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CS1104: Computer Organisation Welcome (AY2006/7 Semester 2)

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Presentation on theme: "CS1104: Computer Organisation Welcome (AY2006/7 Semester 2)"— Presentation transcript:

1 CS1104: Computer Organisation Welcome (AY2006/7 Semester 2)

2 2 STAFF  Lecturers:  (Part 1) Mr. Aaron Tan Tuck Choy S16, #06-16  (Part 2) Dr Tulika Mitra S16, #06-12  Tutors and Lab TAs –To be updated.

3 3 SCHEDULES  Lectures: Monday 11am – 12nn, LT 25. Wednesday 12nn – 2pm, LT 25.  Tutorials: 11 hours 1 hour/week from week 3.  Laboratory sessions: 11 hours 1 hour/week from week 3.  Refer to schedules on course website.

4 4 COURSE DESCRIPTION  This is a first module in digital systems and computer organisation.  The aim of this module is to familiarise students with the fundamental building blocks of digital computers.  Students learn to specify and design small and medium-sized digital circuits using systematic design procedure, and the basic building blocks of a computer system.  This module covers  The basic building blocks and design methods used in the construction of synchronous digital systems  A variety of representations of digital systems, such as truth tables, logic gates, timing diagrams, state diagrams, etc.  Basic organisation and von Neumann model.  Overview of assembly language programming.

5 5 SYLLABUS OUTLINE  Part I  Number systems and information coding  Boolean Algebra & Function Simplification  Combinational Circuits  Performance/Benchmarking  Part II  Basic processor organisation  I/O Devices and Buses  Control- and data-path  Instruction set and Assembly Language  Pipelining  Memory organisation and hierarchy

6 6 RECOMMENDED TEXTS  Main texts: (For Part 1) Digital Logic Design by Aaron Tan, McGraw-Hill. (For Part 2) Computer Organization & Design by David A. Patterson and John L. Hennessy, 3rd ed, Morgan Kaufmann.

7 7 ASSESSMENTS Tentative  Final Exam: 50%  Term test 1: 15% (tentative)  Term test 2: 15% (tentative)  Lab Assignments: 10% (tentative)  Tutorial Assignments: 10% (tentative)

8 8 COURSE WEBSITE  More details at

9 9 POLICIES (1/4)  Communication: e-mail, IVLE and website. Check these out regularly.  E-mail:  For urgent matters.  Official e-mail address: or  No outside addresses like yahoo, hotmail, etc.  IVLE ( Discussion and announcements.  Course website: Course information, updates and announcements.

10 10 POLICIES (2/4)  Notes and handouts  Download from course website.  Additional handouts may be distributed in class.  Attendance  No unofficial swapping of class.  Absentism  Submit MC or reason (endorsed by recognized authority) to your tutor for record.

11 11 POLICIES (3/4)  Switching of class.  You are to stick to your allocated group.  To make up for a missed class (with valid reason), please inform your tutor.  Late Submission.  Deadline of assignments must be strictly adhered to.  Plagiarism.  Penalty: zero mark, name will be submitted to undergraduates office.

12 12 POLICIES (4/4)  Preparation for classes.  Tutorials – prepare answers to present in class.  Labs – prepare diagrams and fill in lab reports before lab. Be serious and assume responsibility for your learning.

13 13 ANNOUNCEMENTS  On-line tutorial registration – please check out  Course begins from Chapter 2: Number Systems and Codes.  Tutorials and labs start on week 3.

14 14 LOGIC TRAINER (1/4)

15 15 LOGIC TRAINER (2/4)

16 16 LOGIC TRAINER (3/4) A common group +5V The other 19 points are connected to +5V

17 17 LOGIC TRAINER (4/4)... A common group 74LS00 A chip

18 18 LAB PREPARATION Video –Visit IVLE –Click on “Multimedia Webcast”  “Media”  “CS1104 Lab” Demo lab (Lab #0) –22 nd January 2007. –Venues: Micro-lab and Logic lab, located on S16 level 7. –According to your lab timing.

19 19 End of file

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