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Computer Engineering Department Registration Process FALL 2012-2013 Dr. Cem Ergün.

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Presentation on theme: "Computer Engineering Department Registration Process FALL 2012-2013 Dr. Cem Ergün."— Presentation transcript:

1 Computer Engineering Department Registration Process FALL 2012-2013 Dr. Cem Ergün

2 Computer Engineering Department Outline 1.Registration Process 2.Questions???

3 Computer Engineering Department Registration Process There are two types of registration: 1.Online Registration ( 11 Jul. 2012-11 Sep. 20 12 ) 2.Desktop Registration ( 12 Sep 2011-14 Sep 20 12 ) Last Day of Late Registration: 24 th of Sep. 2012 Last Day Add & Drop: 1 st of October 2012

4 Computer Engineering Department 1. Online Registration Process Students register themselves from ! Students have to see their advisors in order to confirm their online registration till 14 th of Sept. 2012 ! If online registration is not confirmed till 14 th of Sept. 2012, then the registration will be treated as a late registation starting from 17 th of Sept. 2012 Do not forget to CONFIRM all COURSES of your Student until 14 th of Sept. if he/she came to see you

5 Computer Engineering Department 2. Desktop Registration Process The advisor should inform the student about the following steps of registration: (listed in the announcement board) 1. Go to BANK for deposit tuition fee. 2. If the student’s access is not done automatically: He/She should go to the Registrar’s Office

6 Computer Engineering Department Desktop Registration Process (Cont..) 3. When a student comes back to his advisor, the advisor starts registering courses for him. Ask all students to fill the new information form AND ask the new students to bring a photo Do not forget to CONFIRM all COURSES of your Student until 14 th of September  Students can see their time tables from

7 Computer Engineering Department Advisors should submit:  information sheets of students,  list of the students who have taken additional courses,  List of the students who are expected to graduate at the end of FALL 20 12-2013 Till 5 October 2012, 3.30 p.m. Remember

8 Computer Engineering Department Now if you have done this for all of your students, you can say that you have finished Registration.

9 Computer Engineering Department Registration Guideline  All graduating students with up to 7 credited courses left, may register all courses unless they have a warning or on-probation.  Normal load is 5 credited courses.  In case of warning, normal course load may be decreased by at most two courses.  All students may register for one additional course If:  Students have CGPA ≥ 3.00 or  Students have been Honour or High Honour in the previous semester (Note: GPA in Summer session is not considered)

10 Computer Engineering Department Registration Guideline Academic Warning for Students Registered Before 2007-2008 A student receives an Academic Warning if in a given semester he/she obtains a CGPA lower than the required minimum semester CGPA limit. The CGPA limits are: At the end of the second academic term1.15 At the end of the third academic term1.35 At the end of the fourth academic term1.55 At the end of the fifth academic term1.7 At the end of the sixth academic term1.8 At the end of the seventh academic term1.9 A student who receives an academic warning will remain on probation until his/her CGPA is raised to the limits stated above.

11 Computer Engineering Department Registration Guideline Academic Warning for Students Registered Before 2007-2008 Academic Term: The current academic term of a student is determined by the cumulative credited courses he/she registered to during his/her whole period of studies at EMU. The total course load is distributed over eight academic terms, and four academic years. In other words, the semester of a student is determined by the number of courses taken, not the number of courses passed. First Academic Warning Student may register for a maximum of two new courses. The students with Second, Third,... Academic Warning cannot register for any new course. The students with Fourth Academic Warning are dismissed from the program. In this case, the student may transfer to another faculty (with the same tuition fees) or may continue his education in the same program with new student registration fees.

12 Computer Engineering Department Registration Guideline Actual Academic Semester Satisfactory Progress On ProbationUnsatisfactory Compulsory Transfer/DISMISS 24.00≥CGPA≥2.002.00>CGPA≥1.501.50>CGPA≥1.001.00>CGPA≥0.00 ----- 34.00≥CGPA≥2.002.00>CGPA≥1.501.50>CGPA≥1.001.00>CGPA≥0.00 ----- 44.00≥CGPA≥2.002.00>CGPA≥1.501.50>CGPA≥1.001.00>CGPA≥0.00 ***1.00>CGPA≥0.00 54.00≥CGPA≥2.002.00>CGPA≥1.801.80>CGPA≥1.501.50>CGPA≥0.00 ***1.00>CGPA≥0.00 64.00≥CGPA≥2.002.00>CGPA≥1.801.80>CGPA≥1.501.50>CGPA≥0.00 ***1.00>CGPA≥0.00 74.00≥CGPA≥2.002.00>CGPA≥1.801.80>CGPA≥1.501.50>CGPA≥0.00 ***1.00>CGPA≥0.00 84.00≥CGPA≥2.00-----2.00>CGPA≥1.801.80>CGPA≥0.00 ***1.00>CGPA≥0.00 NEW CURRICULUM: 257XX For a student registered in and after 2007-2008 her/his status Satisfactory/On-Probation/Unsatisfactory Status is based on the following table: Actual Academic Term refers to the number of semesters that a student has registered so far. (except for the English Preparatory School and summer semesters) On Probation status: Student can register to a maximum of two new courses Unsatisfactory status: Student cannot register to any new course. ***Compulsory Transfer/DISMISS: Students who completed a minimum of 4 academic semesters (if the fourth semester is Spring Semester, then at the end of the Summer School) and who have a CGPA below 1.00 are dismissed from the program. In case of Compulsory Transfer/DISMISS, the student may transfer to another faculty (with the same tuition fees) or may continue his education in the same program with new student registration fees.

13 Computer Engineering Department  E E E EXAMPLE Compulsory Transfer/ Dissmiss for NEWEST CURRICULUM: (257XX)

14 Registration Guideline Courses must be taken in the following order: 1. Courses with previous grades: NG, F, D-,U,W Considered as a new course. 2. Courses from previous academic semester 3. Courses from current academic semester 4. Other appropriate courses Use the ”order by registration priority“ option of the program

15 Computer Engineering Department Registration Guideline(Very Important!!! ) Do not trust the online registration done by the student. Do not trust the online registration done by the student. o Since online registration starts before letter grades are finalized, , pre-request rules are not satisfied  Following mistakes can occur as;  Student can register a course(s) without satisfying pre-request rule  Student may have new courses whether on- probation or unsatisfactory status Please follow the order given in the previous slide. Please follow the order given in the previous slide. Crosscheck “Warning” while confirming. Crosscheck “Warning” while confirming.


17 Computer Engineering Department OLD COURSE CODE 251XX NEW COURSE CODE 254XX /257XX CMPE102CMPE112 CMPE212CMPE211 CMPE218CMPE318 CMPE241CMPE242 CMPE325CMPE324 CMPE326/CMPE328CMPE323 CMPE472CMPE471 EE220EENG225 EE240CMPE226 MATH201MATH241

18 Computer Engineering Department Courses that can be taken under each UE course listed below R.CodeCrs.CodeCourse NameLect.Lab/TutCr.ECTS 25777UE- 02 Restricted Elective - Ethics3134 1. IENG355 Ethics in Engineering - (3.0,0) 3 English 2. PHIL401 ETHICS IN PROFESSIONAL LIFE (3.0,0) 3 English R.CodeCrs.CodeCourse NameLect.Lab/TutCr.ECTS 25745 BIOL 124 (*) Introduction to Molecular Biology & Genetics (*) -313 Courses that can be taken under each BIOL 124 from alternative course selection Faculty of Art and Sciences currently offered 1 BIOL124 Introduction to Molecular Biology and Genetics (3.0,0) 3 English 1 BIOL119 Ecology and Environment - (3.0,0) 3 English 1 BIOL105 Biological Bases of Behavior (3.0,0) 3 English currently offered 2 CHEM 101 General Chemistry - (4,0,0) 4 English 3 SCI 222 Science, Technology and Society - (3.0,0) 3 English 3 SCIE 130 Science (3.0,0) 3 English

19 Computer Engineering Department Courses that can be taken under each UE course listed below 1.IENG420 Engineering in Economy - (3.0,0) 3 English 2.IENG 450 Industrial Management - (3.0,0) 3 English 3.ECON 101 Introduction to Economics - (3.0,0) 3 English 4.MGMT201 Principles of Management (3.0,0) 3 English 5.ACCT201 Principles of Accounting I (3,0,0)3 English 6.ECON333 Construction Economics (3,0,0)3 English 7.FINA202 Introduction to Banking and Finance (3,0,0)3 English 8.FINA302 Money and Banking (3,0,0)3 English R.CodeCrs.CodeCourse NameLectLab/TutCr.ECTS 25784UE-04 Restricted Elective- ECON/MGMT/FIN/BANK/ACCT3135

20 Computer Engineering Department Courses that can be taken under UE –AH 02/03 R.CodeCrs.CodeCourse NameLect.Lab/TutCr.ECTS 25765UE- 01Uni. Elective- Arts & Humanities II3134 25783UE- 03Uni. Elective- Arts & Humanities III3134  Check the list in your envelopes  According to ABET requirements Language Courses Any course belongs technical category Must not be given

21 Computer Engineering Department Summer Training

22 Computer Engineering Department Graduation Project (Old/New Program Students)  CMPE401- CMPE 403/404 - CMPE 40 5 /40 6  Before registering please ask students to fill the corresponding CMPE Grad. Proj. form and get an approval from related project supervisor.  Ask the student to visit the following web-site for the departmental rules for Graduation Project:  Please follow the numbers indicated in the ‘Graduation Project Load’ table given to you.

23 Computer Engineering Department TE (Technical Electives) AE-0X or OEC-0X Area A Area B Area C CMPE-414 Modern Programming Platforms CMPE-416 Object-Oriented Programming and Graphical User Interfaces CMSE-322 Software Design CMSE-323 Human/Computer Interaction CMPE-445 Internet Architecture and Protocols CMPE-474 Performance Analysis of Computer Systems and Network CMPE-415 Visual Programming CMPE-424 Digital Signal Processing Area A: Programming and Soft ComputingArea A: Programming and Soft Computing Area B: Networking and Embedded SystemsArea B: Networking and Embedded Systems

24 Computer Engineering Department HELP Students Academic Issues Technical Academic Issues İmren Toprak – 1626Cem Ergün– 1189 STUDENTSSTUDENTSADVISORSADVISORS H. Mear - 1197 ADVISORSADVISORS Hardware Maintenance

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