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Town Hall Meeting – May 25, 2011 Special Olympics World Summer Games ATHENS 2011 SUMMARY.

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Presentation on theme: "Town Hall Meeting – May 25, 2011 Special Olympics World Summer Games ATHENS 2011 SUMMARY."— Presentation transcript:

1 Town Hall Meeting – May 25, 2011 Special Olympics World Summer Games ATHENS 2011 SUMMARY

2 Thank You!

3 World Summer Games Overview 2011 Games2007 Games2003 Game1999 Games Total # of Delegations168164158149 Athletes6,2616,8505,3486,279 Unified Partners286248234337 Head Coaches and Coaches2,0862,2021,6872,440 AS-Staff333329244NA HOD168164174NA A-HOD182175131NA MATP49161141NA Young Athletes31NA Totals9,39610,1297,9599,056

4 Comparing the Olympics/Paralympics 2004 Olympics - Athens # Athletes 10,625 # Countries 201 # Sports 31 Budget8.9 Billion Euro 2011 Special Olympics Athens # Athletes6,261 # Countries168 # Sports23 Budget68 Million Euro 2004 Paralympics # Athletes 4,000 # Countries 135 #Sports18 # Medals Presented 1,416

5 Report from the Coalition for Acceptance

6 Walking first in the Opening Ceremony

7 Sharing cultures Meeting special guests Sharing experiences

8 Bowling with Mattel Playing Unified Sports Visiting the Acropolis Presenting at the Hellenic Parliament

9 Wear the Laces Interviewing Athletes Youth Empowerment Breakfast

10 Global Youth Rally Cultural Celebration Healthy Athletes Venue Tour New Leadership

11 Open Water Swim - They Are All Winners! Open Water Swimming Start Cayman Islands swimmer Andrew Smilley Cornelia Fowler of South Africa

12 Honored Guest Program 1,485 Honored Guests Attended the World Games 886 Primary Guests More than 60 Special Events and Activities for Honored Guests Launched New Engagement Opportunities Implemented New SOI Guest Management Structure

13 MVP Fans MVP FANS ATTENDANCE Total InvitedTotal AcceptedPrimary Guests% Positive Response 244073056023% Regional Distribution AfricaAsia PacificEast AsiaEurope EurasiaLatin America Middle East North AfricaNorth America 2.5%19%4.5%32%9%2%31% Guest Categories Board Donors SupportersCelebritiesGovernmentAthlete LeadersSport Bodies Program Volunteer 27%46%1%6%1%2%17% Guest Management % of Guests who Attended around Opening Ceremony % of Guests who Attended around Closing Ceremony % of Guests who Stayed for Entire Games 36%24%40%

14 All-Star Fans ALL-STAR FANS ATTENDANCE Total InvitedTotal AcceptedPrimary Guests% Positive Response 160075532620% Regional Distribution AfricaAsia PacificEast AsiaEurope EurasiaLatin America Middle East North AfricaNorth America 4%10%12%25%6%1%42% Guest Categories Board Donors SupportersCelebritiesGovernmentAthlete Leaders Research & PolicySport Bodies 10%41%10%13%5%12%6% Fans & FundsSportsUnify 29%25%45% Guest Management % of Guests who Attended around Opening Ceremony % of Guests who Attended around Closing Ceremony % of Guests who Stayed for Entire Games % of Guests who had SOI Dedicated Vehicle 79%24%11%39% % of Guests who stayed at Main Guest Hotel (Hilton) % of Primary Guests who brought additional guests % of Guests who Received Sponsored Air % of Guests who Received Sponsored Hotel 67%54%10.5%25% Avg Primary Guests per on-site RMAvg Total Guests per on-site RM Avg Primary Guests per Guest Coordinator 4.911.462

15 Fans from Around the World! Dikembe Mutombo and Vlade Divac Mario Ancic and Boris Becker…! His All Holiness Bartholomew IUnicef Director Anthony Lake Zhang Ziyi, Stevie Wonder and Vanessa Williams Adriana Behar and Romario Hussein Fahmy First Ladies of PolandMinister of Timor Leste Dr. Jill Biden

16 Unique Engagement Opportunities Special Olympics Conversation Series 320 Guests engaged in morning discussions Recommendations for actions delivered to the SOI Board Unity Sports Events 196 Guests Participated in 24 Unity Sports Events $127,783 Raised to date through online fundraising to support the movement…and growing!

17 After-Action and Follow-up MVP Fans Survey All-Star Fans Survey Relationship Managers internal Survey Gifts and Thank-You Letters going out to all All-Star Fans Continuation of monthly Guest Management Meetings …and on to the next World Games…. ….2013 SOWWG List Development beginning! Save the date letters going out in the Fall

18 Communications 890 accredited press Daily tip sheets, releases, advisories; several major press conferences April – July: +15,000 global news articles Video by host broadcaster on +10 global networks to millions of viewers In hours after OC sent +20 customized video packages to global media for additional broadcast news TODAY Show, SO Team USA on July 4 th : National Viewership: 4,457,429; National Publicity Value $690,901 CNN – June 14 th : National Viewership: 1,885,697 National Publicity Value $122,570 July 4 th : National Viewership: 534,568 National Publicity Value $34,746

19 Communications Sorted through estimated 20,000 photos 16 e-newsletters written & distributed Sent to +5000 people GMS Results posted on website for first time First World Games to fully integrate social media: Facebook: +25,000 new fans +20,000,000 post views Average 500 tweets/day + 500% increase in blog mentions according to Nielson data Google Trends showed “Special Olympics” at it’s second highest search volume index in last 7 years

20 Athens 2011 Photos to Remember

21 Please Welcome Patrick McClenahan Chairman, LA Bid Committee 2015 Special Olympics World Games

22 Global Ambassador Announcement ~ Michael Phelps ~

23 HR – Staff Appreciation Day

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