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CSE 3345 - Graphical User Interface Design & Implementation Jason Murphy Lecture 1 - Introduction.

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Presentation on theme: "CSE 3345 - Graphical User Interface Design & Implementation Jason Murphy Lecture 1 - Introduction."— Presentation transcript:

1 CSE 3345 - Graphical User Interface Design & Implementation Jason Murphy Lecture 1 - Introduction

2 Class Topics Meet the professor Explore class website Review class syllabus Discuss course overview Discuss course requirements Meet the students CSE 33452

3 About Me Jason Murphy Received B.S. in Computer Science from SMU in 2013 Received M.S. in Security Engineering from SMU in 2014 2341 TA for 5 semesters Taught 2 sections of 1342 last semester CSE 33453

4 About Me Contact Info – Office Location – Adjunct Office in CSE Department (Caruth Hall 4 th floor) Website – CSE 33454

5 Office Hours Wednesdays 1:00 – 2:30 PM Email – 24/7 Brief meetings before or after class Meetings by appointment on Campus Meetings by appointment on Skype CSE 33455

6 Course Website CSE 33456

7 Syllabus The syllabus is on the course websitesyllabus CSE 33457

8 Course Goals HTML – HTML Overview – Forms CSS – CSS Overview (Includes CSS3) – Box Model – Selectors – Point System/Specificity CSE 33458

9 Course Goals JavaScript – JavaScript Overview – Event handling – JSON – jQuery API – XML HTTP REQUEST CSE 33459

10 Course Goals Android – Android Overview – Declarative UI – Touch event handling – HTTP Requests User Interface and Design Principles – Planning – Design – Testing CSE 334510

11 Projects and Exams Collaborative team project with CSE 3330 Database Concepts Midterm (HTML, CSS, JavaScript / jQuery, Design) Final Project – Android application – Ignite presentation No final exam! CSE 334511

12 Grading Distribution Attendance and class participation – 5% Quizzes – 10% Homework and programming assignments – 20% Collaborative project – 30% Midterm – 15% Final project – 20% CSE 334512

13 Attendance Come to class! – Attendance is required and part of your final grade. Participation is essential – Don’t surf the web, play games, or text at inappropriate times Act like an adult CSE 334513

14 Academic Ethics Pillar of higher education: the work you produce should be your own. All work should be done independently unless stated otherwise by the instructor (including homework). Penalties may include but aren’t limited to – Grade of 0 on assignment – Grade of F in course – Referral to SMU Honor Council

15 Course Requirements Chrome Browser Eclipse IDE with Android SDK Lyle UNIX account – See help doc for more infohelp doc Access to the internet. – A large portion of the course reading will be online articles. Course Textbooks – Designing with the Mind in Mind by Jeff Johnson Designing with the Mind in Mind Free and available online (See course website) – CSS: The Definitive Guide by Eric A. Meyer CSS: The Definitive Guide by Eric A. Meyer CSE 334515

16 Course Expectations This class will be time consuming. This class is challenging. Often you’ll be thrown in the “deep end.” I’m getting paid to teach you GUI, not to make sure you have a social life. CSE 334516

17 Getting Help There is no TA There is no lab There is limited CSE Help Desk support for this course. CSE 334517

18 Questions? CSE 334518

19 About You What’s your name? What programming languages do you know? What’s your web experience? – HTML – CSS – JavaScript Have you done any Android or Qt development? Do you have any expectations for the course? CSE 334519

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