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Buddyzorg Nijmegen e.o. Personal assistance by volunteers of Buddycare Nijmegen and surroundings.

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Presentation on theme: "Buddyzorg Nijmegen e.o. Personal assistance by volunteers of Buddycare Nijmegen and surroundings."— Presentation transcript:

1 Buddyzorg Nijmegen e.o. Personal assistance by volunteers of Buddycare Nijmegen and surroundings

2 Voluntary assistance that is based on mutual solidarity and emotional involvement Relation between client and buddy essential Personal relationship the tool Meeting of 2 people who appreciate this meeting and choose for it Partners on equal terms Intensive personal assistance

3 Origins of Buddycare Since 1981: HIV/ Aids One- to- one support for people with HIV/Aids development from purely voluntary assistance to professional guided voluntary assistance Since 2000 Broadened to people with other diseases and disorders

4 Expansion to other forms of voluntary one-to- one support systems For people coming from another culture For youngsters without a proper social network For children who lack personal attention For people with a drug addiction Etc.

5 NIM Maatschappelijk Werk Voluntary projects: ‘Me and You’ ‘In contact’ ‘COIL’ ‘Neighbourhoods Mediation’

6 What is buddycare: Social-emotional assistance and support To individual clients with life-threatening or chronic diseases that have a significant impact on their life Also to clients with other disorders or problems for who buddycare is a appropriate solution Focused on strengthening their autonomy and personal power In line with their own questions and for a defined period

7 Our clients: People with HIV/Aids People with life-threatening diseases People with chronic diseases People psychiatric diseases People who are stuck in mourning Etc. Mostly complex problems on several areas

8 Buddycare is provided: By volunteers who fit to the requirements And who work from professional involvement with preservation of functional distance Buddy’s: Divers group of men and women from different backgrounds

9 Professional support structure Including: Recruitment and selection of buddy 's Intake with clients, to help to identify client's wishes and needs Basic training of buddy 's Matching of client and buddy Point of contact for questions and problems, for clients and buddy’s Monitor and evaluate the development of the buddy care Guidance of buddy’s in the form of supervision and training

10 The basics of buddyzorg: The theory of ‘Being Present’ : Being there and doing what has to be done It is about the relationship not about the solitions Engagement essential Not running away for pain, sorrow, the incorrigible Allowing the orther to be who he/she is Following everyday,ordinary life

11 Buddy Training : Knowledge of and insight in the practice of buddycare Insight in ones own motivation to become a buddy Knowledge of and insight in the theory of Being Present Awareness of the distinction between volunteer, friend, social worker Insight in empowerment strategies

12 Training(2) (Exercising) communication skills, Listening, summarizing, asking questions Giving and receiving feedback Communicating ‘bad news’ Dealing with limitations of buddycare Determined limits Flexible limits Dealing with loss and Mourning Theory of cooping mechanisms Exploration of ‘Do’s and Do not s’ What is helpful what is not ? What can be learned by own experiences of loss and mourning?

13 Dilemma's at buddycare Being ‘present’, easyer said than done Defined period of buddycare vs ‘Being Present Targeted care (according to the wishes of the client) vs ‘Being Present’ Distinction buddy, friend, social worker People who are hard to match but who are surely in need of buddyzorg

14 Custom-made practice All buddy’s are different, all clients are different There is no answer that is valid for all situations Buddycare is custom-made practice where is looked for the best possible option for both buddy and client

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