen Hawking

6 Do you know? 发明蒸汽机的并不是瓦特,他是改进纽可 门的蒸气机并发明出双动作,使世界进入 “ 蒸气时代 ” 的,使他成为第一次工业革命 中的名气最大的发明家。

7 1865 年,修士孟德尔在一个会议上报告了他通 过长达八年的实验研究和他所统计的多达两万 一千多件样本的实验结果,利用豌豆实验发现 了植物的遗传规律,但是孟道尔的理论超出了 当时人们能够接受的水平。 35 年后,三国科学 家几乎是同时发现了植物遗传的规律。而当他 们准备发表论文,去查阅文献时,又不约而同 地发现,早在 35 年前孟德尔就发现这样的规律 了。他们三个人在发表论文时,都提到了孟德 尔的文章,称自己的工作是证实了孟德尔的定 律。这就是生物学史上的有名的 “ 孟德尔定律的 再发现 ” 。

8 英国化学家、诗人 汉弗莱 · 戴维。 1778 年出生。 他小时聪明、淘气,不喜欢读书,喜欢玩乐。 他不到 20 岁时,父亲去世。为了养家糊口,他 到当地一位医生那当学徒,从此接触并喜欢上 化学,因为觉得自己知识浅薄,他就自订计划 发奋用功,凭着他的天资和勤奋,很快掌握了 七种语言和不少科学知识,并最终成为了英国 皇家学会的主席。 1798 年戴维的名声随着他对 笑气的发现而传遍了整个英国。他还带病专门 研究火焰,发明了矿用安全灯( 1816 ),这种 灯一直到今天仍叫戴维灯,曾挽救了成千上万 名矿工的生命。

9 Do you know John Snow? Do you know what kind of disease is cholera? John Snow is a well-known doctor in the 19th century in London and he defeated “King Cholera”. It is a kind of terrible disease caused by drinking dirty water and it caused a lot of deaths in the old times and it was very difficult to defeat.

10 Let’s get to know how Dr. John Snow defeated “King Cholera” in 1854 in London in this reading passage: John Snow Defeats “King Cholera”

11 Do you know what did this map was used for in 1854? Finding out the cause of Cholera.

12 Who defeats “King Cholera“? What happened in 1854? How many people died in 10 days? Why is there no death at No. 20 and 21 Broad Street as well as at No. 8 and 9 Cambridge Street? John Snow Cholera outbreak hit London. 500 These families had not drunk the water from the Broad Street pump. Task 1:Skim and Scan

13 Task 2: Read and answer 1 Why couldn’t the cholera be under control at first? 2 Which theory did John Snow believe in? 3 John Snow finally proved the theory he believed by ________. A. gathering information with the help of a map B. looking into the source of the water for Broad Street and Cambridge Street C. Separating those who suffered cholera from those who didn’t D. Both A and B 4 To prevent the cholera from spreading again, what did John Snow do?

14 1 Why couldn’t the cholera be under control at first? 2 Which theory did John Snow believe in? Neither its cause, not its cure was understood. People absorbed cholera into their bodies with their meals.

15 3 John Snow finally proved the theory he believed by ________. A. gathering information with the help of a map B. looking into the source of the water for Broad Street and Cambridge Street C. separating those who suffered cholera from those who didn’t D. both A and B

16 4 To prevent the cholera from spreading again, what did John Snow do? Suggested that the source of all water supplies be examine. Suggested that new methods of dealing with polluted water be found. Instructed the water companies not to expose people to the polluted water anymore.

17 Mind Map of the text John Snow Defeats “King Cholera” Paragraph 1: Introduction of John Snow and Cholera Paragraph 2: Two theory Find a Problem: What cause the cholera? Make a question: Which is right? Paragraph 3-5: Study of the breakout in 1854

18 Paragraph 3: Study of the breakout in 1854 Think of a method: Test two theory Collect the result: Mark the death Analyse the result: Reason for death and no death Paragraph 4: Study of the breakout in 1854 Paragraph 5: Study of the breakout in 1854 Analyse the result: Find the resource of the water Repeat if necessary: Find more evidence. Draw a conclusion: Cholera was spread by germ Polluted water carried cholera

19 Paragraph 6: Prevention of Cholera John Snow defeat King Cholera

20 The passage is written as a report of an experiment and there are 7 steps: 1.Find a problem:( 发现问题 ) 2.Make up a question:( 形成研究主题 ) 3.Think of a method:( 找出研究方法 ) 4.Collect results:( 收集材料 ) 5.Analyse results:( 分析材料 ) 6.Repeat if necessary:( 必要时重新分析 ) 7.Draw a conclusion:( 得出结论 )

21 Read the passage again and finish Ex. 1(Page 3). The problem The causeIdea 1: Idea 2: The method Scientific Report by John Snow Nobody knew the cause of the serious disease of cholera a strange cloud of gas found its victims people absorbed the disease with meals Collect information from the cholera outbreak to prove which theory was correct

22 The results Idea 1 or 2? Why? The conclusion He found the cause of cholera was the polluted water Idea 2. Because the information showed that the dirty water carried cholera He defeated cholera by examining the water supply and dealing with the polluted water

23 Read the passage again and fill in the blanks: John Snow was a well-known ______ in London in the ___ century. He wanted to find the ______ of cholera in order to ______ it. In 1854 when a cholera ______ out, he began to gather information. He ______ on a map where all the dead people had lived and he found that many people who had drunk the dirty water from the ______ died. So he decided that the polluted water carried cholera. He suggested that the _____ of all water supply be _______ and new methods of ________ with polluted water be found. Finally, “King Cholera” was defeated. doctor 19th cause defeat broke marked pump source examined dealing

24 Retell the passage according to below: John Snow was a well-known ____ in London in the ___ century. He wanted to find the ______ of cholera in order to ______ it. In 1854 when a cholera ____ out, he began to gather information. He _____ on a map where all the dead people had lived and he found that many people who had drunk the dirty water from the ______ died. So he decided that the polluted water carried cholera. He suggested that the _____ of all water supply be _______ and new methods of ________ with polluted water be found. Finally, “King Cholera” was defeated.

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