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MIS 610: Seminar in Information Systems Management Yong Choi School of Business Administration CSU, Bakersfield.

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Presentation on theme: "MIS 610: Seminar in Information Systems Management Yong Choi School of Business Administration CSU, Bakersfield."— Presentation transcript:

1 MIS 610: Seminar in Information Systems Management Yong Choi School of Business Administration CSU, Bakersfield

2 Instructor Name: Yong Choi, PhD Office: BDC 142 Office Hours: on the class website Phone: (661) 654 - 6691 Email: No email checking during weekend… Turn on your computer NOW!

3 Change of Schedule Just witnessed organizational problem Communication and Leadership Original idea: online and hybrid only for summer based on the survey by previous director Try to be flexible as much as possible

4 Course Orientation Exactly same course orientation for today (Wed, June 16) and tomorrow (Th, June 17) Because the first two weeks will be online Quiz (ch 1 – 7: Monday, July 20 th ) Big data textbook summary (Wed, July 1 st ) If possible, MIS case discussion Ch 1 - 4 : Monday, July 20 th

5 Textbook 1 Management Information Systems for the Information Age, 9th Edition By Haag and Cummings Irwin-McGraw Hill ISBN-13: 978-0073376851 Buy from the Internet store such as market place

6 Textbook 2 Big Data, Big Analytics: Emerging Business Intelligence and Analytic Trends for Today's Businesses By Minelli, Chambers, and Dhiraj ISBN: 978-1-118-14760-3 Wiley, 2013

7 Website for Course Tour of the course website NOW! You can download almost every class material from the course website….. Download and open introduction of course

8 Course Description Introductory level course of MIS for graduate students Designed for a student who has minimum computer-based MIS background. Learn-by-doing Just like “Math” Technical MIS knowledge cannot be learned by reading The course consists of six modules

9 Six Modules Individual Quiz Big Data Summary and Paper Database Development Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Group Case Discussion E-Commerce Project

10 Quiz Module Individual activity Total 13 chapters: Chap 1 – 9 and Extended Learning Module A, B, E, and H Chapters 1 - 7 are due by Monday, July 20 Chapters 7 - 9, and XML A, B, E, and H are due by Thursday, August 6 Taking through the textbook website (have a tour now!). Also, lecture PPT and other materials

11 Big Data Module Individual activity Summary of the textbook: two pages Due by: Wednesday, July 1 Big data paper: seven pages Actual body of paper: five pages (w/o cover and reference pages) Due by: Thursday, Aug 6

12 Database Module 1 Individual Activity Introduce concepts of the relational database systems. Relational model, Entity-relationship diagram, SQL, reverse engineering, etc Relational DB: focal point of information age and straight forward field ( Based on Mathematics) Fundamental of DB has not been changed much But DB sizes and tools have been changed

13 Database Module 2 In-class lecture with a lot of hands-on because it is a summer course in the evening. Assignments and a take-home exam will be given Data modeling knowledge needs to be used for the EC project

14 GIS Module Individual activity Online lecture with lots of hands-on activities Primary tool: ArcGIS Desktop 10.0 Developing digital map Very wide implication in business Feasibility study of High Speed Rail Road Syetm Due by: Thursday, August 6

15 Tour of Blackboard (BB) 1 Enrollment option: “SELF-ENROLL” First time? Try the link on the website “How to enroll to your course” (Look for "Self-Enroll“ section)How to enroll to your course First time using BB: try tutorials on the CSUB Blackboard website

16 Tour of Blackboard (BB) 2 Let’s enroll now You must know your “Net ID” Access Code: “None” Not allowed enroll after June 30 th

17 MIS Case Study Module Group activity Thru the Blackboard discussion board Your group BB discussion board (already created) Chapters 1, 2, 3, and 4 case discussions are due by Monday, July 20 Chapters 5, 6, 7, and 8 case discussions are due by Thursday, August 6

18 E-Commerce Module Group activity In-class lecture with practical hands-on activities What to submit Proposal (using Microsoft Word) Data Model (using and Microsoft Word) Website (compress (or zip) the website folder for submission Due by Thursday, August 6

19 Submission 1 Whatever you are required to submit, You must submit it through BB. Otherwise, it will not be accepted. If you’d like to avoid any type of possible technical problems, please use PCs in the school computer lab (Grad Lab)

20 Submission 2 When you submit a file (i.e., assignment), you MUST CLOSE Microsoft office application (i.e., Access) COMPLETELY. Otherwise, ONLY title of you file will be accepted and processed without including actual contents of your file.

21 Submission 3 And if you need to submit several files, you must submit all files together at once. That is, you must "UPLOAD" all the assignment files together at once. When you turn in the assignment, the file name must make sense. JohnDoe_assignment_3.doc ECprjt_1_group_3

22 Evaluation and Grading Points scales are subject to change Quiz (13 chapters, each 3 points)39 points Case Discussion40 points Big Data 60 points Database50-70 points E-Commerce50 points GIS Development 50 points ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Possible Total289-309 points

23 Group Module (MIS cases and EC project) No participation, No credit That is the bottom line Grading based on quality of your job Graduate student level of quality Your grade will be adjusted based on “Peer Evaluation Form” at the end of quarter

24 Form a Group Already formed based on alphabetical order of your last name and your group info. available on the website Minimum of 2 members Maximum of 3 members Email to your group members Any conflict or problem? let me know right away!

25 Course Guideline 1 Any Work Turned In must be neatly done and should conform to the following specifications. Use complete sentences - Little bit of grammatical mistakes are OK. But no misspelled words. Neatness and organized appearances do count. MUST be machine-typed. Multiple pages (more than two) MUST be stapled together. Otherwise, your work will not be accepted. All work MUST be done on 8.5" x 11" paper.

26 Course Guideline 2 Late work Will be penalized (25% each day late) The BB submission link will be disappeared. Thus, it must be turned in by email (as attachment) Failure to take a quiz by the due date will result in a grade of 0. Participating case discussion after the due date will result in a grade of 0.

27 Course Guideline 3 Office hours You must be able to demonstrate you have already put a reasonable effort into solving and/or analyzing the problems. Please do not try to use office hours to make up for a missed class (I do not repeat any lectures). Honor code Classroom conduct: e veryone is equal.

28 No Interference Surfing the web, typing, texting, talking and any other interferences If you have any question, let your instructor know. Up to 30 % of your total score can be deducted depending on the level of interference.

29 Any Question?

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