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CSCC40 tutorial 08 1 use cases...... are created based on identified functional requirements but are not mapped one-to-one to requirements... specify expected.

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Presentation on theme: "CSCC40 tutorial 08 1 use cases...... are created based on identified functional requirements but are not mapped one-to-one to requirements... specify expected."— Presentation transcript:

1 CSCC40 tutorial 08 1 use cases...... are created based on identified functional requirements but are not mapped one-to-one to requirements... specify expected behaviour [what] but not the exact methods of making it happen [how]... are named using a verb that describes the action that must be performed... but does not describe the actor (user) interface

2 CSCC40 tutorial 08 2 use cases can be...... business / domain use cases showing interaction between users and the business (domain)... system use cases showing interaction between users and the system note that one business use case contains a set of system use cases

3 CSCC40 tutorial 08 3 example high-level use case diagram showing business / domain use cases the course instructor has the following responsibilities managing topics within tutorials managing tutorial records/information/schedule managing TA information assigning tutorials to TAs TAs can manage their own information look at tutorial content look at the tutorial schedule students can only view the tutorial schedule

4 CSCC40 tutorial 08 4

5 CSCC40 tutorial 08 5 when an instructor manages the tutorial records by creating new tutorials modifying existing tutorials deleting existing tutorials updating the tutorial schedule validating tutorial information when changes are made example lower-level use case diagram showing breakdown of a business / domain use case

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7 CSCC40 tutorial 08 7 Use case : Manage tutorial information Participating Actors: Course Administrator Entry Conditions: Course Administrator is logged onto the system Exit Conditions: Course Administrator has received an acknowledgement from the system that the selected transaction is complete, or if not complete, a message explaining the failure. Quality Requirements: (Performance) Course Administrator receives a response from the system in less than 3 seconds. Related Requirements: Create, Modify, Delete Tutorial Typical from of events: 1: Course Administrator selects Create New Course..... 2. Course Administrator selects Modify Existing Course....

8 CSCC40 tutorial 08 8

9 CSCC40 tutorial 08 9 activity diagram

10 CSCC40 tutorial 08 10 use cases and activity diagrams

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12 CSCC40 tutorial 08 12

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