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High School Credit Flexibility Otsego Local Schools October 29,2009 Jason Smith WCESC School Improvement Consultant Serving Otsego and Lake Local Schools.

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Presentation on theme: "High School Credit Flexibility Otsego Local Schools October 29,2009 Jason Smith WCESC School Improvement Consultant Serving Otsego and Lake Local Schools."— Presentation transcript:

1 High School Credit Flexibility Otsego Local Schools October 29,2009 Jason Smith WCESC School Improvement Consultant Serving Otsego and Lake Local Schools 1867 N. Research Drive Bowling Green, Ohio 43402 419 354-9010, ext. 218

2 Check-in (from outside to inside the meeting) Reflect on anything that might limit your participation in this meeting. Something really on your mind Something great that happened to you that you need to share. Take 2 minutes to cross share with your elbow partner. Thank your partner for sharing and say “I’m in”

3 Meeting In Progress

4 Agenda Topics (session goals are to answer the following) 1. What is credit flexibility? 2. Why credit flexibility? 3. What is a district required to do? 4. What are the implications for your content area?

5 It is OK to feel some Trepidation Asked to sing? Oops!

6 First Basketball Practice or Game Who is on my team? What are the rules? Who will be helping me? How do I know I am doing what is required of me? I do not want to look like I do not know what to do!

7 Credit Flexibility Ohio Core, SB 311, etc. Require the state to develop a plan for students to earn high school credit based upon demonstration of subject area competency, instead of, or in combination with hours of instruction.

8 Credit Flexibility Plan Credit Flexibility Plan Moves away from the Carnegie unit as a measure of learning. The Carnegie unit was introduced at the beginning of the 20th century and is tied to the notion that the brain is a “pail we fill” during the required 120 hours of seat time. Moves away from the Carnegie unit as a measure of learning. The Carnegie unit was introduced at the beginning of the 20th century and is tied to the notion that the brain is a “pail we fill” during the required 120 hours of seat time.

9 Credit Flexibility Plan Elements  Credit is no longer tied to seat work  Applies to all students and is reflected on transcript like a traditional credit (cannot be noted as a flex credit - per OSBA webinar).  District plan must be in place operationally for students during the 2010/2011 school year.  Students and educators should Pre-identify and agree upon learning outcomes and how these will be measured against state standards.

10 Students Can Earn Credit By the Following  Completing coursework  Testing out or showing mastery of course content  Pursuing an educational option such as senior project, distance learning, postsecondary coursework, online coursework, service learning, research-based project, internship, study abroad.  Any combination of the above

11 Why Credit Flexibility? Credit flexibility is designed to: broaden the scope of curricular options available to students; increase the depth of study available for a particular subject and tailor the learning time or conditions needed (to shorten or lengthen the time necessary to complete a high school diploma and/or postsecondary degree).

12 Flexibility to meet…….. Increased expectations for HS graduation (4 years of math w/Algebra II and 3 years of science w/lab) in response to globalization, technology, demographics). Demand for 21st Century skills - especially creative and innovative thinking.

13 Benefits Related to Achievement Students have access to more learning resources/experiences. Learning can be customized. Learning is evaluated using multiple measures.

14 What is a District Required to Do? SB 311 requires all boards of education to comply with the provisions of the State Board’s credit flexibility plan by adopting local board policy (RC 3313.603(J)). Full implementation of the board policy must be reached by the start of the 2010-11 school year.

15 Board Policy (IGBM ) The board policy is the “what” and “why”. The board policy should identify that the district is implementing a credit flexibility plan in accordance with State law and should direct an appropriate district administrator(s) to develop and implement the credit flexibility plan.

16 Board Regulation (IGBM-R) The board approved regulation is the “how”. The board regulation should identify what needs to happen in order to implement the policy (how is credit flexibility going to work?; what does the administration need to do?). The sample IGBM-R includes the 11 requirements of credit flexibility plans as set forth in the State Board of Education’s credit flexibility plan.

17 File: IGBM-R CREDIT FLEXIBILITY In accordance with State law, the District’s plan for credit flexibility must: 1.identify the multiple methods of communication and frequency of each method the District will use to communicate the aspects of the credit flexibility policy and plan to students and parents on an on-going basis; 2.allow for demonstrated proficiency options on an on-going basis; 3.allow for graded options for demonstrated proficiency; 4.allow demonstration of proficiency to count towards course requirements for graduation; 5.determine credit equivalency for a Carnegie unit; 6.prohibit capping or limiting the number of courses or credits earned through credit flexibility; 7.allow for both simultaneous credit and/or partial credit to be earned; 8.not prohibit access to online education, postsecondary options or services from another district, as approved by the Board; 9.allow, if so desired, for the acceptance of credit from other districts and educational providers; 10.establish provisions for instances when students do not or cannot complete requirements and 11.establish a review process and submit data to the Ohio Department of Education about the methods and frequency of communication with students and parents.

18 Give one-Get one Read over the list of “musts” in the Ohio credit flex regulation (IGBM-R) On an index card, write down one idea, concern, or other item of note. When directed, get up and find a partner at a different table and not in your department. Take turns sharing and paraphrasing your thoughts. High five and thank your partner and return to your seat.

19 Developing a Credit Flexibility Plan ODE and OSBA developed a list of guidance questions to assist districts in crafting their respective credit flexibility plans. A district’s credit flexibility plan must address the 11 key elements of credit flexibility as outlined in the board regulation.

20 Top 10 Guidance Questions: 1.How, when and where will students have the opportunity to earn high school credit? 2.How will the district’s credit flexibility plan provide students opportunities to earn a high school diploma? 3.How will the district’s credit flexibility plan align with and support the State’s Academic and Technical Content Standards? 4.What do students and parents need to know?

21 Top 10 Guidance Questions: 5. How will the district’s credit flexibility plan help to qualify students to be admitted to college or contribute to a student’s career readiness? 6. How will the district’s credit flexibility plan assist students in earning credit for technical training and career readiness? 7. Who will be authorized to grant credit based on the district’s credit flexibility options? 8. How will the district communicate aspects of the policy and plan?

22 Top 10 Guidance Questions: 9. What questions do district administrators need to answer before drafting, approving and implementing the district’s credit flexibility plan? 10. Who needs to be involved in developing the district’s credit flexibility plan?

23 Policy must be in place Policy requirements are permissive and flexible ODE will recognize capacity limitations in the first year. The community and individual parents may or may not recognize these limitations Additional guidance expected in January, 2010. No guidance yet on who pays for courses etc. but I was told it should not be a net drain on the district funding (cost cannot be more than the district takes in). This is a gray area. The process for this option needs to be in place and articulated to all students. Credit Flexibility in 2010/2011

24 Your Task Today Use the template to begin planning a transition for your department. Complete the template and return it at the end of the delay. Reminder- use post-its to place questions in the issue bin. Bin remains open until the end of the delay. After that please email me any questions that arise.

25 Remember! Blessed are the flexible for they will never be bent out of shape. Blessed are the flexible for they will never be bent out of shape.

26 Credit Flexibility Resources: ODE Web Site l.aspx?Page=3&TopicRelationID=1427&Content=71904 l.aspx?Page=3&TopicRelationID=1427&Content=71904 OSBA Policy Services Division Call us today to request a copy of the sample credit flexibility policy and regulation, (614) 540-4000.

27 Contacts: Greta Gardner, Donna Williams and Jessica Spears OSBA Policy Division (614) 540-4000 Sarah Luchs Director, Office of Middle and High School Transformation Ohio Department of Education (614) 387-0960

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